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Zunniyaki · 2021年09月05日

convexity和effective convexity的区别?

* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Based on Note 2, Rosaiso is the only fund for which the expected change in price based on the investor’s views of yields and yield spreads should be calculated using:





modified duration.


effective duration


C is correct.

Rosaiso is the only fund that holds bonds with embedded options. Effective duration should be used for bonds with embedded options. For bonds with embedded options, the duration and convexity measures used to calculate the expected change in price based on the investors’s views of yields and yield spreads are effective duration and effective convexity. For bonds without embedded options, convexity and modified duration are used in this calculation.

老师,你好!能否问下之前的知识,convexity和effecitve convexity从性质上和公式上的区别?我有点儿记不太清了

1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2021年09月06日


这2个都是凸性,convexity用于不含期权的债券,effective convexity用于含期权的债券。


effective convexity因为含期权,所以无法使用理论推导,只能实证计算。

effective Convexity = (V- + V+ - 2 x V0) / (2 x V0 x (Change in y)^2)

effective这个词,总是与Option联系在一起。所以在本题中,看到with embedded options,就要选带effective的选项。


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NO.PZ201812020100000104 问题如下 Baseon Note 2, Rosaiso is the only funfor whithe expectechange in pribaseon the investor’s views of yiel anyield sprea shoulcalculateusing: convexity. mofieration. effective ration C is correct. Rosaiso is the only funthhol bon with embeeoptions. Effective ration shoulusefor bon with embeeoptions. For bon with embeeoptions, the ration and convexity measures useto calculate the expectechange in pribaseon the investors’s views of yiel anyielsprea are effective ration aneffective convexity. For bon without embeed options, convexity anmofieration are usein this calculation. 如题

2023-07-30 21:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100000104 问题如下 Baseon Note 2, Rosaiso is the only funfor whithe expectechange in pribaseon the investor’s views of yiel anyield sprea shoulcalculateusing: convexity. mofieration. effective ration C is correct. Rosaiso is the only funthhol bon with embeeoptions. Effective ration shoulusefor bon with embeeoptions. For bon with embeeoptions, the ration and convexity measures useto calculate the expectechange in pribaseon the investors’s views of yiel anyielsprea are effective ration aneffective convexity. For bon without embeed options, convexity anmofieration are usein this calculation. 题目问的是baseon the investor’s views of yiel anyielsprea。而题干中investor' view是yiel变。那么如果是平移,用effective ration衡量,非平移用effective convexity来衡量,对吧?

2022-08-17 08:22 1 · 回答


2021-02-24 21:22 1 · 回答