When managing on-balance sheet funding liquidity
risk, the zero cost of funds approach take liquidity as a free good. The
following statements are about the zero cost of funds approach, which of the
following is NOT correct?
A. A zero charge for the cost of
liquidity and a zero credit for the benefit of liquidity exacerbated maturity transformation to the
largest degree possible.
B. This approach resulted in the
hoarding of short-term highly liquid assets.
C. As the funding conditions so easy, banks
viewed spreads as pure credit risk adjustments and ignored funding liquidity
risk altogether, thus the bank use the zero-cost approach.
D. It
is a poor practice identified that some banks failed to account for the costs,
benefits and risks of liquidity in their business activities.
考点:对LTP in Practice: Managing On-Balance
Sheet Funding Liquidity Risk的理解
This approach resulted in the hoarding of long-term highly illiquid assets, and very few long-term stable liabilities to meet funding demands as they became due.