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MJXu · 2022年01月13日

Behavioral Bias for Analysts

文章 In addition, she indicated that her risk tolerance toward a stock investment would increase significantly if she knew that more than one of Garnier’s research analysts supported it.

题目 With regard to Johnson’s comment relating to Garnier’s research analysts, which of the following biases is most likely to be present in the analysts’ data?

A Confirmation bias.      B Availability bias.  C Self-attribution bias.

答案 Confirmation bias, a cognitive bias, is the tendency for people to misread evidence as additional support for an initial hypothesis. Confirmation bias is a potential bias for analysts conducting research. It is a form of resolving cognitive dissonance that described the tendency to search for, or interpret, information in a way that confirms the analyst’s prior beliefs. The additional information may not be analyzed in a rigorous way, but it can nevertheless appear to make the judgment or forecast more likely by sharing some of its general characteristics.

虽然答案通篇解释confirmation bias是什么怎么表现,但是对于analyst's bias为什么不是BC呢,文中怎么体现选A的呢?

1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2022年01月17日




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