Compared with using the Singapore dollar as Acceletron’s functional currency for 2007, if the US dollar were the functional currency, it is most likely that Redline’s consolidated:
A.inventories will be higher.
B.receivable turnover will be lower.
C.fixed asset turnover will be higher.
C is correct.
If the US dollar is the functional currency, the temporal method must be used. Revenues and receivables (monetary asset) would be the same under either accounting method. Inventory and fixed assets were purchased when the US dollar was stronger, so at historical rates (temporal method), translated they would be lower. Identical revenues/lower fixed assets would result in higher fixed-asset turnover.
考点:current method VS temporal method.
解析:子公司Acceletron在新加坡,母公司在美国,母公司的reporting currency是美元。题目问,如果用美元作为子公司的functional currency,那么比用新加坡元作为functional currency会怎么样。
如果美元是functional currency,即子公司functional currency=母公司reporting currency,选择temporal method来转换。
如果新加坡元是functional currency,即子公司functional currency=local currency,选择current rate method转换。
A:temporal method下用存货采购时候的历史汇率转换inventory(0.654),current rate method下用current rate转换inventory(0.671),所以用temporal method转换的inventory更低,选项A不正确。
B:receivable turnover=revenue/AR
- current rate method和temporal method转换revenue都是用历史汇率,因此分子的转换汇率无差别。
- Account receivables 属于monetary asset,在两种方法都用current rate转换,因此分母的转换汇率无差别。
- receivable turnover在两种转换方法下没有区别,选项B不正确。
C:fixed asset turnover =revenues/fixed assets
- current rate method和temporal method转换revenue都是用历史汇率,因此分子的转换汇率无差别。
- fixed assets在current rate method下用current rate转换(0.671)。
- fixed assets在temporal method用固定资产取得时候的历史汇率转换的(0.568和0.606)。
- 所以用temporal method转换的fixed assets会lower。
- 分子相同,分母temporal method lower,则fixed asset turnove会higher,选项C正确。
因为新加坡币在升值,所以新加坡币计算时Asset会更高采用FIFO,所以asset turnover相对较低?