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Uyis · 2022年02月22日




Which of the following strategies best addresses the liquidity risk of a less frequently traded bond position in an active manager’s portfolio?



Enter into a receive fixed, pay floating asset swap, unwinding the swap position once the illiquid bond position is sold.


Sell single-name CDS protection on the illiquid bond issuer, unwinding the CDS contract when the bond is sold.


Allocate the illiquid bond to the buy-and-hold portion of the investment portfolio.


C is correct. Both A and B represent “long” risk positions that would increase rather than offset the benchmark yield and credit spread risk to the portfolio manager related to the illiquid bond.


3 个答案

pzqa015 · 2022年02月23日



对于A选项,进入received fixed,pay float,相当于在现有portfolio的基础上,额外又借钱买了一只债券,同时在Portfolio中illuquid 债券卖出时平仓,这个互换合约与现有的illuquid 债券没有什么关系,不会对现有债券的流动性产生影响。A选项改成received float,pay fixed债券的话,相当于通过现金流互换,把原来的债券头寸换成一只浮动利率债了(这里默认portfolio 中的illuquid 债为fixed coupon,现实中一般都是这样),就类似把illuquid 债卖出了,是可以解决liquidity risk的。

对于B选项,如果改成buy CDS protection,相当于把这只illuquid 债的风险给转出去了,也是可以解决liquidity risk的。

所以,A和B都是说反了,不但没有降低liquidity risk,相反还增加liquidity risk了。


IVALAINE · 2023年06月16日

老师你好, 如果改成buy CDS protection,相当于把这只illuquid 债的风险给转出去了,也是可以解决liquidity risk的 我可以理解Buy CDS protection 相当于Short bond所以转出风险 但是Buy CDS protection主要解决的不是credit risk吗? buy CDS protection每个月还需要交保费, 这个Bond只要不default就算再卖不出去,烂手里insurance company也是不会赔付的, 为什么可以解决Liquidity risk呢?

pzqa015 · 2023年06月16日


老师你好, 如果改成buy CDS protection,相当于把这只illuquid 债的风险给转出去了,也是可以解决liquidity risk的 我可以理解Buy CDS protection 相当于Short bond所以转出风险 但是Buy CDS protection主要解决的不是credit risk吗? buy CDS protection每个月还需要交保费, 这个Bond只要不default就算再卖不出去,烂手里insurance company也是不会赔付的, 为什么可以解决Liquidity risk呢?


你持有这只债券,流动性风险是不能卖出变现的风险,那么通过buy CDS,相当于不再持有这只债的敞口了,自然就解决无法卖出变现的风险,也就是liquidity risk。


pzqa015 · 2022年02月22日


A:进入received fixed ,pay floating swap,增加了portfolio duration,相当于是借钱买入了一只债券,这增加了portfolio的liquidity risk而不是降低liquidity risk。

B:sell CDS protection on the illuquid bond issuer,相当于是long了这个发行人的债券,也是增加portfolio liquidity risk,而不是降低liquidity risk。


Uyis · 2022年02月22日

这两个选项和题干中说的 a less frequently traded bond position in an active manager’s portfolio 有啥关系啊?

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NO.PZ2021120102000020问题如下 Whiof the following strategies best aresses the liquityrisk of a less frequently trabonposition in active manager’sportfolio? A.Enter into a receive fixe pfloating asset swap, unwinng theswposition onthe illiquibonposition is solB.Sell single-name C protection on the illiquibonissuer, unwinng the C contrawhen the bonis solC.Allocate the illiquibonto the buy-anholportion of the investment portfolio. C is correct. Both A anB represent “long” riskpositions thwoulincrease rather thoffset the benchmark yielancret spreriskto the portfolio manager relateto the illiquion Iliquibon解决liquity risk用C有用吗?C不是转移cret risk吗?用衍生品的话,是主要要把fixeCF转移出去就行吧

2024-03-29 08:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000020 问题如下 Whiof the following strategies best aresses the liquityrisk of a less frequently trabonposition in active manager’sportfolio? A.Enter into a receive fixe pfloating asset swap, unwinng theswposition onthe illiquibonposition is sol B.Sell single-name C protection on the illiquibonissuer, unwinng the C contrawhen the bonis sol C.Allocate the illiquibonto the buy-anholportion of the investment portfolio. C is correct. Both A anB represent “long” riskpositions thwoulincrease rather thoffset the benchmark yielancret spreriskto the portfolio manager relateto the illiquion 突然忘了答案A和B是哪里错了,麻烦解析一下。谢谢

2022-12-18 22:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000020 问题如下 Whiof the following strategies best aresses the liquityrisk of a less frequently trabonposition in active manager’sportfolio? A.Enter into a receive fixe pfloating asset swap, unwinng theswposition onthe illiquibonposition is sol B.Sell single-name C protection on the illiquibonissuer, unwinng the C contrawhen the bonis sol C.Allocate the illiquibonto the buy-anholportion of the investment portfolio. C is correct. Both A anB represent “long” riskpositions thwoulincrease rather thoffset the benchmark yielancret spreriskto the portfolio manager relateto the illiquion 为什么对于流动性不好的债券,还要buy-anhol?不应该找机会卖出吗,越到后面应该流动性更差吧?

2022-12-13 17:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000020 问题如下 Whiof the following strategies best aresses the liquityrisk of a less frequently trabonposition in active manager’sportfolio? A.Enter into a receive fixe pfloating asset swap, unwinng theswposition onthe illiquibonposition is sol B.Sell single-name C protection on the illiquibonissuer, unwinng the C contrawhen the bonis sol C.Allocate the illiquibonto the buy-anholportion of the investment portfolio. C is correct. Both A anB represent “long” riskpositions thwoulincrease rather thoffset the benchmark yielancret spreriskto the portfolio manager relateto the illiquion 老师请问,为何说”进入receivefixe,pfloating swap,增加了portfolio ration,相当于是借钱买入了一只债券“?

2022-07-30 16:20 2 · 回答