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奔走的狗尾巴草 · 2021年12月11日

为什么不是modified duration呢



Doug Kepler, the newly hired chief financial officer for the City of Radford, asks the deputy financial manager, Hui Ng, to prepare an analysis of the current investment portfolio and the city’s current and future obligations. The city has multiple liabilities of different amounts and maturities relating to the pension fund, infrastructure repairs, and various other obligations.

Ng observes that the current fixed-income portfolio is structured to match the duration of each liability. Previously, this structure caused the city to access a line of credit for temporary mismatches resulting from changes in the term structure of interest rates

Kepler asks Ng for different strategies to manage the interest rate risk of the city’s fixed-income investment portfolio against one-time shifts in the yield curve. Ng considers two different strategies:

Strategy 1: Immunization of the single liabilities using zero-coupon bonds held to maturity

Strategy 2: Immunization of the single liabilities using coupon-bearing bonds while continuously matching duration.

Which duration measure should be matched when implementing Strategy 2?



Key rate






C is correct.

An investor having an investment horizon equal to the bond’s Macaulay duration is effectively protected, or immunized, from the first change in interest rates, because price and coupon reinvestment effects offset for either higher or lower rates.

immunization的2个条件,PVa=PVL,DA=DL,是为了hedge price risk和ri risk带来的价格变动的影响,所以不是应该用的midify duration吗?modify duration一样,这也利率变动,asset和liab的price变动一样,这也也能继续match了。 为什么是mac duration,平均还款期呢?
2 个答案

pzqa015 · 2021年12月13日


老师好,mac·d=inverstment horzion时,可以hedge price risk and investment risk,这个结论是从定性的角度去理解,但是从定量的公式是怎么推导出来的呢?我在其他的回答里面是看到举了一个具体的例子,但是感觉不是很严谨。谢谢。


这是一级的知识点,一级通过一个实例计算证明的。证明的过程是大概这样,让债券的投资期等于其Macaulay duration。


第一行是卖出时收益率曲线下降到9.4%,此时的P1=96.481299,coupon(包含再投资收益)=74.512177,total return是170.993476。

第二行是卖出时收益率曲线不变,仍维持10.40%,此时P1=94.073336,coupon(包含再投资收益)=76.835787,total return是170.993476。

第三行是卖出时收益率曲线上升到11.40%,此时P1=91.748833,coupon(包含再投资收益)=79.235183,total return是170.993476。

由于期初买入价格P0不变,total return又一样,所以无论收益率曲线如何变化,持有期收益率r是确定不变的。


pzqa015 · 2021年12月12日



关于用什么duration match这里,结论是single liability用mac duration match,multiple liability用modified duration match。原理如下:

Single liability免疫:





一是P1,它是债券的卖出价格,收益率曲线一旦变化,债券卖出价格不再确定,这是price risk,用duration衡量,duration越大,price risk越大;

二是coupon,它是持有债券期间的coupon以及coupon再投资收益,一旦收益率曲线变化,coupon确定,但coupon的再投资收益就不确定了(也就是不能假设以ytm再投资了),这是reinvestment risk,用investment horizon衡量,投资期越长,reinvestment risk越大。

收益率发生变动,price risk和reinvestment risk对投资者的影响是相反的,比如考虑收益率曲线上升的情形:

若投资期长,price risk对投资者不利,但reinvestment risk对投资者有利;若投资期短,price risk对投资者有利,但reinvestment risk对投资者不利。

所以,我们要找到一个期限,使得price risk与reinvestment risk相互抵消,收益率曲线变动对portfolio value的影响就被控制了,portfolio可以获得确定的return,这样就实现了免疫的初衷。

由于这里是要把duration与投资期相比,所以要用duration最本源的含义,mac D。


Mac D>investment horizon,则price risk>reinvestment risk

Mac D=investment horizon,则price risk=reinvestment risk

Mac D<investment horizon,则price risk<reinvestment risk

所以,单笔现金流负债免疫,我们要让mac D=investment horizon。

Multiple liability 免疫:

与单笔现金流负债不受收益率曲线变动影响不同,多笔现金流负债受收益率曲线变动影响,所以,我们构建portfolio的目的也不是获得确定收益了,而是要让收益率曲线变动时,资产与负债的价格变动尽量相等,也就是BPVA=BPVL。BPV=-MD*1bp*P,所以用到的是modified duration,而不再是mac duration了。


总之,虽然single liability与multiple liabiliies都叫免疫,但两类免疫的目标是不一样的,前者的目标是追求realized return,后者的目标是追求资产与负债的value变化相同,因此,前者要用mac duration,后者要用modified duration。


奔走的狗尾巴草 · 2021年12月12日

老师好,mac·d=inverstment horzion时,可以hedge price risk and investment risk,这个结论是从定性的角度去理解,但是从定量的公式是怎么推导出来的呢?我在其他的回答里面是看到举了一个具体的例子,但是感觉不是很严谨。谢谢。

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NO.PZ2019103001000031问题如下ug Kepler, the newly hirechief financiofficer for the City of Raor asks the puty financimanager, Hui Ng, to prepare analysis of the current investment portfolio anthe city’s current anfuture obligations. The city hmultiple liabilities of fferent amounts anmaturities relating to the pension fun infrastructure repairs, anvarious other obligations.Ng observes ththe current fixeincome portfolio is structureto matthe ration of ealiability. Previously, this structure causethe city to access a line of cret for temporary mismatches resulting from changes in the term structure of interest ratesKepler asks Ng for fferent strategies to manage the interest rate risk of the city’s fixeincome investment portfolio against one-time shifts in the yielcurve. Ng consirs two fferent strategies:Strategy 1: Immunization of the single liabilities using zero-coupon bon helto maturityStrategy 2: Immunization of the single liabilities using coupon-bearing bon while continuously matching ration.Whiration measure shoulmatchewhen implementing Strategy 2?A.Key rateB.Mofie.MacaulayC is correct. investor having investment horizon equto the bons Macaulration is effectively protecte or immunize from the first change in interest rates, because priancoupon reinvestment effects offset for either higher or lower rates.是因为single liab吗?那如果Multiple liab呢?

2022-03-24 20:01 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019103001000031 能否下KEY RATE RATION不选的原因,谢谢!

2021-12-30 12:01 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019103001000031 这道题我懂了,但是这两策略有什么区别呀

2021-09-16 06:15 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2019103001000031 MofieMacaul C is correct. investor having investment horizon equto the bons Macaulration is effectively protecte or immunize from the first change in interest rates, because priancoupon reinvestment effects offset for either higher or lower rates. 如果前者匹配,后者不也一样匹配吗?毕竟就差个1/(1+y)

2021-04-20 18:51 18 · 回答