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wqd57d · 2018年03月17日

问一道题:NO.PZ2017092702000071 [ CFA I ]








1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2018年03月18日


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NO.PZ2017092702000071 问题如下 All else being equal, the correlation between two assets approaches +1.0, the versification benefits: A.crease. B.stthe same. C.increase. A is correct.the correlation between two assets approaches +1, versification benefits crease. In other wor, increasingly positive correlation incates increasingly strong positive linerelationship anfewer versification benefits.ρ越大,组合方差σp的平方就越大,也就是风险越大。所以根据题干描述,当ρ逐渐向+1增加时,分散化的效果会越来越差 这道题的意思是或, 在组合越分散的情况下, versification benefits 越大吗, 为什么呢?

2023-09-10 16:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000071问题如下All else being equal, the correlation between two assets approaches +1.0, the versification benefits:A.crease. B.stthe same. C.increase. A is correct.the correlation between two assets approaches +1, versification benefits crease. In other wor, increasingly positive correlation incates increasingly strong positive linerelationship anfewer versification benefits.ρ越大,组合方差σp的平方就越大,也就是风险越大。所以根据题干描述,当ρ逐渐向+1增加时,分散化的效果会越来越差 1.correlation=0,只代表非线性,不代表独立。2.但两者独立,代表非线性,=0。3.因为取值范围是-1到1,越靠近1,越强的线性关系,也就代表没有分散化的作用。

2023-06-18 19:35 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000071 问题如下 All else being equal, the correlation between two assets approaches +1.0, the versification benefits: A.crease. B.stthe same. C.increase. A is correct.the correlation between two assets approaches +1, versification benefits crease. In other wor, increasingly positive correlation incates increasingly strong positive linerelationship anfewer versification benefits.ρ越大,组合方差σp的平方就越大,也就是风险越大。所以根据题干描述,当ρ逐渐向+1增加时,分散化的效果会越来越差 老师 可以把方差标准差 correlation这些特殊符号给我分别打出来一下吗?还有其他会出现的特殊符号。我每次看见那些特殊符号都不知道什么是什么

2022-11-30 08:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000071问题如下All else being equal, the correlation between two assets approaches +1.0, the versification benefits:A.crease. B.stthe same. C.increase. A is correct.the correlation between two assets approaches +1, versification benefits crease. In other wor, increasingly positive correlation incates increasingly strong positive linerelationship anfewer versification benefits.ρ越大,组合方差σp的平方就越大,也就是风险越大。所以根据题干描述,当ρ逐渐向+1增加时,分散化的效果会越来越差 老师,Correlation不是-1和+1都是强线性吗?不是看绝对值判断离散强弱吗?为什么-1是最弱的离散情况?不应该是靠近0才是最弱的吗?

2022-08-18 22:17 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000071 stthe same. increase. A is correct. the correlation between two assets approaches +1, versification benefits crease. In other wor, increasingly positive correlation incates increasingly strong positive linerelationship anfewer versification benefits. ρ越大,组合方差σp的平方就越大,也就是风险越大。所以根据题干描述,当ρ逐渐向+1增加时,分散化的效果会越来越差 All else being equal啥意思啊,对解题有啥影响么

2022-02-21 14:31 1 · 回答