Jeffery, a fund manager, is talking with three new clients about their previous investment style.
Leonard says: If a stock in my portfolio is significantly underperforming, I tend to hold it until the loss is covered.
Morgen says: Last year, the stock market was in poor situation. The trading volume of my portfolio was less 35% than normal year.
Nick says: I work in the banking industry. Therefore, my portfolio is made up of three stocks in finance sector.
Whose behavior is least likely to be the consequence of loss-aversion bias?
A. Leonard
B. Morgen
C. Nick
C is correct.
考点:Loss aversion bias
解析:Loss aversion bias表现为sell winner, hold loser,表现好的股票过早地抛出,表现不好的股票持有太久,正因为持有太久所以交易量减少, A和B都是对的。C主要是投资自己熟悉的行业,不是Loss aversion bias的典型后果。
能不能这样理解? 1、hold loss until it reverts to normal return 2、相比gain,更倾向于在更小金额loss的时候卖掉。比如上涨25%会hold,但是下跌10%就会卖掉。