Exhibit 1. Three-Factor Model of Term Structure
Note: Entries indicate how yields would change for a one standard deviation increase in a factor.
Calculate the expected change in yield on the five-year bond resulting from a one standard deviation decrease in the level factor and a one standard deviation decrease in the curvature factor.
A.decreasing by 0.8315%.
B.decreasing by 0.0389%.
C.increasing by 0.0389%.
C is correct.
考点:Managing Yield Curve Risks: Decompose the risk into three factors
解析:图1中的因子表示各个因子变动一个标准差对债券收益率的影响,因此对于5年期的债券,level变动一个标准差对债券收益率的影响为-0.4352%; curvature变动一个标准差对债券收益率的影响为0.3963%,因此Level降低一个标准差,Curvature降低一个标准差对债券收益率的影响为:
老师好 这题为啥不用乘以duration 5,虽然答案里没有*5 的选项。 怎么问法需要乘以duration. 谢谢。