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罗Luo · 2022年04月01日

选项A _surplus optimization, 为何不正确?

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The asset allocation approach most appropriate for client Kealoha is best described as:



a surplus optimization approach.


an integrated asset–liability approach.


a hedging/return-seeking portfolios approach.


C is correct.

The hedging/return-seeking portfolios approach is best for this client. Beade should construct two portfolios, one that includes riskless bonds that will pay of the fixed obligation in 10 years and the other a risky portfolio that earns a competitive risk-adjusted return. This approach is a simple two step process of hedging the fixed obligation and then investing the balance of the assets in a return-seeking portfolio.

选项A _surplus optimization, 为何不正确?

Surplus也能保证obligation和return seeking两个目标啊!

1 个答案

郭静_品职助教 · 2022年04月02日


不是,surplus optimization只是把surplus 的expected return、standard deviation和correlation作为输入变量。求得的结果可能是60%资产/40%负债,或者其他比例。

随便举个例子,假设我们可投资资产是100万,负债是80万。按照surplus optimization的配置结果是60万股票,40万债券。这种配置比例就不能完全cover负债。按照hedging/return-seeking portfolios的方法则是配80%的负债去完全cover liability,剩下的是20%的股票追求高收益。所以hedging/return-seeking portfolios满足题目的两个要求。

surplus optimization是比较抽象的过程,它在配置过程中确实是同时考虑了assets和liability,但是它配置的结果是不能保证完全cover liability。


程冠林 · 2022年12月12日

“不是,surplus optimization只是把surplus 的expected return、standard deviation和correlation作为输入变量。求得的结果可能是60%资产/40%负债,或者其他比例。 随便举个例子,假设我们可投资资产是100万,负债是80万。按照surplus optimization的配置结果是60万股票,40万债券。” 这句话的意思是surplus opt的方法,是将surplus分析得出来的allocation结果应用于整个asset上?

Persey · 2023年04月21日

那怎么区分surplus 和an integrated asset–liability approach呢

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NO.PZ201803130100000105 问题如下 The asset allocation approamost appropriate for client Kealoha is best scribeas: A.a surplus optimization approach. B.integrateasset–liability approach. C.a heing/return-seeking portfolios approach. C is correct. The heing/return-seeking portfolios approais best for this client. Bea shoulconstrutwo portfolios, one thinclus riskless bon thwill pof the fixeobligation in 10 years anthe other a risky portfolio thearns a competitive risk-austereturn. This approais a simple two step process of heing the fixeobligation anthen investing the balanof the assets in a return-seeking portfolio. 这道题选对了,大概也知道一旦考试中有两个需求,cover liability加上pursue higher return时是标准的heing/return-seeking方法,只是对于surplus的理解感觉听了基础班和强化串讲还是有点模糊。suplus的方法根据讲解是mvo的延申,那么进行mvo时是只基于surplus的部分还是整个组合都进行mvo呢?因为老师专门提到了surplus的方法不要求必须fully fun那也就是说即使liability小于asset,也可以用这个方法,那么这么推断就是surplus的方法其实是对整个组合进行mvo最优化,那既然如此,和普通的mvo又有什么区别呢,因为总不能对负的部分进行mvo吧,请老师解答。

2024-06-22 15:09 4 · 回答

NO.PZ201803130100000105 问题如下 The asset allocation approamost appropriate for client Kealoha is best scribeas: A.a surplus optimization approach. B.integrateasset–liability approach. C.a heing/return-seeking portfolios approach. C is correct. The heing/return-seeking portfolios approais best for this client. Bea shoulconstrutwo portfolios, one thinclus riskless bon thwill pof the fixeobligation in 10 years anthe other a risky portfolio thearns a competitive risk-austereturn. This approais a simple two step process of heing the fixeobligation anthen investing the balanof the assets in a return-seeking portfolio. The client wants to earn a competitive risk-austerate of return这句话给我感觉是整个portfolio要competitive risk-austerate of return,所以我选了B。为什么不是这样理解?请老师帮忙解答。

2024-04-15 15:09 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201803130100000105 问题如下 The asset allocation approamost appropriate for client Kealoha is best scribeas: A.a surplus optimization approach. B.integrateasset–liability approach. C.a heing/return-seeking portfolios approach. C is correct. The heing/return-seeking portfolios approais best for this client. Bea shoulconstrutwo portfolios, one thinclus riskless bon thwill pof the fixeobligation in 10 years anthe other a risky portfolio thearns a competitive risk-austereturn. This approais a simple two step process of heing the fixeobligation anthen investing the balanof the assets in a return-seeking portfolio. 为何surplus方法不行,看之前的解答说这种方法配置出来的资产是60%equity,40%bon能cover负债,书上并未说surplus配置出来就是6/4的比例啊,而且heeing/return seeking方法不是适用于保守投资者吗?这题明显说需要aggressive的回报

2023-07-15 17:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201803130100000105 integrateasset–liability approach.和 heing return区别是什么

2022-02-19 14:42 1 · 回答