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qldingyu · 2018年03月04日

问一道题:NO.PZ201702190300000408 第8小题 [ CFA II ]

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sell put option 为什么不行

1 个答案

竹子 · 2018年03月04日

现在拥有股份现货 想对冲现货价格下降的风险 那就需要option头寸在股价下降时赚钱,short put 在股价上升时有收益 所以不对

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NO.PZ201702190300000408 老师好,这道题说拥有ETF,那就是long一个头寸,但如何判断是call还是put呢?我当时认为题目说he is worriethe inx woulcline,那就代表原来是认为价格会上涨么,那应该是call啊

2021-08-07 22:46 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201702190300000408 这句话的意思是一个3个月的fra,可以在3个月后以0.75%的利率进入一个6个月的loan对吗?beginning in six month是持续6个月的意思?

2021-07-01 18:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201702190300000408 selling call options. buying call options. B is correbecause selling call options creates a short position in the ETF thwoulhee his current long position in the ETF. Exhibit 2 coulalso useto answer the question. Solomon owns 10,000 shares of the GPX, eawith a lta of +1; finition, his portfolio lta is + 10,000. A lta hee coulimplementeselling enough calls to make the portfolio lta neutral: NH=Portfolio ltalataH=+10,000+0.6232−16,046 calls.NH=\frac{Portfolio\text{ lta}}{lata_H}=\frac{+10,000}{+0.6232}-16,046\text{ }calls.NH=lataH​Portfolio lta​=+0.6232+10,000​−16,046 calls.老师 如果A说buy put对吗?

2021-05-17 13:12 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201702190300000408 selling call options. buying call options. B is correbecause selling call options creates a short position in the ETF thwoulhee his current long position in the ETF. Exhibit 2 coulalso useto answer the question. Solomon owns 10,000 shares of the GPX, eawith a lta of +1; finition, his portfolio lta is + 10,000. A lta hee coulimplementeselling enough calls to make the portfolio lta neutral: NH=Portfolio ltalataH=+10,000+0.6232−16,046 calls.NH=\frac{Portfolio\text{ lta}}{lata_H}=\frac{+10,000}{+0.6232}-16,046\text{ }calls.NH=lataH​Portfolio lta​=+0.6232+10,000​−16,046 calls.1,解析中的公式从哪里来的?我在强化班中并没有看到。为什么可以直接用 portfolio lta除以 lta put ,而且分子分母都是正数,得出来的是负数?2.怎么定量求解?

2021-02-12 23:04 1 · 回答

selling call options. buying call options. B is correbecause selling call options creates a short position in the ETF thwoulhee his current long position in the ETF. Exhibit 2 coulalso useto answer the question. Solomon owns 10,000 shares of the GPX, eawith a lta of +1; finition, his portfolio lta is + 10,000. A lta hee coulimplementeselling enough calls to make the portfolio lta neutral: NH=Portfolio ltalataH=+10,000+0.6232−16,046 calls.NH=\frac{Portfolio\text{ lta}}{lata_H}=\frac{+10,000}{+0.6232}-16,046\text{ }calls.NH=lataH​Portfolio lta​=+0.6232+10,000​−16,046 calls.Solomon owns 10,000 shares of the GPX, eawith a lta of +1; finition, his portfolio lta is + 10,000. 这里为什么portfolio lta是+10000?

2020-09-26 19:52 1 · 回答