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funfunxiong · 2021年12月02日

hedge funds、illiquid assets、serial correlation

No.PZ2016071602000027 (选择题)


Risk management of hedge funds has challenges not generally faced in traditional investment management companies. Which of the following statements are correct about hedge fund risk management?

I. Because hedge funds can hold long and short positions, and can use derivatives and leverage, their exposure to market risks can experience large and rapid changes that make it difficult to assess these exposures using only monthly returns.

II. Many hedge funds use over-the-counter derivatives, which are valued by models or quoted prices and often hold illiquid assets; as a result, the returns of these strategies generally exhibit much lower serial correlation than mutual fund returns.

III. For hedge fund strategies that use leverage to amplify returns and rely on their ability to move out of trades quickly when they turn against them, liquidity risk must be closely monitored and managed.

IV. Hedge fund returns are often similar to the return of a basket of exotic derivatives with nonlinear payoffs, and therefore assessing risk based on past performance can be misleading.



funfunxiong · 2021年12月02日

serial correlation是什么?

1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2021年12月02日


serial correlations是序列相关性或者叫自相关性,是指的t时刻股票收益率与t-1时刻收益率的相关系数。II说的是对冲基金有很多OTC场外合约,这些合约都是流动性比较差,所以没有活跃的交易,这样的策略收益率一般都会和前一天的收益率保持高度相关性,跟着之前的趋势走。所以serial correlation应该是高才对


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