Based on Exhibit 2, relative to Portfolio C, Portfolio B:
A. has higher cash flow reinvestment risk.
B. is a more desirable
portfolio for liquidity management.
C. provides less protection
from yield curve shifts and twists.
B is correct.
Portfolio B is a laddered portfolio with maturities spread more or less evenly over the yield curve. A desirable aspect of a laddered portfolio is liquidity management. Because there is always a bond close to redemption, the soon-to-mature bond can provide emergency liquidity needs. Barbell portfolios, such as Portfolio C, have maturities only at the short-term and long-term ends and thus are much less desirable for liquidity management
忽然意识到关于流动性管理存在一个矛盾点,按照正常思维,即流动性管理就是看CF越分散管理的越好,即ladder的CF最分散所以流动性管理最好! 换个角度convexity又能表明cf的dispersion即分散程度,这样barbell 的convexity最大啊,难道流动性管理最好吗?