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丹凤朝阳 · 2018年02月09日

问一道题:NO.PZ201512300100000107 第7小题 [ CFA II ]

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 题目说“为了 估计每一个公司的内在 价值。。。”为什么 不 选C  公 司分成 部分 估值

1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2018年02月10日

sum-of-the-parts这种估值方法一般用于集团公司下,每个子公司分别适用于不同的估值模型,计算出每个子公司的价值相加总得到整个集团公司的价值。但题目中的意思是每一个公司都适用于FCF模型,那就是absolute valuation。

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NO.PZ201512300100000107问题如下7. Whivaluation mol is Richaron applying in his analysis of the retailers?A.Relative valueB.Absolute valueC.Sum-of-the-partsB is correct.absolute valuation mol is a mol thspecifies asset’s intrinsic value. The most important type of absolute equity valuationmols are present value mols (also referreto scountecash flow mols) anthe mol scribeRicharon is of thtype.老师能列一下绝对和相对估值模型(或者一共有哪些模型)吗?谢谢

2023-08-17 13:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512300100000107 Absolute value Sum-of-the-parts B is correct. absolute valuation mol is a mol thspecifies asset’s intrinsic value. The most important type of absolute equity valuationmols are present value mols (also referreto scountecash flow mols) anthe mol scribeRicharon is of thtype.老师你好,想请教一下Sum of the part是什么模型咯,谢谢

2022-01-10 11:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512300100000107 Absolute value Sum-of-the-parts B is correct. absolute valuation mol is a mol thspecifies asset’s intrinsic value. The most important type of absolute equity valuationmols are present value mols (also referreto scountecash flow mols) anthe mol scribeRicharon is of thtype. 题目里面对应这个问题的是那一段文字,请翻译一下,再一下

2021-03-02 09:35 1 · 回答

Absolute value Sum-of-the-parts B is correct. absolute valuation mol is a mol thspecifies asset’s intrinsic value. The most important type of absolute equity valuationmols are present value mols (also referreto scountecash flow mols) anthe mol scribeRicharon is of thtype. 每个公司十年的都预测了 然后比较 不是relative法吗。

2021-02-28 10:37 1 · 回答


2018-03-05 14:11 1 · 回答