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摇一摇 · 2022年03月22日




Which of the following is least accurate with respect to debt–equity conflicts?



Equityholders focus on potential upside and downside, while debtholders focus primarily on downside risk.


Management attempts to balance the interests of equityholders and debtholders.


Debt covenants can mitigate the conflict between debtholders and equityholders.


B is correct. Management is generally focused on maximizing the value of equity.


1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2022年03月23日


management 指的是管理层,即 CEO 等公司高管

如果是董事会,会用关键词 Directors

也请参考基础班讲义 P148


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NO.PZ2021091701000037 问题如下 Whiof the following is least accurate with respeto bt–equity conflicts? A.Equityholrs focus on potentiupsi anwnsi, while btholrs focus primarily on wnsi risk. B.Management attempts to balanthe interests of equityholrs anbtholrs. C.covenants cmitigate the conflibetween btholrs anequityholrs. B is correct. Management is generally focuseon maximizing the value of equity. C里面的 covenant 不是vs bt吗?

2023-10-08 21:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021091701000037 问题如下 Whiof the following is least accurate with respeto bt–equity conflicts? A.Equityholrs focus on potentiupsi anwnsi, while btholrs focus primarily on wnsi risk. B.Management attempts to balanthe interests of equityholrs anbtholrs. C.covenants cmitigate the conflibetween btholrs anequityholrs. B is correct. Management is generally focuseon maximizing the value of equity. 老师,想问下A中的BT只关注wnsi这个对么?因为upsi对于债没有关系?还是说upsi了偿债能力高,也是会关注的呢?问题可能有点钻牛角尖,就是想问问肯定的回答,谢谢老师

2023-09-09 14:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021091701000037 问题如下 Whiof the following is least accurate with respeto bt–equity conflicts? A.Equityholrs focus on potentiupsi anwnsi, while btholrs focus primarily on wnsi risk. B.Management attempts to balanthe interests of equityholrs anbtholrs. C.covenants cmitigate the conflibetween btholrs anequityholrs. B is correct. Management is generally focuseon maximizing the value of equity. C可以理解成,Covenant是债权人和债务人签订的,债务人也是股东,所以可以缓和conflict?

2023-06-05 10:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021091701000037 问题如下 Whiof the following is least accurate with respeto bt–equity conflicts? A.Equityholrs focus on potentiupsi anwnsi, while btholrs focus primarily on wnsi risk. B.Management attempts to balanthe interests of equityholrs anbtholrs. C.covenants cmitigate the conflibetween btholrs anequityholrs. B is correct. Management is generally focuseon maximizing the value of equity. 谢谢

2022-09-18 11:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021091701000037 问题如下 Whiof the following is least accurate with respeto bt–equity conflicts? A.Equityholrs focus on potentiupsi anwnsi, while btholrs focus primarily on wnsi risk. B.Management attempts to balanthe interests of equityholrs anbtholrs. C.covenants cmitigate the conflibetween btholrs anequityholrs. B is correct. Management is generally focuseon maximizing the value of equity. C,债券条款是用来保护债权人利益,这样就加剧了债权人和股东的利益冲突?

2022-05-08 17:05 1 · 回答