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Archie · 2022年05月06日




A European call and European put option on a stock both cost USD 5 with a common strike price USD 30 and a common time to maturity of one year. The current stock price is USD 30. What arbitrage opportunities does this create? Assume no dividend is paid and the interest rate is positive.


From put-call parity, the excess of the call price over the put price is S - PV(K). In this case S = K = 30 and so S - PV(K) is positive. The call should be worth more than the put, but they are both worth the same. An arbitrageur should buy the call, sell the put, and short the stock.


1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2022年05月06日

同学你好,这都很明显的能看出来call的价格应该比put高了(目前都是5元),那肯定就是call 便宜了,就买call 卖put,根据put call parity,你把call put 和stock都移到一边就是C-P-S,你可以获得比K(无风险收益)更高的收益。