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wzhen2017 · 2022年02月01日




A non-dividend-paying stock has a current price of $100 per share. You have just sold a six-month European call option contract on 100 shares of this stock at a strike price of $101 per share. You want to implement a dynamic delta-hedging scheme to hedge the risk of having sold the option. The option has a delta of 0.50. You believe that delta would fall to 0.44 if the stock price falls to $99 per share. Identify what action you should take now (i.e., when you have just written the option contract) to make your position delta- neutral. After the option is written, if the stock price falls to $99 per share, identify what action should be taken at that time (i.e., later) to rebalance your delta-hedged position.



Now: buy 50 shares of stock; later: buy 6 shares of stock.


Now: buy 50 shares of stock; later: sell 6 shares of stock.


Now: sell 50 shares of stock; later: buy 6 shares of stock.


Now: sell 50 shares of stock; later: sell 6 shares of stock.


The answer is B.

The dynamic hedge should replicate a long position in the call. Due to the positive delta, this implies a long position of Δ×100=50 shares. If the delta falls, the position needs to be adjusted by selling   (0.50.44)×100=6\;{(0.5-0.44)}\times100=6 shares.

请问老师,可否提供一下这个题目计算对冲用到的等式,大概是 原来的=n份*对冲后的。有些想不明白计算的过程,谢谢。

1 个答案

DD仔_品职助教 · 2022年02月03日





目前的头寸是short了100个call,做对冲就需要long stock




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NO.PZ2016070202000027 问题如下 A non-vinpaying stoha current priof $100 per share. You have just sola six-month Europecall option contraon 100 shares of this stoa strike priof $101 per share. You want to implement a namic lta-heing scheme to hee the risk of having solthe option. The option ha lta of 0.50. You believe thlta woulfall to 0.44 if the stoprifalls to $99 per share. Intify whaction you shoultake now (i.e., when you have just written the option contract) to make your position ltneutral. After the option is written, if the stoprifalls to $99 per share, intify whaction shoultaken thtime (i.e., later) to rebalanyour lta-heeposition. A.Now: buy 50 shares of stock; later: buy 6 shares of stock. B.Now: buy 50 shares of stock; later: sell 6 shares of stock. C.Now: sell 50 shares of stock; later: buy 6 shares of stock. Now: sell 50 shares of stock; later: sell 6 shares of stock. The answer is B.The namic hee shoulreplicate a long position in the call. e to the positive ltthis implies a long position of Δ×100=50 shares. If the lta falls, the position nee to austeselling   (0.5−0.44)×100=6\;{(0.5-0.44)}\times100=6(0.5−0.44)×100=6 shares. 如题

2024-03-04 01:14 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016070202000027 问题如下 A non-vinpaying stoha current priof $100 per share. You have just sola six-month Europecall option contraon 100 shares of this stoa strike priof $101 per share. You want to implement a namic lta-heing scheme to hee the risk of having solthe option. The option ha lta of 0.50. You believe thlta woulfall to 0.44 if the stoprifalls to $99 per share. Intify whaction you shoultake now (i.e., when you have just written the option contract) to make your position ltneutral. After the option is written, if the stoprifalls to $99 per share, intify whaction shoultaken thtime (i.e., later) to rebalanyour lta-heeposition. A.Now: buy 50 shares of stock; later: buy 6 shares of stock. B.Now: buy 50 shares of stock; later: sell 6 shares of stock. C.Now: sell 50 shares of stock; later: buy 6 shares of stock. Now: sell 50 shares of stock; later: sell 6 shares of stock. The answer is B.The namic hee shoulreplicate a long position in the call. e to the positive ltthis implies a long position of Δ×100=50 shares. If the lta falls, the position nee to austeselling   (0.5−0.44)×100=6\;{(0.5-0.44)}\times100=6(0.5−0.44)×100=6 shares. 老师这句话You have just sola six-month Europecall option contraon 100 shares of this stoa strike priof $101 per share.当中是理解为期权的数量是100呢还是100*100? 有的时候看题目是要一份期权对应n份股票,所以期权的总数就是100*100,有时候就直接是期权的数量。表述上有没有固定的搭配?

2023-07-01 11:27 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016070202000027问题如下 A non-vinpaying stoha current priof $100 per share. You have just sola six-month Europecall option contraon 100 shares of this stoa strike priof $101 per share. You want to implement a namic lta-heing scheme to hee the risk of having solthe option. The option ha lta of 0.50. You believe thlta woulfall to 0.44 if the stoprifalls to $99 per share. Intify whaction you shoultake now (i.e., when you have just written the option contract) to make your position ltneutral. After the option is written, if the stoprifalls to $99 per share, intify whaction shoultaken thtime (i.e., later) to rebalanyour lta-heeposition.A.Now: buy 50 shares of stock; later: buy 6 shares of stock.B.Now: buy 50 shares of stock; later: sell 6 shares of stock.C.Now: sell 50 shares of stock; later: buy 6 shares of stock.Now: sell 50 shares of stock; later: sell 6 shares of stock. The answer is B.The namic hee shoulreplicate a long position in the call. e to the positive ltthis implies a long position of Δ×100=50 shares. If the lta falls, the position nee to austeselling   (0.5−0.44)×100=6\;{(0.5-0.44)}\times100=6(0.5−0.44)×100=6 shares. 这里因为题目中说的是just solcall option所以为了对冲 now 需要 buy stock。是这样理解的吗?

2023-02-04 19:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016070202000027 问题如下 A non-vinpaying stoha current priof $100 per share. You have just sola six-month Europecall option contraon 100 shares of this stoa strike priof $101 per share. You want to implement a namic lta-heing scheme to hee the risk of having solthe option. The option ha lta of 0.50. You believe thlta woulfall to 0.44 if the stoprifalls to $99 per share. Intify whaction you shoultake now (i.e., when you have just written the option contract) to make your position ltneutral. After the option is written, if the stoprifalls to $99 per share, intify whaction shoultaken thtime (i.e., later) to rebalanyour lta-heeposition. A.Now: buy 50 shares of stock; later: buy 6 shares of stock. B.Now: buy 50 shares of stock; later: sell 6 shares of stock. C.Now: sell 50 shares of stock; later: buy 6 shares of stock. Now: sell 50 shares of stock; later: sell 6 shares of stock. The answer is B.The namic hee shoulreplicate a long position in the call. e to the positive ltthis implies a long position of Δ×100=50 shares. If the lta falls, the position nee to austeselling   (0.5−0.44)×100=6\;{(0.5-0.44)}\times100=6(0.5−0.44)×100=6 shares. you have just sola six month Europecall option contraon 100 shares of this stoa strike priof 101per share。 这句话到底是说现在是卖100份期权还是卖100份股票啊

2022-11-03 16:52 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2016070202000027 问题如下 A non-vinpaying stoha current priof $100 per share. You have just sola six-month Europecall option contraon 100 shares of this stoa strike priof $101 per share. You want to implement a namic lta-heing scheme to hee the risk of having solthe option. The option ha lta of 0.50. You believe thlta woulfall to 0.44 if the stoprifalls to $99 per share. Intify whaction you shoultake now (i.e., when you have just written the option contract) to make your position ltneutral. After the option is written, if the stoprifalls to $99 per share, intify whaction shoultaken thtime (i.e., later) to rebalanyour lta-heeposition. A.Now: buy 50 shares of stock; later: buy 6 shares of stock. B.Now: buy 50 shares of stock; later: sell 6 shares of stock. C.Now: sell 50 shares of stock; later: buy 6 shares of stock. Now: sell 50 shares of stock; later: sell 6 shares of stock. The answer is B.The namic hee shoulreplicate a long position in the call. e to the positive ltthis implies a long position of Δ×100=50 shares. If the lta falls, the position nee to austeselling   (0.5−0.44)×100=6\;{(0.5-0.44)}\times100=6(0.5−0.44)×100=6 shares. 是用这个non-vinpaying stock来对冲这个 short call 现在需要对冲100 share,所以需要买0.5*100 = 50 share 将来lta变化,只需要0.44*100 = 44 share如果是用ΔP = ΔB + ΔH = 0 这个原理去理解,这道题应该怎么算啊?

2022-08-04 10:57 2 · 回答