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和棋 · 2022年01月25日

没有理解为什么full index可以达成C的效果



Compton notes that SD&R generally uses actively managed portfolios designed to earn a return in excess of the benchmark portfolio. For clients interested in passive exposure to fixed-income instruments, SD&R offers two additional approaches.

Approach 1:Seeks to fully replicate the Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index

Approach 2:Follows an enhanced indexing process for a subset of the bonds included in the Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index. Approach 2 may also be customized to reflect client preferences

Relative to Approach 2 of gaining passive exposure, an advantage of Approach 1 is that it:



reduces the need for frequent rebalancing


limits the need to purchase bonds that are thinly traded


provides a higher degree of portfolio risk diversification


C is correct.

Approach 1 is a full replication approach, whereas Approach 2 follows an enhanced indexing strategy. Both full replication and enhanced indexing can be used to establish a passive exposure to the bond market. Under full replication, the manager buys or sells bonds when there are changes to the index. The larger number of index constituents associated with full replication provides a higher degree of risk diversification compared with an enhanced indexing strategy

没有理解为什么full index可以达成C的效果

1 个答案

pzqa015 · 2022年01月26日


这是full replication相对于enhanced indexing一个优点哈,需要记忆。原因如下:

full replication完全复制指数,指数有什么就买什么,故买入债券要比enhanced indexing更全,有分散化效果。

enhanced index只match关键factor,比如duration,不需要完全复制指数中的债券,买入的债券数量少,所以分散化效果要差一些。
