Based on Note 16, after reclassifying pension components to reflect economic income or expense, the net adjustment to profit before taxation is:
A.–€205 million.
B.–€94 million.
C.+€129 million.
B is correct.
Operating income is adjusted to include only the current service costs, the interest cost component is reclassified as interest expense, and the actual return on plan assets is added as investment income. Profit before taxation adjusted for actual rather than expected return on plan assets will decrease by €94 million (205 – 299).
Because the actual return on plan assets is less than the expected return on plan assets, operating income will be adjusted downward by 299 – 205 = 94. Alternatively, the adjustments to the individual pension cost components are as follows:
解析:Economic income or expense指的是能反应经济实质的收入或费用,这道题是让从分析师的角度考虑养老金的会计处理。比如,在分析师看来,实际投资收益是公司实际拿到的收益,比预期的收益更靠谱,更能反映公司养老金计划的经济现实。
这道题目问题的the net adjustment to profit,也就是要怎么从原来的periodic pension expense调整成Economic income or expense,要求的是一个差额。
根据题目给的条件,可以算出利润表中本来计的periodic pension cost=-40-263+299=-4。这就是解释中第一个表格的意思。
解释中第二个表格是先从损益表中把所有的pension cost加回,然后重新再将pension cost的各项归到更能反映经济实质的栏位。
+4-40=-36的意思就是先把之前包含在operating expense的所有periodic pension cost加回,也就是+4,然后只在operating expense中扣掉c.s.c,也就是-40,因为分析师认为只有c.s.c才算是operating expense。
下面-263意思是把pension cost里面的interest cost部分归入利润表的利息费用一栏。下面的+205的意思是分析师认为养老金资产的投资收入应该归类为investment income,而且应该用真实的return才能反映经济实质,所以加的是actual return205,不考虑E(R)299。这三行加总,就是-94。
【提示】原题解析是通过这道题把分析师对periodic pension cost的归类讲解了一遍,实际解题可以简化思路,因为pension cost各项不管怎么重归类,都是在profit before taxation之前列支的,所以在考虑净调整额net adjustment的时候,只需要考虑actual return和expected return的差额,及205-299=-94。
既然调整的时候步骤是总成本加回-service cost ,将jint归类到int 将other 放在其他。那么是不是可以说第一张表格是损益表里的数字?
所以-40 (减去cost)
?可是如果是在加回后+4-40(原来不是就已经记了40) 40+4-40?