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𝒜𝒩𝒥𝒜 安雅🎃 · 2021年10月10日

贸易赤字和capital account此消彼长的关系



In order to reduce trade deficit in a country, a feasible way is



Increasing its capital account surplus.


Decreasing expenditures relative to income.


Decreasing domestic saving relative to domestic investment.


B is correct.

In a country, decreasing a capital account surplus will improve a country trade deficit, which means domestic savings increase relative to domestic investment. Domestic savings increase means decreasing expenditures relative to income. A large capital account surplus (an increase in net foreign borrowing) and a greater trade deficit is consistent with decreasing domestic saving relative to domestic investment.

考点:The Trade Balance





  1. 原版书第451页写着A trade deficit must be exactly matched by an offsetting captial account surplus. 根据这句话,为什么不能选A?如果贸易赤字和captial account是此消彼长的关系,那么“要减少贸易赤字就要增加capital surplus" 有什么错?
  2. 这题该用哪个公式去想比较正确?X-M=(S-I)+(T-G),还是X-M=Y-(C+I+G)?我分不清这两条公式分别适用的场景。

1 个答案

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2021年10月12日


同学你好,关于你的问题1,因为题干说的是要reduce trade deficit所以是需要decrease capital account surplus的



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NO.PZ2016010801000119 问题如下 In orr to retra ficit in a country, a feasible wis A.Increasing its capitaccount surplus. B.creasing expentures relative to income. C.creasing mestic saving relative to mestic investment. B is correct.In a country, creasing a capitaccount surplus will improve a country tra ficit, whimeans mestic savings increase relative to mestic investment. mestic savings increase means creasing expentures relative to income. A large capitaccount surplus (increase in net foreign borrowing) ana greater tra ficit is consistent with creasing mestic saving relative to mestic investment.考点The Tra Balance在一个国家,减少资本账户盈余将改善该国的贸易赤字,这意味着国内储蓄相对于国内投资有所增加。所以A错误,B正确。 而国内储蓄的增加意味着支出相对于收入的减少。所以C错误。巨额资本账户盈余(净外国借款的增加)和更大的贸易逆差,与国内储蓄相对于国内投资的减少是一致的。 看助教老师之前的答疑说“X-M是经常账户,M-X是资本账户”。那资本账户跟国内储蓄和国内投资有什么关系呢?我理解的是,既然M-X是资本账户,那么M-X如果大于零的话,就相当于花的钱多于收到的钱,所以投资大于储蓄。是这样理解的吗?

2023-09-25 11:00 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000119 问题如下 In orr to retra ficit in a country, a feasible wis A.Increasing its capitaccount surplus. B.creasing expentures relative to income. C.creasing mestic saving relative to mestic investment. B is correct.In a country, creasing a capitaccount surplus will improve a country tra ficit, whimeans mestic savings increase relative to mestic investment. mestic savings increase means creasing expentures relative to income. A large capitaccount surplus (increase in net foreign borrowing) ana greater tra ficit is consistent with creasing mestic saving relative to mestic investment.考点The Tra Balance在一个国家,减少资本账户盈余将改善该国的贸易赤字,这意味着国内储蓄相对于国内投资有所增加。所以A错误,B正确。 而国内储蓄的增加意味着支出相对于收入的减少。所以C错误。巨额资本账户盈余(净外国借款的增加)和更大的贸易逆差,与国内储蓄相对于国内投资的减少是一致的。 改善经常账户赤字,即增加(X-M),按照课堂讲义讲解,如有赤字,即X-M 0, 则需要海外资本流入,如以下幻灯片所述如此,外资流入,不就带来资本账户金额增加吗?怎么又是减少?我看到之前老师的答疑为(X-M)的增加即(M-X)的减少,其中(M-X)即为资本账户,那幻灯片中capitinfiow又如何理解?

2023-08-14 10:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000119 问题如下 In orr to retra ficit in a country, a feasible wis A.Increasing its capitaccount surplus. B.creasing expentures relative to income. C.creasing mestic saving relative to mestic investment. B is correct.In a country, creasing a capitaccount surplus will improve a country tra ficit, whimeans mestic savings increase relative to mestic investment. mestic savings increase means creasing expentures relative to income. A large capitaccount surplus (increase in net foreign borrowing) ana greater tra ficit is consistent with creasing mestic saving relative to mestic investment.考点The Tra Balance在一个国家,减少资本账户盈余将改善该国的贸易赤字,这意味着国内储蓄相对于国内投资有所增加。所以A错误,B正确。 而国内储蓄的增加意味着支出相对于收入的减少。所以C错误。巨额资本账户盈余(净外国借款的增加)和更大的贸易逆差,与国内储蓄相对于国内投资的减少是一致的。 a为啥错误,上一题才说了这个答案是正确的

2023-07-14 06:38 4 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000119 问题如下 In orr to retra ficit in a country, a feasible wis A.Increasing its capitaccount surplus. B.creasing expentures relative to income. C.creasing mestic saving relative to mestic investment. B is correct.In a country, creasing a capitaccount surplus will improve a country tra ficit, whimeans mestic savings increase relative to mestic investment. mestic savings increase means creasing expentures relative to income. A large capitaccount surplus (increase in net foreign borrowing) ana greater tra ficit is consistent with creasing mestic saving relative to mestic investment.考点The Tra Balance在一个国家,减少资本账户盈余将改善该国的贸易赤字,这意味着国内储蓄相对于国内投资有所增加。所以A错误,B正确。 而国内储蓄的增加意味着支出相对于收入的减少。所以C错误。巨额资本账户盈余(净外国借款的增加)和更大的贸易逆差,与国内储蓄相对于国内投资的减少是一致的。 rt

2023-03-25 13:54 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000119 问题如下 In orr to retra ficit in a country, a feasible wis A.Increasing its capitaccount surplus. B.creasing expentures relative to income. C.creasing mestic saving relative to mestic investment. B is correct.In a country, creasing a capitaccount surplus will improve a country tra ficit, whimeans mestic savings increase relative to mestic investment. mestic savings increase means creasing expentures relative to income. A large capitaccount surplus (increase in net foreign borrowing) ana greater tra ficit is consistent with creasing mestic saving relative to mestic investment.考点The Tra Balance在一个国家,减少资本账户盈余将改善该国的贸易赤字,这意味着国内储蓄相对于国内投资有所增加。所以A错误,B正确。 而国内储蓄的增加意味着支出相对于收入的减少。所以C错误。巨额资本账户盈余(净外国借款的增加)和更大的贸易逆差,与国内储蓄相对于国内投资的减少是一致的。 这个A是什么意思?不懂

2023-02-11 09:16 3 · 回答