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Feeling · 2022年02月23日


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Based on the private real estate model developed to estimate return volatility, the true variance is most likely:


A.lower than the variance of the observed data. B.approximately equal to the variance of the observed data. C.greater than the variance of the observed data.


C is correct.

The in-house model assumes that the current observed return equals the weighted average of the current true return and the previous observed return. The model uses REIT index returns as proxies for the returns in the model. The smoothed nature of most published (observed) real estate returns is a major contributor to the appearance of low correlation with financial assets. This smoothing dampens the volatility of the observed data and distorts correlations with other assets. Thus, the raw observable data tend to understate the risk and overstate the diversification benefits of these asset classes. It is generally accepted that the true variance of real estate returns is greater than the variance of the observed data.



1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2022年02月23日



The real estate team used internal models of private real estate to estimate real fluctuations in returns over time.

The model assumes that the current observed return is equal to the weighted average of the current real return and the previous observed return

注意到,这里的比较的对象都是 real estate(而非REIT),不是用REIT和其他标的比,也不是REIT自己的短期和自己的长期比(题目信息没有类似表述)



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NO.PZ202105270100000403 问题如下 RicharMartin is chief investment officer for the TrunFountion (the fountion), whiha large, globally versifieinvestment portfolio. Martin meets with the fountion’s fixeincome anreestate portfolio managers to review expectereturn forecasts anpotentiinvestments, well to consir short-term mofications to asset weights within the totfunstrategic asset allocation. Martin asks the reestate portfolio manager to scuss the performancharacteristiof reestate. The reestate portfolio manager makes the following statements: Statement 1: Aing traREIT securities to equity portfolio shoulsubstantially improve the portfolio’s versification over the next year. Statement 2: TraREIT securities are more highly correlatewith rereestate anless highly correlatewith equities over multi-yehorizons. Martin looks over the long-run valuation metrithe manager is using for commercireestate, shown in Exhibit 1. The reestate teuses in-house mol for private reestate to estimate the true volatility of returns over time. The mol assumes ththe current observereturn equals the weighteaverage of the current true return anthe previous observereturn. Because the true return is not observable, the mol assumes a relationship between true returns anobservable REIT inx returns; therefore, it uses REIT inx returns proxies for both the unobservable current true return anthe previous observereturn.Martin asks the fixeincome portfolio manager to review the fountion’s bonportfolios. The existing aggregate bonportfolio is broay versifiein mestic aninternationvelopemarkets. The first segment of the portfolio to revieweis the mestic sovereign portfolio. The bonmanager notes ththere is a market consensus ththe mestic yielcurve will likely experiena single 20 increase in the neterm a result of monetary tightening anthen remain relatively flanstable for the next three years. Martin then reviews ration anyielmeasures for the short-term mestic sovereign bonportfolio in Exhibit 2. The scussion turns to the internationvelopefixeincome market. The fountion investein bon issueCountry XYZ, a foreign velopecountry. XYZ’s sovereign yielcurve is currently upwarsloping, anthe yielsprebetween 2-yean10-yeXYZ bon is 100 bps. The fixeincome portfolio manager tells Martin thhe is interestein a mestic market corporate bonissueZeus Manufacturing Corporation (ZMC). ZMC hjust been wngratwo steps a major cret rating agency. In aition to expectemonetary actions thwill raise short-term rates, the yielsprebetween three-yesovereign bon anthe next highest-quality government agenbonwine10 bps.Although the fountion’s fixeincome portfolios have focuseprimarily on velopemarkets, the portfolio manager presents ta in Exhibit 3 on two emerging markets for Martin to consir. Both economies increaseexports of their minerresources over the last ca. The fixeincome portfolio manager also presents information on a new investment opportunity in internationvelopemarket. The teis consiring the bon of Xlp, a large energy exploration anproction company. Both the mestic aninternationmarkets are experiencing synchronizegrowth in G mibetween the trough anthe peof the business cycle. The foreign country’s government hsplayea sciplineapproato maintaining stable monetary anfiscpolicies anhexperiencea rising current account surplus anappreciating currency. It is expectethwith the improvements in free cash flow anearnings, the cret rating of the Xlp bon will upgra Martin refers to the fountion’s asset allocation poliin Exhibit 4 before making any changes to either the fixeincome or reestate portfolios. Baseon the private reestate mol velopeto estimate return volatility, the true varianis most likely: A.lower ththe varianof the observet B.approximately equto the varianof the observet C.greater ththe varianof the observet C is correct. The in-house mol assumes ththe current observereturn equals the weighteaverage of the current true return anthe previous observereturn. The mol uses REIT inx returns proxies for the returns in the mol. The smoothenature of most publishe(observe reestate returns is a major contributor to the appearanof low correlation with financiassets. This smoothing mpens the volatility of the observeta anstorts correlations with other assets. Thus, the robservable ta tento unrstate the risk anoverstate the versification benefits of these asset classes. It is generally accepteththe true varianof reestate returns is greater ththe varianof the observeta.内部模型假设当前的观测收益等于当前真实收益和之前观测收益的加权平均值。该模型使用REIT指数回报作为模型中的回报。大多数公布的(观察到的)房地产回报的平滑性质是其与金融资产相关性较低的主要原因。这种平滑降低了观测数据的波动性,扭曲了与其他资产的相关性。因此,原始的可观察数据往往低估了这些资产类别的风险,而高估了这些资产类别的多元化收益。一般认为,房地产收益的真实方差大于观测数据的方差。 老师,想问下我这么理解对吗?true variance是用REIT的数据,所以是平滑过得,会低估variance,因此true variance会比observe?

2022-04-24 16:29 1 · 回答