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濛濛熊 · 2021年12月08日


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In response to the projected cyclical decline in the Eastland economy and in private sector borrowing over the next year, Hadpret expects a change in the monetary and fiscal policy mix. He forecasts that the Eastland central bank will ease monetary policy.On the fiscal side, Hadpret expects the Eastland government to enact a substantial tax cut. As a result, Hadpret forecasts large government deficits that will be financed by the issuance of long-term government securities.

Discuss the relationship between the shape of the yield curve and the monetary and fiscal policy mix projected by Hadpret.



Hadpret expects that, in response to a forecasted contraction in the Eastland economy, the central bank will ease monetary policy and the government will enact an expansionary fiscal policy. This policy mix has an impact on the shape of the yield curve.

The impact of changes in monetary policy on the yield curve are fairly clear, because changes in the yield curve’s slope—its flattening or steepening—are largely determined by the expected movement in short rates. This movement, in turn, is determined by the expected path of monetary policy and the state of the economy. With the central bank easing and the economy contracting, policy rates will be declining and will be expected to decline further as the central bank aims to counteract downward momentum in the economy. Bond yields also decline but by a lesser amount, so the yield curve steepens. The yield curve will typically continue to steepen during the contraction phase as the central bank continues to ease, reaching its steepest point just before the initial recovery phase.

Fiscal policy may affect the shape of the yield curve through the relative supply of bonds at various maturities that the government issues to fund deficits. Unlike the impact of monetary policy, the impact of changes in the supply of securities on the yield curve is unclear. The evidence seems to suggest that sufficiently large purchases/sales at different maturities will have only a temporary impact on yields. As a result, the large government budget deficits forecasted by Hadpret are unlikely to have much of a lasting impact on the yield curve, especially given that private sector borrowing will be falling during the contraction, somewhat offsetting the increase in the supply of government securities





1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2021年12月08日






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NO.PZ202105270100000302 问题如下 In response to the projectecycliccline in the Eastlaneconomy anin private sector borrowing over the next year, Haret expects a change in the monetary anfiscpolimix. He forecasts ththe Eastlancentrbank will ease monetary policy.On the fiscsi, Haret expects the Eastlangovernment to enaa substantitcut. a result, Haret forecasts large government ficits thwill financethe issuanof long-term government securities.scuss the relationship between the shape of the yielcurve anthe monetary anfiscpolimix projecteHaret. Haret expects that, in response to a forecastecontraction in the Eastlaneconomy, the centrbank will ease monetary polianthe government will enaexpansionary fiscpolicy. This polimix himpaon the shape of the yielcurve.The impaof changes in monetary polion the yielcurve are fairly clear, because changes in the yielcurve’s slope—its flattening or steepening—are largely terminethe expectemovement in short rates. This movement, in turn, is terminethe expectepath of monetary polianthe state of the economy. With the centrbank easing anthe economy contracting, polirates will clining anwill expecteto cline further the centrbank aims to counterawnwarmomentum in the economy. Bonyiel also cline but a lesser amount, so the yielcurve steepens. The yielcurve will typically continue to steepen ring the contraction phase the centrbank continues to ease, reaching its steepest point just before the initirecovery phase.Fiscpolimaffethe shape of the yielcurve through the relative supply of bon various maturities ththe government issues to funficits. Unlike the impaof monetary policy, the impaof changes in the supply of securities on the yielcurve is unclear. The evinseems to suggest thsufficiently large purchases/sales fferent maturities will have only a temporary impaon yiel. a result, the large government buet ficits forecasteHaret are unlikely to have muof a lasting impaon the yielcurve, especially given thprivate sector borrowing will falling ring the contraction, somewhoffsetting the increase in the supply of government securitiesHaret预计,为了应对东部地区经济预期的收缩,中央银行将放松货币政策,政府将实施扩张性财政政策。这种政策组合对收益率曲线的形状有影响。货币政策变化对收益率曲线的影响是相当明显的,因为收益率曲线斜率的变化——变平还是变陡——在很大程度上取决于短期利率的预期变化。这一移动又是由预期的货币政策路径和经济状况决定的。随着央行放松政策和经济收缩,政策利率将下降,并预计将进一步下降,因为央行旨在抵消经济的下行势头。债券收益率也在下降,但下降幅度较小,因此收益率曲线变陡。随着央行继续放松政策,收益率曲线通常会在收缩阶段继续变陡,在最初的复苏阶段之前达到最陡点。财政政策可能通过政府为填补赤字而发行的各种到期债券的相对供应来影响收益率曲线的形状。与货币政策的影响不同,证券供应变化对收益率曲线的影响尚不清楚。有证据表明,在不同期限进行足够大规模的购买/出售,只会对收益率产生暂时影响。因此,Haret预测的巨额政府预算赤字不太可能对收益率曲线产生太大的持久影响,尤其是考虑到在紧缩期间私营部门借款将下降,在一定程度上抵消了政府债券供应的增加 但是这个知识点会考吗?我怎么不记得老师讲过,我看了解析好疑惑,这是哪里的。

2024-09-04 15:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202105270100000302 问题如下 In response to the projectecycliccline in the Eastlaneconomy anin private sector borrowing over the next year, Haret expects a change in the monetary anfiscpolimix. He forecasts ththe Eastlancentrbank will ease monetary policy.On the fiscsi, Haret expects the Eastlangovernment to enaa substantitcut. a result, Haret forecasts large government ficits thwill financethe issuanof long-term government securities.scuss the relationship between the shape of the yielcurve anthe monetary anfiscpolimix projecteHaret. Haret expects that, in response to a forecastecontraction in the Eastlaneconomy, the centrbank will ease monetary polianthe government will enaexpansionary fiscpolicy. This polimix himpaon the shape of the yielcurve.The impaof changes in monetary polion the yielcurve are fairly clear, because changes in the yielcurve’s slope—its flattening or steepening—are largely terminethe expectemovement in short rates. This movement, in turn, is terminethe expectepath of monetary polianthe state of the economy. With the centrbank easing anthe economy contracting, polirates will clining anwill expecteto cline further the centrbank aims to counterawnwarmomentum in the economy. Bonyiel also cline but a lesser amount, so the yielcurve steepens. The yielcurve will typically continue to steepen ring the contraction phase the centrbank continues to ease, reaching its steepest point just before the initirecovery phase.Fiscpolimaffethe shape of the yielcurve through the relative supply of bon various maturities ththe government issues to funficits. Unlike the impaof monetary policy, the impaof changes in the supply of securities on the yielcurve is unclear. The evinseems to suggest thsufficiently large purchases/sales fferent maturities will have only a temporary impaon yiel. a result, the large government buet ficits forecasteHaret are unlikely to have muof a lasting impaon the yielcurve, especially given thprivate sector borrowing will falling ring the contraction, somewhoffsetting the increase in the supply of government securitiesHaret预计,为了应对东部地区经济预期的收缩,中央银行将放松货币政策,政府将实施扩张性财政政策。这种政策组合对收益率曲线的形状有影响。货币政策变化对收益率曲线的影响是相当明显的,因为收益率曲线斜率的变化——变平还是变陡——在很大程度上取决于短期利率的预期变化。这一移动又是由预期的货币政策路径和经济状况决定的。随着央行放松政策和经济收缩,政策利率将下降,并预计将进一步下降,因为央行旨在抵消经济的下行势头。债券收益率也在下降,但下降幅度较小,因此收益率曲线变陡。随着央行继续放松政策,收益率曲线通常会在收缩阶段继续变陡,在最初的复苏阶段之前达到最陡点。财政政策可能通过政府为填补赤字而发行的各种到期债券的相对供应来影响收益率曲线的形状。与货币政策的影响不同,证券供应变化对收益率曲线的影响尚不清楚。有证据表明,在不同期限进行足够大规模的购买/出售,只会对收益率产生暂时影响。因此,Haret预测的巨额政府预算赤字不太可能对收益率曲线产生太大的持久影响,尤其是考虑到在紧缩期间私营部门借款将下降,在一定程度上抵消了政府债券供应的增加 书本上对于央行政策的描述有两个地方经济周期和对应的曲线这里说的是央行宽松的政策,短期利率下降了。书本没说财政政策对经济周期曲线的影响。货币政策和财政政策的结合如果货币宽松政策,通胀上升,+ 宽松财政政策,名义利率上升。感觉这里两个点很矛盾。要如何理解?本题考的是哪一个知识点啊

2024-07-12 08:13 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202105270100000302 问题如下 In response to the projectecycliccline in the Eastlaneconomy anin private sector borrowing over the next year, Haret expects a change in the monetary anfiscpolimix. He forecasts ththe Eastlancentrbank will ease monetary policy.On the fiscsi, Haret expects the Eastlangovernment to enaa substantitcut. a result, Haret forecasts large government ficits thwill financethe issuanof long-term government securities.scuss the relationship between the shape of the yielcurve anthe monetary anfiscpolimix projecteHaret. Haret expects that, in response to a forecastecontraction in the Eastlaneconomy, the centrbank will ease monetary polianthe government will enaexpansionary fiscpolicy. This polimix himpaon the shape of the yielcurve.The impaof changes in monetary polion the yielcurve are fairly clear, because changes in the yielcurve’s slope—its flattening or steepening—are largely terminethe expectemovement in short rates. This movement, in turn, is terminethe expectepath of monetary polianthe state of the economy. With the centrbank easing anthe economy contracting, polirates will clining anwill expecteto cline further the centrbank aims to counterawnwarmomentum in the economy. Bonyiel also cline but a lesser amount, so the yielcurve steepens. The yielcurve will typically continue to steepen ring the contraction phase the centrbank continues to ease, reaching its steepest point just before the initirecovery phase.Fiscpolimaffethe shape of the yielcurve through the relative supply of bon various maturities ththe government issues to funficits. Unlike the impaof monetary policy, the impaof changes in the supply of securities on the yielcurve is unclear. The evinseems to suggest thsufficiently large purchases/sales fferent maturities will have only a temporary impaon yiel. a result, the large government buet ficits forecasteHaret are unlikely to have muof a lasting impaon the yielcurve, especially given thprivate sector borrowing will falling ring the contraction, somewhoffsetting the increase in the supply of government securitiesHaret预计,为了应对东部地区经济预期的收缩,中央银行将放松货币政策,政府将实施扩张性财政政策。这种政策组合对收益率曲线的形状有影响。货币政策变化对收益率曲线的影响是相当明显的,因为收益率曲线斜率的变化——变平还是变陡——在很大程度上取决于短期利率的预期变化。这一移动又是由预期的货币政策路径和经济状况决定的。随着央行放松政策和经济收缩,政策利率将下降,并预计将进一步下降,因为央行旨在抵消经济的下行势头。债券收益率也在下降,但下降幅度较小,因此收益率曲线变陡。随着央行继续放松政策,收益率曲线通常会在收缩阶段继续变陡,在最初的复苏阶段之前达到最陡点。财政政策可能通过政府为填补赤字而发行的各种到期债券的相对供应来影响收益率曲线的形状。与货币政策的影响不同,证券供应变化对收益率曲线的影响尚不清楚。有证据表明,在不同期限进行足够大规模的购买/出售,只会对收益率产生暂时影响。因此,Haret预测的巨额政府预算赤字不太可能对收益率曲线产生太大的持久影响,尤其是考虑到在紧缩期间私营部门借款将下降,在一定程度上抵消了政府债券供应的增加 宽松的货币政策,紧缩的财政政策,一个使得inflation rate上升,一个使得rerate上升,叠加之后是会使得长期的yiel升,为什么long-term bon里是略微下降?还有关于后面降到的securities supply的角度来判断长期利率是什么知识点?以及在老师给其他同学的解答里看到要同学记住,财政政策对利率的影响是不确定的?这个又是为什么,不是和课上说的紧缩财政政策长期看会刺激政府部门借贷,推高长期利率矛盾么?

2024-04-26 09:36 4 · 回答

NO.PZ202105270100000302 问题如下 In response to the projectecycliccline in the Eastlaneconomy anin private sector borrowing over the next year, Haret expects a change in the monetary anfiscpolimix. He forecasts ththe Eastlancentrbank will ease monetary policy.On the fiscsi, Haret expects the Eastlangovernment to enaa substantitcut. a result, Haret forecasts large government ficits thwill financethe issuanof long-term government securities.scuss the relationship between the shape of the yielcurve anthe monetary anfiscpolimix projecteHaret. Haret expects that, in response to a forecastecontraction in the Eastlaneconomy, the centrbank will ease monetary polianthe government will enaexpansionary fiscpolicy. This polimix himpaon the shape of the yielcurve.The impaof changes in monetary polion the yielcurve are fairly clear, because changes in the yielcurve’s slope—its flattening or steepening—are largely terminethe expectemovement in short rates. This movement, in turn, is terminethe expectepath of monetary polianthe state of the economy. With the centrbank easing anthe economy contracting, polirates will clining anwill expecteto cline further the centrbank aims to counterawnwarmomentum in the economy. Bonyiel also cline but a lesser amount, so the yielcurve steepens. The yielcurve will typically continue to steepen ring the contraction phase the centrbank continues to ease, reaching its steepest point just before the initirecovery phase.Fiscpolimaffethe shape of the yielcurve through the relative supply of bon various maturities ththe government issues to funficits. Unlike the impaof monetary policy, the impaof changes in the supply of securities on the yielcurve is unclear. The evinseems to suggest thsufficiently large purchases/sales fferent maturities will have only a temporary impaon yiel. a result, the large government buet ficits forecasteHaret are unlikely to have muof a lasting impaon the yielcurve, especially given thprivate sector borrowing will falling ring the contraction, somewhoffsetting the increase in the supply of government securitiesHaret预计,为了应对东部地区经济预期的收缩,中央银行将放松货币政策,政府将实施扩张性财政政策。这种政策组合对收益率曲线的形状有影响。货币政策变化对收益率曲线的影响是相当明显的,因为收益率曲线斜率的变化——变平还是变陡——在很大程度上取决于短期利率的预期变化。这一移动又是由预期的货币政策路径和经济状况决定的。随着央行放松政策和经济收缩,政策利率将下降,并预计将进一步下降,因为央行旨在抵消经济的下行势头。债券收益率也在下降,但下降幅度较小,因此收益率曲线变陡。随着央行继续放松政策,收益率曲线通常会在收缩阶段继续变陡,在最初的复苏阶段之前达到最陡点。财政政策可能通过政府为填补赤字而发行的各种到期债券的相对供应来影响收益率曲线的形状。与货币政策的影响不同,证券供应变化对收益率曲线的影响尚不清楚。有证据表明,在不同期限进行足够大规模的购买/出售,只会对收益率产生暂时影响。因此,Haret预测的巨额政府预算赤字不太可能对收益率曲线产生太大的持久影响,尤其是考虑到在紧缩期间私营部门借款将下降,在一定程度上抵消了政府债券供应的增加 记得一级、二级对于货币政策+财政政策的宽松的货币政策短期利率下降扩张的财政政策推动经济活动,利率上升二者结合,并且结合题目中发行长期政府债券的行为,可以理解是短期利率下降,长期利率上升结合今年新增的对于两个政策的描述宽松的货币政策高通货膨胀率扩张的财政政策高的实际利率二者结合,只能得出利率变高再结合题目来看,经济周期已经进入衰退了,这两个伟大的政策一结合,反而把利率推高了。我现在对于这个点的理解真的很乱,什么时候用老知识去思考,什么时候用新考纲去判断,麻烦老师解读一下,谢谢。

2024-02-06 23:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202105270100000302 问题如下 In response to the projectecycliccline in the Eastlaneconomy anin private sector borrowing over the next year, Haret expects a change in the monetary anfiscpolimix. He forecasts ththe Eastlancentrbank will ease monetary policy.On the fiscsi, Haret expects the Eastlangovernment to enaa substantitcut. a result, Haret forecasts large government ficits thwill financethe issuanof long-term government securities.scuss the relationship between the shape of the yielcurve anthe monetary anfiscpolimix projecteHaret. Haret expects that, in response to a forecastecontraction in the Eastlaneconomy, the centrbank will ease monetary polianthe government will enaexpansionary fiscpolicy. This polimix himpaon the shape of the yielcurve.The impaof changes in monetary polion the yielcurve are fairly clear, because changes in the yielcurve’s slope—its flattening or steepening—are largely terminethe expectemovement in short rates. This movement, in turn, is terminethe expectepath of monetary polianthe state of the economy. With the centrbank easing anthe economy contracting, polirates will clining anwill expecteto cline further the centrbank aims to counterawnwarmomentum in the economy. Bonyiel also cline but a lesser amount, so the yielcurve steepens. The yielcurve will typically continue to steepen ring the contraction phase the centrbank continues to ease, reaching its steepest point just before the initirecovery phase.Fiscpolimaffethe shape of the yielcurve through the relative supply of bon various maturities ththe government issues to funficits. Unlike the impaof monetary policy, the impaof changes in the supply of securities on the yielcurve is unclear. The evinseems to suggest thsufficiently large purchases/sales fferent maturities will have only a temporary impaon yiel. a result, the large government buet ficits forecasteHaret are unlikely to have muof a lasting impaon the yielcurve, especially given thprivate sector borrowing will falling ring the contraction, somewhoffsetting the increase in the supply of government securitiesHaret预计,为了应对东部地区经济预期的收缩,中央银行将放松货币政策,政府将实施扩张性财政政策。这种政策组合对收益率曲线的形状有影响。货币政策变化对收益率曲线的影响是相当明显的,因为收益率曲线斜率的变化——变平还是变陡——在很大程度上取决于短期利率的预期变化。这一移动又是由预期的货币政策路径和经济状况决定的。随着央行放松政策和经济收缩,政策利率将下降,并预计将进一步下降,因为央行旨在抵消经济的下行势头。债券收益率也在下降,但下降幅度较小,因此收益率曲线变陡。随着央行继续放松政策,收益率曲线通常会在收缩阶段继续变陡,在最初的复苏阶段之前达到最陡点。财政政策可能通过政府为填补赤字而发行的各种到期债券的相对供应来影响收益率曲线的形状。与货币政策的影响不同,证券供应变化对收益率曲线的影响尚不清楚。有证据表明,在不同期限进行足够大规模的购买/出售,只会对收益率产生暂时影响。因此,Haret预测的巨额政府预算赤字不太可能对收益率曲线产生太大的持久影响,尤其是考虑到在紧缩期间私营部门借款将下降,在一定程度上抵消了政府债券供应的增加 在紧缩期间私营部门借款将下降,在一定程度上抵消了政府债券供应的增加,答案这句应该怎么理解?能给一些吗

2024-01-19 12:02 1 · 回答