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ytong · 2022年04月18日


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The after-tax wealth in Kaminski’s tax-deferred account at the end of the five years will be closest to:


A.$1,122,041. B.$1,313,166. C.$1,402,552.


A is correct. The value of a tax-deferred account compounds using the pre tax returns and pays tax only when assets are withdrawn from the account. Kaminski withdraws the proceeds at the end of her five-year holding period.The value of the assets withdrawn from the tax-deferred account is calculated as follows:

FV = PV × (1 + R)n × (1 − t),

where R is the portfolio pretax return.

FV = $10,000,000 × (1 + 0.07)5 × (1 − 0.20).

FV = $1,122,041.38.


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2022年04月19日


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NO.PZ202109080300000107 问题如下 The after-twealth in Kaminski’s tax-ferreaccount the enof the five years will closest to: A.$1,122,041. B.$1,313,166. C.$1,402,552. A is correct. The value of a tax-ferreaccount compoun using the pre treturns anpays tonly when assets are withawn from the account. Kaminski withaws the procee the enof her five-yeholng perioThe value of the assets withawn from the tax-ferreaccount is calculatefollows:FV= PV × (1 + R)n × (1 − t), where R is the portfolio pretaxreturn.FV = $10,000,000 × (1 + 0.07)5× (1 − 0.20). FV = $1,122,041.38. 题干说了是T,按照课件,在 with的时候会收 ornary income t而不是 capitgain。为什么答案是用capitgain tax

2022-08-31 07:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202109080300000107问题如下 The after-twealth in Kaminski’s tax-ferreaccount the enof the five years will closest to: A.$1,122,041.B.$1,313,166.C.$1,402,552. A is correct. The value of a tax-ferreaccount compoun using the pre treturns anpays tonly when assets are withawn from the account. Kaminski withaws the procee the enof her five-yeholng perioThe value of the assets withawn from the tax-ferreaccount is calculatefollows:FV= PV × (1 + R)n × (1 − t), where R is the portfolio pretaxreturn.FV = $10,000,000 × (1 + 0.07)5× (1 − 0.20). FV = $1,122,041.38. T账户里的本金提取也要交capitgains tax吗?为什么这道题直接拿本息合计✖️税率?如果capitgain税率和income tax税率不同,这题怎么做?

2022-03-30 03:12 1 · 回答