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Ethan · 2022年05月01日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Manager B’s portfolio is most likely consistent with the characteristics of a:



pure indexer.


sector rotator.


multi-factor manager.


C is correct. Most multi-factor products are diversified across factors and securities and typically have high active share but have reasonably low active risk (tracking error), often in the range of 3%. Most multi-factor products have a low concentration among securities in order to achieve a balanced exposure to risk factors and minimize idiosyncratic risks. Manager B holds a highly diversified portfolio that has balanced exposures to rewarded risk factors, a high active share, and a relatively low target active risk—consistent with the characteristics of a multi-factor manager.


3 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2022年05月08日


讲义185页If the factor exposure is fully neutralized , the active risk will be entirely attributed to Active Share。是否表示factor neutral是AS和AR都低?而且图上factor neutral和diversified factor都在左上1/4区域,不能说后者不是AR低AS高吧

同学对讲义185页If the factor exposure is fully neutralized , the active risk will be entirely attributed to Active Share。这句话的理解是不正确的。

这句话的意思,并不是表示factor neutral是AS和AR都低。这句话的意思是,active risk的来源是correlation和active share,factor exposure is fully neutralized,也就是说,因子中性了,correlation因素就不考虑了,那么active risk就只来自于factor内部的选股。比如说,portfolio的行业配置和笨馋一样,只是在行业内部的选股有所不同,这个时候,active risk就来自于行业内部选股的差异。比如benchmark中银行业是工商银行,portfolio中的银行业是建设银行。

If the factor exposure is fully neutralized , the active risk will be entirely attributed to Active Share这句话,讲的是active risk的来源,本身并不说明高和低。

而且图上factor neutral和diversified factor都在左上1/4区域,不能说后者不是AR低AS高吧

说高和低,需要有比较基准。factor neutral的active risk,比diversified factor bets低。即使同学认为两个都符合AR低,AS高,也要选一个最符合的。

很明显,factor neutral比diversified factor bets,更符合AR低,AS高这个标准。

更何况,同学漏了一个关键词,题目中说的balance exposures,diversified factor bets是bets,通过因子择时获利,并不符合balance exposures。


笛子_品职助教 · 2022年05月05日


factor neutral and diversified stock picks应该是AS和AR都低吧,按题目说AR低AS高的应该是图谱上面的diversified factor bets吧。那你说的那3各=关系就不对了吧?


B选项明确讲了是higly diversified portflio,并且是balanced exposures to 风险因子。

diversified factor bets,是指对factor进行挑选(bets),赌某些风险因子表现好。它做不到higly diversified portflio,也做不到balanced exposures

而且Active share高,active risk低,可以看出,factor neutral 既有高的active share,又有低的active risk。而diversified factor bet会有更高的active risk。也不满足题目说的AR低AS高。


笛子_品职助教 · 2022年05月01日




基础讲义186页。就是factor neutral and diversified stock picks。换个说法而已。

基础讲义191页也有。就是diversified multi factor investor

这几个名词是一回事,都是指分散化foctor,在factor 内部选股,有较高的active share和较低的active risk

multi-factor manager = diversified multi factor investor = factor neutral and diversified stock picks


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NO.PZ201809170400000603 问题如下 Ayanna Chen is a portfolio manager Aycrig Fun where she supervises assistant portfolio manager MorchGarciAycrig Funinvests money for high-net-worth aninstitutioninvestors. Chen asks Garcia to analyze certain information relating to Aycrig Funs three submanagers, Managers anC.Manager A h$250 million in assets unr management (AUM), active risk of 5%, information coefficient of 0.15, ana transfer coefficient of 0.40. Manager A’s portfolio ha 2.5% expecteactive return this year.Chen rects Garcia to termine the maximum position size thManager A cholin shares of Pasliant Corporation, whiha market capitalization of $3.0 billion, inx weight of 0.20%, anaverage ily trang volume (A) of 1% of its market capitalization.Manager A hthe following position size policonstraints:Allocation: No investment in any security mrepresent more th3% of totAUM.Liquity: No position size mrepresent more th10% of the llvalue of the security’s A.Inx weight: The maximum position weight must less thor equto 10 times the security’s weight in the inx.Manager B hol a highly versifieportfolio thhbalanceexposures to rewarrisk factors, high active share, ana relatively low active risk target.Selecteta on Manager C’s portfolio, whicontains three assets, is presentein Exhibit 1.Chen consirs aing a fourth sub-manager anevaluates three managers’ portfolios, Portfolios X, Y, anZ. The managers for Portfolios X, Y, anZ all have similcosts, fees, analpha skills, antheir factor exposures align with both Aycrig’s aninvestors’ expectations anconstraints. The portfolio factor exposures, risk contributions, anrisk characteristiare presentein Exhibits 2 an3.Chen anGarcia next scuss characteristiof long–short anlong-only investing. Garcia makes the following statements about investing with long–short anlong-only managers:Statement 1 A long–short portfolio allows for a gross exposure of 100%.Statement 2 A long-only portfolio generally allows for greater investment capacity thother approaches, particularly when using strategies thfocus on large-cstocks.Chen anGarcia then turn their attention to portfolio management approaches.Chen prefers approathemphasizes security-specific factors, engages in factor timing, antypically lea to portfolios thare generally more concentrateththose built using a systematic approach. Manager B’s portfolio is most likely consistent with the characteristiof A.pure inxer. B.sector rotator. C.multi-factor manager. C is correct. Most multi-factor procts are versifieacross factors ansecurities antypically have high active share but have reasonably low active risk (tracking error), often in the range of 3%. Most multi-factor procts have a low concentration among securities in orr to achieve a balanceexposure to risk factors anminimize iosyncratic risks. Manager B hol a highly versifieportfolio thhbalanceexposures to rewarrisk factors, a high active share, ana relatively low target active risk—consistent with the characteristiof a multi-factor manager. 书本上权重策略说了6种,是否可以按照已下归类Active risk 和Active share 都高concentratestopicks concentratefactor(也叫sector rotator)Active risk 低,active share 高versifiefactor(也叫multiple factor) neturfactor anversifestopicksAcitve riks 低,active share 低: closet inxing pure inxing另外,每一种策略是否有别名啊?

2024-06-28 13:34 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170400000603 问题如下 Manager B’s portfolio is most likely consistent with the characteristiof A.pure inxer. B.sector rotator. C.multi-factor manager. C is correct. Most multi-factor procts are versifieacross factors ansecurities antypically have high active share but have reasonably low active risk (tracking error), often in the range of 3%. Most multi-factor procts have a low concentration among securities in orr to achieve a balanceexposure to risk factors anminimize iosyncratic risks. Manager B hol a highly versifieportfolio thhbalanceexposures to rewarrisk factors, a high active share, ana relatively low target active risk—consistent with the characteristiof a multi-factor manager. 1)sector rotator是否是对应在top-wn strategy里面的sector aninstry rotation的策略呢?2)multi-factor manager.是否是对应在 active share章节图表中的versifiefactor bets?因为这个三种类型无法在课件【权重策略】里面对应上,我的理解是,sector rotator 和 multi-factor 都是偏主动的策略,但是sector rotator比起multi-factor来说,active risk会更高,因为multi-factor主要还是集中在几个factor上面,所以排除法只能选multi-factor。请问一下老师,这个思路有没有什么问题?

2024-02-02 19:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170400000603 问题如下 Manager B’s portfolio is most likely consistent with the characteristiof A.pure inxer. B.sector rotator. C.multi-factor manager. C is correct. Most multi-factor procts are versifieacross factors ansecurities antypically have high active share but have reasonably low active risk (tracking error), often in the range of 3%. Most multi-factor procts have a low concentration among securities in orr to achieve a balanceexposure to risk factors anminimize iosyncratic risks. Manager B hol a highly versifieportfolio thhbalanceexposures to rewarrisk factors, a high active share, ana relatively low target active risk—consistent with the characteristiof a multi-factor manager. 请问老师sector rotator 代表上图里面的哪一种?

2023-05-06 21:57 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170400000603 问题如下 Manager B’s portfolio is most likely consistent with the characteristiof A.pure inxer. B.sector rotator. C.multi-factor manager. C is correct. Most multi-factor procts are versifieacross factors ansecurities antypically have high active share but have reasonably low active risk (tracking error), often in the range of 3%. Most multi-factor procts have a low concentration among securities in orr to achieve a balanceexposure to risk factors anminimize iosyncratic risks. Manager B hol a highly versifieportfolio thhbalanceexposures to rewarrisk factors, a high active share, ana relatively low target active risk—consistent with the characteristiof a multi-factor manager. 什么情况下Active Risk高而Active Share是低的?

2023-04-30 14:01 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170400000603问题如下 Manager B’s portfolio is most likely consistent with the characteristiof A.pure inxer.B.sector rotator.C.multi-factor manager. C is correct. Most multi-factor procts are versifieacross factors ansecurities antypically have high active share but have reasonably low active risk (tracking error), often in the range of 3%. Most multi-factor procts have a low concentration among securities in orr to achieve a balanceexposure to risk factors anminimize iosyncratic risks. Manager B hol a highly versifieportfolio thhbalanceexposures to rewarrisk factors, a high active share, ana relatively low target active risk—consistent with the characteristiof a multi-factor manager. 如题

2022-12-26 15:13 1 · 回答