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qyang · 2021年09月09日




Hudson Kelly, CFA, is an options strategy analyst at Quant Analytics, Inc., focusing on managing the portfolios of high-net-worth clients. Kelly is reviewing the IPSs for several clients to devise strategies to meet their short- and long-term objectives.

Kelly meets with Noah Jacobs, a client whose portfolio is concentrated in a single stock, Brookline Corporation (BKLN). Jacobs is confident about the long-term performance of the stock and does not want to sell any shares. Using the BKLN shares, Jacobs wants to generate an immediate cash flow of $100,000 to pay for his son’s college tuition. Kelly is tasked to come up with an option strategy that does not use naked option positions. Three-month option contract prices and Greeks for BKLN are shown in Exhibit 1.

BKLN current stock price = $510.40

Liz McPherson, a high-net-worth client, is following BKLN and is tracking its earnings history for the last few quarters. McPherson is expecting the revenue of BKLN to peak due to advancements in technology. Although the overall stock market is performing well and rising, there could be a potential downside for BKLN’s industry. Kelly recommends that McPherson establish an at-the-money (ATM) straddle strategy to benefit from possible extreme movements in the BKLN stock price.

Kelly meets with Anusha Bandla, another high-net-worth client, who expects very little price movement in BKLN. Bandla evaluates the options strategies to take advantage of BKLN’s volatility and makes the following three statements:

Statement 1: For a 1% move in the options volatility, the value of an ATM straddle would change by $0.506.

Statement 2: A short volatility strategy can be established by implementing an ATM straddle.

Statement 3: To protect downside risk, a collar strategy can be implemented by adding a long put to a covered call position.



19 . The number of BKLN covered call contracts with an exercise price of $540 required to generate the needed cash flow is closest to:

Correct Answer: C

Jacobs holds the BKLN shares. A covered call involves selling out-of-the-money (OTM) calls to receive a premium against the existing BKLN shares.

From Exhibit 1, Jacobs will sell the calls with an exercise price of $540, generating a premium of $251 per contract.

To generate $100,000 cash flow by selling $540 calls, the number of contracts to sell = $100,000 / $251 = 398.40 = 399 contracts

Could you help me understand this one? Thanks!

1 个答案

Hertz_品职助教 · 2021年09月09日



1.     咱们先看一下问题哈,问的是在covered call这个策略中,如果要产生我们想要的现金流需要多少份的执行价格为540的合约。

2.     然后看一下题干第2段,可知他需要100,000的现金。covered call策略,其构成是covered call=long stock + short call。该策略中short call会收到期权费,从而可以产生现金流,用来满足我们的100,000的现金流需求。

3.     然后题目说了使用的是执行价格是540的期权,对应的在covered call汇总就是short行权价为540的call,看一下题干中的表格,最后一行第3列,可知这个行权价为540的call期权费是2.51,这里默认一份期权合约包含了100个(后面有tips说明),因此一份期权合约产生的期权费是251.总共需要100,000的现金流,用100,000除以251就是需要的合约份数啦~

(tips:这里题干没有说明一份call option合约包含100个,我找了一下这道题目的来源这是是一道mock题目。Mock题目向来不是很严谨,按理说题干应该给到这个信息的,但是却没有,不过没有关系,这只是数量级的问题,我们还是可以选出答案的。但是真正考试是不会出现这种问题的,不用担心哈)


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