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尚好的青春 · 2022年04月18日

statement3不适应衍生品是不是考虑了countpart risk?



Serena explains to Trey that the underlying duration-matching strategy is based on the following three assumptions.

1. Yield curve shifts in the future will be parallel.

2. Bond types and quality will closely match those of the liabilities.

3. The portfolio will be rebalanced by buying or selling bonds rather than using derivatives.

Serena’s three assumptions regarding the duration-matching strategy indicate the presence of:



model risk.


spread risk.


counterparty credit risk.


Correct Answer: A

A is correct. Serena believes that any shift in the yield curve will be parallel. Model risk arises whenever assumptions are made about future events and approximations are used to measure key parameters. The risk is that those assumptions turn out to be wrong and the approximations are inaccurate. A non-parallel yield curve shift could occur, resulting in a mismatch of the duration of the immunizing portfolio versus the liability.

  • 正常应该更习惯于用衍生品来rebalance不是吗?

1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2022年04月19日


衍生品是实现duration-matching策略的其中一种方法,用债券来match也是很常见的哦。题目中提到yield curve的预测是很明显模型相关风险,可以判断是选择A~


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  • 752


NO.PZ2018120301000017问题如下 Serenaexplains to Trey ththe unrlying ration-matching strategy is baseon thefollowing three assumptions.1. Yielcurve shifts in the future will beparallel. 2. Bontypes anquality will closely matchthose of the liabilities. 3. The portfolio will rebalancebuying orselling bon rather thusing rivatives. Serena’sthree assumptions regarng the ration-matching strategy incate thepresenof: A.mol risk.B.sprerisk.C.counterparty cret risk. CorreAnswer: is correct. Serena believes thany shift in the yielcurve will parallel. Mol risk arises whenever assumptions are ma about future events anapproximations are useto measure key parameters. The risk is ththose assumptions turn out to wrong anthe approximations are inaccurate. A non-parallel yielcurve shift couloccur, resulting in a mismatof the ration of the immunizing portfolio versus the liability. 平行移动是充分非必要条件。

2024-01-02 18:32 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018120301000017问题如下 Serenaexplains to Trey ththe unrlying ration-matching strategy is baseon thefollowing three assumptions.1. Yielcurve shifts in the future will beparallel. 2. Bontypes anquality will closely matchthose of the liabilities. 3. The portfolio will rebalancebuying orselling bon rather thusing rivatives. Serena’sthree assumptions regarng the ration-matching strategy incate thepresenof: A.mol risk.B.sprerisk.C.counterparty cret risk. CorreAnswer: is correct. Serena believes thany shift in the yielcurve will parallel. Mol risk arises whenever assumptions are ma about future events anapproximations are useto measure key parameters. The risk is ththose assumptions turn out to wrong anthe approximations are inaccurate. A non-parallel yielcurve shift couloccur, resulting in a mismatof the ration of the immunizing portfolio versus the liability. 没有明白为什么选A,mol risk体现在哪

2023-12-06 17:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018120301000017 问题如下 Serenaexplains to Trey ththe unrlying ration-matching strategy is baseon thefollowing three assumptions.1. Yielcurve shifts in the future will beparallel. 2. Bontypes anquality will closely matchthose of the liabilities. 3. The portfolio will rebalancebuying orselling bon rather thusing rivatives. Serena’sthree assumptions regarng the ration-matching strategy incate thepresenof: A.mol risk. B.sprerisk. C.counterparty cret risk. CorreAnswer: is correct. Serena believes thany shift in the yielcurve will parallel. Mol risk arises whenever assumptions are ma about future events anapproximations are useto measure key parameters. The risk is ththose assumptions turn out to wrong anthe approximations are inaccurate. A non-parallel yielcurve shift couloccur, resulting in a mismatof the ration of the immunizing portfolio versus the liability. 不是sprerisk就是asset liri变动不同步吗 感觉说的是这个啊

2023-06-17 15:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018120301000017 sprerisk. counterparty cret risk. CorreAnswer: A A is correct. Serena believes thany shift in the yielcurve will parallel. Mol risk arises whenever assumptions are ma about future events anapproximations are useto measure key parameters. The risk is ththose assumptions turn out to wrong anthe approximations are inaccurate. A non-parallel yielcurve shift couloccur, resulting in a mismatof the ration of the immunizing portfolio versus the liability. 为什么不选b,mol risk 和 sprerisk 区别可以详细一下吗?

2022-06-25 15:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018120301000017问题如下 Serenaexplains to Trey ththe unrlying ration-matching strategy is baseon thefollowing three assumptions.1. Yielcurve shifts in the future will beparallel. 2. Bontypes anquality will closely matchthose of the liabilities. 3. The portfolio will rebalancebuying orselling bon rather thusing rivatives. Serena’sthree assumptions regarng the ration-matching strategy incate thepresenof: A.mol risk.B.sprerisk.C.counterparty cret risk. CorreAnswer: is correct. Serena believes thany shift in the yielcurve will parallel. Mol risk arises whenever assumptions are ma about future events anapproximations are useto measure key parameters. The risk is ththose assumptions turn out to wrong anthe approximations are inaccurate. A non-parallel yielcurve shift couloccur, resulting in a mismatof the ration of the immunizing portfolio versus the liability. 如题,是属于liquity risk范畴不

2022-05-18 08:29 1 · 回答