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一只可爱的猪 · 2021年09月16日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



2 In answering the question raised in Statement 2, Park would most likely recommend:





hedge funds.


private equities.


C is correct.

When projecting expected returns, the order of returns from highest to lowest is typically regarded as private equities, hedge funds, bonds. Therefore, the probability of achieving the highest portfolio return while maintaining the funded status of the plan would require the use of private equities in conjunction with public equities. In addition, private equities have a high/strong potential to fulfill the role of capital growth. Fixed-income investments are expected to have a high/strong potential to fulfill the role of safety.

这道题从题干分析,单纯就是让选expected return最高的,根据“PE比hedge fund的return高”这个结论就能解题。这道题没让考虑diversification的问题,题目要求“achieve the greatest probability of maintaining the pension funding status over a long time horizon”,目前funded status是能够不依靠contribution,支付“a number of years”的pension payments,投资目标是希望可以维持这种状态“over a long time horizon”,因为不依靠contribution,那么就只能依靠投资收益,题干又要求“greatest probability”,PE的expected return是最高的,所以选C。

 is there a single asset class that could be used for the balance of the portfolio to achieve the greatest probability of maintaining the pension funding status over a long time horizon? 

maintaining the pension funding status不是需要比较稳定的CF吗,那不是bond更适合吗?PE会不会风险太大了

1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2021年09月16日


这里两点要注意,保持pension funding status最重要的是什么?是不是本山大哥说的“人活着,钱没了?”所以这里说的maintain是说要保持维护退休生活的能力,那就是要尽可能的提高收益。



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NO.PZ201909280100000802 问题如下 2 In answering the question raisein Statement 2, Park woulmost likely recommen A.bon. B.hee fun. C.private equities. C is correct. When projecting expectereturns, the orr of returns from highest to lowest is typically regarprivate equities, hee fun, bon. Therefore, the probability of achieving the highest portfolio return while maintaining the funstatus of the plwoulrequire the use of private equities in conjunction with public equities. In aition, private equities have a high/strong potentito fulfill the role of capitgrowth. Fixeincome investments are expecteto have a high/strong potentito fulfill the role of safety.这道题从题干分析,单纯就是让选expectereturn最高的,根据“PE比hee funreturn高”这个结论就能解题。这道题没让考虑versification的问题,题目要求“achieve the greatest probability of maintaining the pension funng status over a long time horizon”,目前funstatus是能够不依靠contribution,支付“a number of years”的pension payments,投资目标是希望可以维持这种状态“over a long time horizon”,因为不依靠contribution,那么就只能依靠投资收益,题干又要求“greatest probability”,PE的expectereturn是最高的,所以选 读题的时候把这句话理解成了,新增的资产不能改变60/40的股债资产配置比例,所以只有hee fun面的long/short 或者 EMN的方式可以保持权益头寸净配置比例不变。但是从解答来看,这部分内容好像没有实际意义麻烦老师解答

2023-12-26 17:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201909280100000802 问题如下 2 In answering the question raisein Statement 2, Park woulmost likely recommen A.bon. B.hee fun. C.private equities. C is correct. When projecting expectereturns, the orr of returns from highest to lowest is typically regarprivate equities, hee fun, bon. Therefore, the probability of achieving the highest portfolio return while maintaining the funstatus of the plwoulrequire the use of private equities in conjunction with public equities. In aition, private equities have a high/strong potentito fulfill the role of capitgrowth. Fixeincome investments are expecteto have a high/strong potentito fulfill the role of safety.这道题从题干分析,单纯就是让选expectereturn最高的,根据“PE比hee funreturn高”这个结论就能解题。这道题没让考虑versification的问题,题目要求“achieve the greatest probability of maintaining the pension funng status over a long time horizon”,目前funstatus是能够不依靠contribution,支付“a number of years”的pension payments,投资目标是希望可以维持这种状态“over a long time horizon”,因为不依靠contribution,那么就只能依靠投资收益,题干又要求“greatest probability”,PE的expectereturn是最高的,所以选 为什么maintaining the pension fun是要选收益最大的呢?题目只说维持而已,你投资pe波动更大,也可能会亏损更多啊?这还怎么maintain?难道不应该是选择volatility最小的吗?

2023-07-22 10:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201909280100000802问题如下2 In answering the question raisein Statement 2, Park woulmost likely recommenA.bon.B.hee fun.C.private equities. C is correct. When projecting expectereturns, the orr of returns from highest to lowest is typically regarprivate equities, hee fun, bon. Therefore, the probability of achieving the highest portfolio return while maintaining the funstatus of the plwoulrequire the use of private equities in conjunction with public equities. In aition, private equities have a high/strong potentito fulfill the role of capitgrowth. Fixeincome investments are expecteto have a high/strong potentito fulfill the role of safety.这道题从题干分析,单纯就是让选expectereturn最高的,根据“PE比hee funreturn高”这个结论就能解题。这道题没让考虑versification的问题,题目要求“achieve the greatest probability of maintaining the pension funng status over a long time horizon”,目前funstatus是能够不依靠contribution,支付“a number of years”的pension payments,投资目标是希望可以维持这种状态“over a long time horizon”,因为不依靠contribution,那么就只能依靠投资收益,题干又要求“greatest probability”,PE的expectereturn是最高的,所以选在PPT第几页的考点呢

2023-06-10 14:29 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201909280100000802问题如下2 In answering the question raisein Statement 2, Park woulmost likely recommenA.bon.B.hee fun.C.private equities. C is correct. When projecting expectereturns, the orr of returns from highest to lowest is typically regarprivate equities, hee fun, bon. Therefore, the probability of achieving the highest portfolio return while maintaining the funstatus of the plwoulrequire the use of private equities in conjunction with public equities. In aition, private equities have a high/strong potentito fulfill the role of capitgrowth. Fixeincome investments are expecteto have a high/strong potentito fulfill the role of safety.这道题从题干分析,单纯就是让选expectereturn最高的,根据“PE比hee funreturn高”这个结论就能解题。这道题没让考虑versification的问题,题目要求“achieve the greatest probability of maintaining the pension funng status over a long time horizon”,目前funstatus是能够不依靠contribution,支付“a number of years”的pension payments,投资目标是希望可以维持这种状态“over a long time horizon”,因为不依靠contribution,那么就只能依靠投资收益,题干又要求“greatest probability”,PE的expectereturn是最高的,所以选稳定比收益更重要,PE不合适

2023-01-21 10:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201909280100000802问题如下 2 In answering the question raisein Statement 2, Park woulmost likely recommenA.bon.B.hee fun.C.private equities. C is correct. When projecting expectereturns, the orr of returns from highest to lowest is typically regarprivate equities, hee fun, bon. Therefore, the probability of achieving the highest portfolio return while maintaining the funstatus of the plwoulrequire the use of private equities in conjunction with public equities. In aition, private equities have a high/strong potentito fulfill the role of capitgrowth. Fixeincome investments are expecteto have a high/strong potentito fulfill the role of safety.这道题从题干分析,单纯就是让选expectereturn最高的,根据“PE比hee funreturn高”这个结论就能解题。这道题没让考虑versification的问题,题目要求“achieve the greatest probability of maintaining the pension funng status over a long time horizon”,目前funstatus是能够不依靠contribution,支付“a number of years”的pension payments,投资目标是希望可以维持这种状态“over a long time horizon”,因为不依靠contribution,那么就只能依靠投资收益,题干又要求“greatest probability”,PE的expectereturn是最高的,所以选如题

2022-12-02 16:05 2 · 回答