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落了一地 · 2021年10月08日

confirmation basis和availability basis区分

* 问题详情,请 查看题干



With regard to Johnson’s comment relating to Garnier’s research analysts, which of the following biases is most likely to be present in the analysts’ data?



Confirmation bias.


Availability bias.


Self-attribution bias.


A is correct.

Confirmation bias, a cognitive bias, is the tendency for people to misread evidence as additional support for an initial hypothesis. Confirmation bias is a potential bias for analysts conducting research. It is a form of resolving cognitive dissonance that described the tendency to search for, or interpret, information in a way that confirms the analyst’s prior beliefs. The additional information may not be analyzed in a rigorous way, but it can nevertheless appear to make the judgment or forecast more likely by sharing some of its general characteristics.

这道题目关于confirmation basis和availability basis的区别没看明白。

看助教回答说分析师支持Johnson自己的股票所以是confirmation basis,如果是这样我理解。因为说明分析师confirm了Johnson已有的决定。

但题目中没说分析师支持的是Johnson已经有的股票啊,只是说分析师看好的股票Johnson愿意多承担风险。这不就是相当于Johnson愿意接受分析师推荐的股票,是availability basis么?

1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2021年10月11日


我认为这道题题想考查的对象,并不是 Johnson,而是分析师。请参考题干的问法:to be present in the analysts’ data。哪个偏差,最有可能在分析师的数据中出现

这道题我理解协会想考查的知识点是 Analyst Biases in Conducting Research,是分析师做研究时可能会出现的偏差,包括 confirmation bias,请参考基础班讲义 P144

所以协会考查的角度,可能不是 R8 行为偏差里面那种,需要通过主人公的言行举止去分析关键词,得出确切的偏差的思路

看协会的解析也能发现,对象是 analyst 分析师,而不是客户 Johnson

题干说的不太好,容易让人产生误会。这道题是 R9 课后题第 5 题,和第 6 题类似,都是题干给的描述,容易让考生产生其他联想,属于不太好的题目



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NO.PZ201511190100000405 问题如下 With regarto Johnson’s comment relating to Garnier’s researanalysts, whiof the following biases is most likely to present in the analysts’ t A.Confirmation bias. B.Availability bias. C.Self-attribution bias. A is correct.Confirmation bias, a cognitive bias, is the tennfor people to misreevinaitionsupport for initihypothesis. Confirmation biis a potentibifor analysts concting research. It is a form of resolving cognitive ssonanthscribethe tennto searfor, or interpret, information in a wthconfirms the analyst’s prior beliefs. The aitioninformation mnot analyzein a rigorous way, but it cnevertheless appeto make the jument or forecast more likely sharing some of its genercharacteristics. 老师好 “\"if she knew thmore thone of Garnier’s researanalysts supporteit.\" 这句怎么听起来是在责备人家 ,就是说如果Johnson知道有G的researanalyst 支持 ,她的投资策略会增加, 之所以没增加 是因为她不知道有analysts支持? 有点感觉是错了怪人家意思,就是选C 的感觉?哪里分析错了?谢谢。

2022-07-11 17:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201511190100000405 问题如下 With regarto Johnson’s comment relating to Garnier’s researanalysts, whiof the following biases is most likely to present in the analysts’ t A.Confirmation bias. B.Availability bias. C.Self-attribution bias. A is correct.Confirmation bias, a cognitive bias, is the tennfor people to misreevinaitionsupport for initihypothesis. Confirmation biis a potentibifor analysts concting research. It is a form of resolving cognitive ssonanthscribethe tennto searfor, or interpret, information in a wthconfirms the analyst’s prior beliefs. The aitioninformation mnot analyzein a rigorous way, but it cnevertheless appeto make the jument or forecast more likely sharing some of its genercharacteristics. 没看懂题,这是说如果有了分析师的支持, J会出现什么偏差么?

2022-07-04 17:05 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201511190100000405 如果本题按照助教的说,主要是围绕分析师分析数据会出现的偏差,为什么B、C不选?

2021-12-22 11:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201511190100000405 有点没太懂这道题想问什么~ 麻烦下~~ 怎么会冒出analysts' ta的字眼呢?

2021-09-05 21:35 1 · 回答