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  • 原创 2019-06-02
  • 品职教研团队















This led the company to omit Plan contributions and nowthe Plan is just fully funded with no surplus.

The average annual return on the plan’s asset portfolio since inception has been 4.8%. The portfolio is well-diversified across asset classes and has low return correlation with the broad equity market. 

Saylor uses a discount rate of 4.5% to compute its pension benefit obligation. The expected inflation rate is 1.5%. Saylor’s debt-to-assets ratio is 0.42 comparedto the industry average of 0.40.

State the minimum return requirement of the Plan. Explain your response.


The minimum return requirement is the rate that equates the present value of the Plan’s liabilities with the value of the Plan’s assets. This rate is the discount rate, 4.5%.

The explanation as to why this is the minimum return requirement is that the Plan is exactly fully funded. If the Plan’s assets earn a return equal to the discount rate used to compute the present value of itsliabilities, then Plan assets should be exactly sufficient to pay for the liabilities as they come due.


按照题干描述,当前的养老金是Fully-funded的状态。对于Fully-funded的Pension plan,在求其Return requirement时,有结论:Required return = Discount rate,即资产的要求回报率等于负债的折现率,这也是原版书上给定的结论。

按照本题信息,养老金负债的折现率是4.5%,同时养老金是Fully-funded的,所以养老金资产的Required return为4.5%。


有同学问到:题干里给定了预期通货膨胀率是1.5%,为什么在求资产的Return requirement时,不再加上这个1.5%的通胀率呢?

这是因为对于Pension liability的折现率,一般是用高质量债券的收益率YTM,所以这里的养老金负债折现率就是债券的收益率YTM。

而债券收益率YTM本身就是一个名义利率,里面是已经包括Inflation预期的。所以当Fully-funded时,Required return就直接可以等于Discount rate,里面已经考虑到Inflation了,如果题目再额外给Inflation数据,算Required return时也不要加。属于干扰信息。

或者可以换个角度理解:为什么当养老金是Fully-funded状态时,资产的要求回报率(Required return)等于负债的折现率Discount rate,而不再额外加Inflation呢?

对于Pension assets,其目标就是和负债匹配,如果当前时刻是Fully-funded的状态,说明资产现值大于等于负债现值,当前状态是匹配的。

例如当前时刻资产的现值等于负债的现值,预期负债增长的速度就是其Discount rate,每年以Discount rate向未来进行复利增长,那如果要保证资产负债在未来仍然匹配,就要保证资产的增长速度Required return也是等于这个Discount rate,也向未来以该增长率进行复利增长,这样就保证了资产的终值也是匹配负债终值的。

所以当Fully-funded时,资产的要求回报率就等于负债的折现率:Required return = discount rate。不需要再额外考虑通胀率了。



Saylor Guitars was established 25 years ago in the US.Today, the company employs a highly-skilled workforce to produce handmade guitars. Ten years ago, the company instituted a defined-benefit pension plan(the Plan). There is no provision for early retirement. The average age of the workforce is 35 years, and there are no current pension recipients.

Until last year, Saylor made annual contributions to the Plan and it had a surplus. However, the latest economic downturn reduced sales of Saylor’s premium-priced guitars, which resulted in lower profitability.

This led the company to omit Plan contributions and now the Plan is just fully funded with no surplus. Customer orders have begun to increase with an improvement in the overall economy. 

Based on past experience, the company is forecasting that it will return to its typical high profit levels in the next several months. Saylor also expects to resume its contributions to the Plan inthe first half of the upcoming year.

The average annual return on the Plan’s asset portfolio since inception has been 4.8%. The portfolio is well-diversified across asset classesand has low return correlation with the broad equity market. 

Saylor uses a discount rate of 4.5% to compute its pension benefit obligation. The expectedinflation rate is 1.5%. Saylor’s debt-to-assets ratio is 0.42 compared to the industry average of 0.40.



Saylor’s return on Plan assets has a low correlation with both the broad equity market and the company’s operating results because thecompany is cyclical. 

The low correlation between Saylor’s operating results andPlan asset returns allows for AA risk tolerance. The Plan can seek higher asset returns; there is low probability that unfavorable returns will coincide withpoor operating performance.






1.    Thereis no provision for early retirement。因为不允许员工提前退休,所以养老金负债的期限会较长,养老金的流动性需求较低,所以增加风险承受能力。

2.    The average age of the workforce is 35 years,当前员工的平均年龄较低,离退休较远,所以养老金的投资期较长,增加期风险承受能力。

3.    There are no current pension recipients.因为当前并没有员工退休开始接受养老金,所以养老金的流动性需求较低,可以投资较为长期的资产,增加其风险承受能力。

4.    Customer orders have begun to increase with an improvement in the overall economy. Based on past experience, the company is forecasting that it will return to itstypical high profit levels in the next several months. 公司经营预期变好,公司有能力缴纳更多的Contributions,因此增加养老金的风险承受能力。

5.    Saylor’s return on Plan assets has a low correlation with both the broad equity marketand the company’s operating results because the company is cyclical. 因为养老金资产的收益率与公司经营收益的Correlation较低,所以增加的养老金的风险承受能力。











这样的话,两者相关性很高,其实限制了养老金Take risk,因为一旦亏损,公司也没能力缴纳更多的资金。


总结下就是:养老金的投资收益与公司的Contribution都可以理解为养老金资产的“现金流流入”,会影响到资产的Asset base大小,进而影响到Asset cover liability的状态,所以为了降低养老金的风险,就需要降低这两种“现金流入”的相关性。



Edward Chen, CFA, a senior client adviser with PSA, ispreparing for meetings with individuals representing two new US-based clients,the Magyar Foundation (MF) and the Cheyenne Endowment (CYE).

After noting similarities and differences between CYE'sand MF's portfolios, I have reached the following conclusions:

Conclusion I: The spending policies of both portfoliosmust balance the needs of current and future beneficiaries.

MF是Foundation,CYE是Endowment,为什么Conclusion I说两者都需要平衡当前和未来的beneficiaries这点是错误的?


Conclusion I错在了使用Must 这个词。Endowment是一定需要balance the needs of current and future beneficiaries,所以可以说是Must,但是Foundation不一样。

关于需不需要Balance present and future beneficiaries,结论是:

1. Endowment是一定需要Balance当前以及未来利益的,因为Endowment的目的就是永续存在,永续支持项目、提供现金流,所以必须要平衡当前和未来间的利益。

2. Foundation,不一定需要Balance未来和当期利益,Foundation按存续期,一般可以分为两类,一类是永续存在的,因为目标是永续存在,所以这一类需要平衡短期利益和长期利益。第二类是在一定期限内到期的Foundation,也就是说在这个期限内Foundation钱花完结束,对于这一类Foundation,不需要平衡短期和长期利益。


Some foundations are meant to be short-lived;others are intended to operate in perpetuity.

An endowment manager must thus balance this objective of providing substantial resources to programs with the need toprovide a stable flow.


FoundationEndowment整体上十分相似,在学习时,基本是将两者放在一起学,但也不要忽略两者的一些不同点。如本题的Balance present and future beneficiaries是两者的一个重要不同点。



Ed Schlipp is a pension fund consultant. Clients includeApax Bakers, CarbX Corp, and DataComp. He works with all clients to link assetsand liabilities for their respective pension plans.  

Apax is a major supplier of bread to retailers andrestaurants. Apax generates all of its revenues in the U.S. and has been profitable in recent years. The outlook for future profitability of the companyis positive. 

Apax operates a defined benefit pension plan with 1 billion U.S.dollars (USD) in assets. Strong investment performance created a pension surplus of USD 95 million. The Apax pension plan has a growing ratio of inactive to active members and is now closed to new participants. Plan benefitsare not inflation indexed.

Identify three factors that affect Apax pension plan’s ability totake risk. Determine whether eachfactor increases or decreases the plan’s ability to take risk. Justify each response with one reason.



本题让列出三点影响Apax pension plan承担风险的因素,并且解释该因素是会降低养老金的风险承受能力,还是会增加养老金的风险承受能力,并且写出一点原因。这类题目的做法首先是通读全文。将影响风险承受能力的因素标注出,然后判断是增加还是降低,有时题目的影响因素很多,可以挑选出好写原因的几项即可。


1. The outlook for future profitability of the company ispositive. 预期公司未来的盈利能力是较好的,这种情况会增加养老金的风险承受能力,因为若养老金亏损,公司有能力向养老金补充更多Contribution。

2. Strong investment performance created a pensionsurplus of USD 95 million.养老金当前的状态是有95 million 的Surplus,即便养老金资产亏损掉这95million,养老金的状态仍然是Fully-funded,所以Surplus增加的养老金的风险承受能力。

3. The Apax pension plan has a growing ratio of inactiveto active members. 养老金中Inactive与Active的比例逐渐上升。这点是降低其风险承受能力的因素。Active member为仍在工作的员工,Inactive member为已退休员工,这个比例上升,意味着退休员工的占比在上升,这样会降低养老金投资的Time-horizon,并且对资产的流动性需求增加,所以会降低养老金的风险承受能力。

4. now closed to new participants. 该DB养老金不再向新人开放。这点也会降低养老金的风险承受能力。

5. Plan benefits are not inflation indexed. 由于养老金Payments不是Inflation-indexed,所以会增强养老金资产的风险承受能力。原因是向员工支付的退休金不随通胀调整,是一个恒定值,在通胀的环境下这种恒定退休金折算出来的Pension liability较小。


有同学问到:为什么禁止新员工加入DB plan会降低养老金的风险承受能力(closed to new participants)?如果禁止是否还影响流动性需求呢?

如果向新员工禁止DB plan是会影响流动性需求。

同时,这个Closed DB Pension Plan影响养老金风险承受能力的原因主要是从Time Horizon角度出发的。影响Risk Tolerance的因素很多,但是首要的因素就是Time Horizon。


那么Pension Fund是可以实现新老员工交替,更新下去的。对于一个更新的DB Fund,员工的退休分布包括是短期内退休,中期退休,长期退休,所以整体而言Fund的time horizon可以较长。所以其风险承受能力较强。

相反,如果Pension Fund向新员工关闭:

那么Fund的参与者不更新,只有以前固定的员工参与该养老金,随着时间的流逝,养老金参与者的年龄越来越大,退休人员越来越多、Inactive employees的占比越来越高,员工的退休分布会逐渐变成是短期内退休,中期内退休,而没有一个新老更迭,所以相比开放的养老金,这种养老金的Time-horizon会变短。于是其风险承受能力降低。

从Time Horizon的角度来讲,Pension Fund向新员工关闭会使得Risk Tolerance降低。

当然,也可以从其他角度来分析,Pension Fund向新员工关闭会使得Risk Tolerance降低:

这个停止更新的Fund,退休的人占比只会越来越多。所以向员工支付的退休金Pension payments会越来越多。同时由于没有新员工加入、没有公司为新员工缴纳的Contribution,那么更多的养老金支付来自于资产的变现,于是Fund的流动性需要也会增加。

因为流动性需求为:Pension Payment - DB Contribution



所以这也解释了第二点疑问:如果Pension Fund向新员工关闭,也可能会增加养老金的流动性需求。