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aileen20180623 · 2021年11月17日


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8. Which valuation model would the director of research most likely recommend Lee use to estimate the value of VEGA?



Free cash flow


Dividend discount


P/E relative valuation


A is correct.

The broad criteria for model selection are that a valuation model be consistent with the characteristics of the company being valued,appropriate given the availability and quality of the data and consistent with the purpose of the valuation. VEGA currently has negative earnings,making the use of P/E relative valuation difficult if not impossible. As VEGA does not pay a dividend and is not expected to for the foreseeablefuture; this would make the application of a dividend discount model problematic. However, the lack of a dividend would not be an obstacle tofree cash flow valuation. Furthermore, the director of research has advised that the possibility that competitors may seek to acquire VEGA betaken in to account in valuing VEGA. The reading states that free cash flow valuation can be appropriate in such circumstances. Thus, the directorof research would be most likely to recommend free cash flow valuation.

Lee also notes that she expects that certain larger competitors will become interested in acquiring VEGA because of its excellent growth prospects. Thedirector of research advises Lee to consider that in her valuation.这个意思不是说要把对手考虑进去,考虑对手不久relative?



1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2021年11月17日






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NO.PZ201512300100000108 问题如下 8. Whivaluation mol woulthe rector of researmost likely recommenLee use to estimate the value of VEG A.Free cash flow B.vinscount C.P/E relative valuation A is correct.The brocriteria for mol selection are tha valuation mol consistent with the characteristiof the company being valueappropriate given the availability anquality of the ta anconsistent with the purpose of the valuation. VEGA currently hnegative earnings,making the use of P/E relative valuation fficult if not impossible. VEGA es not pa vinanis not expecteto for the foreseeablefuture; this woulmake the application of a vinscount mol problematiHowever, the laof a vinwoulnot obstacle tofree cash flow valuation. Furthermore, the rector of researhaiseththe possibility thcompetitors mseek to acquire VEGA betaken in to account in valuing VEGThe reang states thfree cash flow valuation cappropriate in sucircumstances. Thus, the rectorof researwoulmost likely to recommenfree cash flow valuation. 能否再讲一下选模型的方法,在什么情况下选什么不选什么?

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2019-03-16 23:34 1 · 回答

    not profitable是否意味着negative free cash flow?

2019-01-28 21:36 1 · 回答

不太明白 求。pe为啥不可以呢

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