if such spending is permitted…后面的意思可否做下解释 不太理解
韩韩_品职助教 · 2018年03月03日
现在endowment的spending rule是有需求就购买,今年的购买需要1.6m,首先算出来1.6m/20m=8%,也就是这一笔投资就要花掉整个endowment 8%的钱,而且从前两年的花费情况来看,每年的花费额都很大,而且如果再考虑上快速的医药设备的inflation,那么可能不到10年这个endowment的钱就全部花完了。而我们endowment设立是想长期得运营,这么高的spending rule肯定维持不了太久。
If such spending is permitted, the current beneficiaries of the JCHE (for example, the patients of JCH) may receive benefits at the expense of future beneficiaries, because the endowment is unlikely to be able to maintain its value in inflation adjusted terms.