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Yuyu · 2021年08月29日

这个underfunded status 不需要用更risky的投资弥补么?



Dianna Mark is the chief financial officer of Antiliaro, a relatively mature textile production company headquartered in Italy. All of its revenues come from Europe, but the company is losing sales to its Asian competitors. Earnings have been steady but not growing, and the balance sheet has taken on more debt in the past few years in order to maintain liquidity. Mark reviews the following facts concerning the company’s defined benefit (DB) pension plan:

●The DB plan currently has €1 billion in assets and is underfunded by €100 million in relation to the projected benefit obligation (PBO) because of investment losses.

●The company to date has made regular contributions.

●The average employee age is 50 years, and the company has many retirees owing to its longevity.

●The duration of the plan’s liabilities (which are all Europe based) is 10 years.

●The discount rate applied to these liabilities is 6%.

●There is a high correlation between the operating results of Antiliaro and pension asset returns.

Determine whether the risk tolerance of the DB plan is below average or above average. Justify your response with two reasons.


the DB plan is below average

2 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2021年09月01日


因为何老师提到过几种underfunded的情况 其中有一种就是靠投资更高风险产品来弥补 这个点如何结合题目来看?



第二个是本题的企业有稳定盈利(Earnings have been steady),且企业一直在缴纳Contribution(the company to date has made regular contributions.),那说明就算这道题的基金采取了保守的投资,但养老金的缺口可以用其他途径填补,如企业的利润(Contribution)来补足。所以Underfunded时,不采取激进投资完全OK。

第三点就是,判断Below average还是Above average时,一定要综合结合题目的各种信息,从其他信息来看(企业盈利与养老金有较高Correlation,企业员工年龄较大,基金有投资亏损)等,以上的信息都可以帮助证实是Underfunded采用保守的策略。

那综合一下,本题就是Below average。




发亮_品职助教 · 2021年08月31日



这道问Risk tolerance高低,Risk tolerance是由Portfolio的客观条件决定的。

例如,Investment horizon可以决定Risk tolerance,越长的投资期对应越高的Risk tolerance;Liquidity needs也会决定Risk tolerance,这些都是Portfolio客观的条件。

对于Pension funded status也同理,这也是基金的客观条件。Underfunded时,Risk tolerance低;Overfunded时,Risk tolerance高,这个结论是一定成立的。碰到这种情景(题目),可用这个判断。

由于这道题只需让判断Risk tolerance,结合这道题的信息,那就是Underfunded → Risk tolerance below average。

如果题目额外有说,Pension fund想要通过激进地投资来弥补缺口,将Underfunded的基金提升至Overfunded,然后没有给其他信息,例如,题目没有说基金无法获得企业的Contirbution,那此时,基金的Risk tolerance依然是Below average,因为基金的客观条件不允许他的Risk tolerance above average,至于养老金的缺口可以从企业的Contribution来补充,并不一定完全由投资收益来填补。那这种情况,客观条件就决定了只能是Below average。

注意,就Pension fund这里,绝大多数情况都是:Underfunded(Overfunded)→ Risk tolerance below (Above) average → 更加保守的投资(更加激进的投资)。




Yuyu · 2021年08月31日

谢谢 因为何老师提到过几种underfunded的情况 其中有一种就是靠投资更高风险产品来弥补 这个点如何结合题目来看?

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NO.PZ2019100901000014 问题如下 anna Mark is the chief financiofficer of Antiliaro, a relatively mature textile proction company heauarterein Italy. All of its revenues come from Europe, but the company is losing sales to its Asicompetitors. Earnings have been stea but not growing, anthe balansheet htaken on more in the past few years in orr to maintain liquity. Mark reviews the following facts concerning the company’s finebenefit () pension plan:●The plcurrently h€1 billion in assets anis unrfun€100 million in relation to the projectebenefit obligation (PBO) because of investment losses.●The company to te hma regulcontributions.●The average employee age is 50 years, anthe company hmany retirees owing to its longevity.●The ration of the plan’s liabilities (whiare all Europe base is 10 years.●The scount rate applieto these liabilities is 6%.●There is a high correlation between the operating results of Antiliaro anpension asset returns.termine whether the risk toleranof the plis below average or above average. Justify your response with two reasons. the plis below average 答案说这个pension用了一个aggressive 的 scount rate。请问这个aggressive 是怎么判断出来的?题目中给了ration of liability是10年,请问这个条件对risk toleran有影响么?

2024-09-01 11:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000014 问题如下 anna Mark is the chief financiofficer of Antiliaro, a relatively mature textile proction company heauarterein Italy. All of its revenues come from Europe, but the company is losing sales to its Asicompetitors. Earnings have been stea but not growing, anthe balansheet htaken on more in the past few years in orr to maintain liquity. Mark reviews the following facts concerning the company’s finebenefit () pension plan:●The plcurrently h€1 billion in assets anis unrfun€100 million in relation to the projectebenefit obligation (PBO) because of investment losses.●The company to te hma regulcontributions.●The average employee age is 50 years, anthe company hmany retirees owing to its longevity.●The ration of the plan’s liabilities (whiare all Europe base is 10 years.●The scount rate applieto these liabilities is 6%.●There is a high correlation between the operating results of Antiliaro anpension asset returns.termine whether the risk toleranof the plis below average or above average. Justify your response with two reasons. the plis below average NO.PZ2019100901000014问题如下anna Mark is the chief financiofficer of Antiliaro, a relatively mature textile proction company heauarterein Italy. All of its revenues come from Europe, but the company is losing sales to its Asicompetitors. Earnings have been stea but not growing, anthe balansheet htaken on more in the past few years in orr to maintain liquity. Mark reviews the following facts concerning the company’s finebenefit () pension plan:●The plcurrently h€1 billion in assets anis unrfun€100 million in relation to the projectebenefit obligation (PBO) because of investment losses.●The company to te hma regulcontributions.●The average employee age is 50 years, anthe company hmany retirees owing to its longevity.●The ration of the plan’s liabilities (whiare all Europe base is 10 years.●The scount rate applieto these liabilities is 6%.●There is a high correlation between the operating results of Antiliaro anpension asset returns.termine whether the risk toleranof the plis below average or above average. Justify your response with two reasons.the plis below average老师好,我的回答如下,请批改The risk toleranof the plis below average, because the plnow is unrfun€100 million in relation to the projectebenefit obligations. For plan, if the funstatus is unrfun then the risk toleranshoulmore prunt anbelow average. Besis, there is a high correlation between the operating results of Antiliaro anpension asset returns, therefore above average risk toleranis not appropriate. 这种回答能拿满分吗?谢谢

2024-01-02 09:17 4 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000014 问题如下 anna Mark is the chief financiofficer of Antiliaro, a relatively mature textile proction company heauarterein Italy. All of its revenues come from Europe, but the company is losing sales to its Asicompetitors. Earnings have been stea but not growing, anthe balansheet htaken on more in the past few years in orr to maintain liquity. Mark reviews the following facts concerning the company’s finebenefit () pension plan:●The plcurrently h€1 billion in assets anis unrfun€100 million in relation to the projectebenefit obligation (PBO) because of investment losses.●The company to te hma regulcontributions.●The average employee age is 50 years, anthe company hmany retirees owing to its longevity.●The ration of the plan’s liabilities (whiare all Europe base is 10 years.●The scount rate applieto these liabilities is 6%.●There is a high correlation between the operating results of Antiliaro anpension asset returns.termine whether the risk toleranof the plis below average or above average. Justify your response with two reasons. the plis below average below average.osing sales, Earnings have been stea but not growing, more bt, unrfun plan, employee age is 50 years, anthe company hmany retirees owing to its longevity. The ration of the plan’s liabilities is not long, The scount rate applieto these liabilities is high, high correlation between the operating results of Antiliaro anpension asset returns.

2023-07-19 18:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000014 问题如下 anna Mark is the chief financiofficer of Antiliaro, a relatively mature textile proction company heauarterein Italy. All of its revenues come from Europe, but the company is losing sales to its Asicompetitors. Earnings have been stea but not growing, anthe balansheet htaken on more in the past few years in orr to maintain liquity. Mark reviews the following facts concerning the company’s finebenefit () pension plan:●The plcurrently h€1 billion in assets anis unrfun€100 million in relation to the projectebenefit obligation (PBO) because of investment losses.●The company to te hma regulcontributions.●The average employee age is 50 years, anthe company hmany retirees owing to its longevity.●The ration of the plan’s liabilities (whiare all Europe base is 10 years.●The scount rate applieto these liabilities is 6%.●There is a high correlation between the operating results of Antiliaro anpension asset returns.termine whether the risk toleranof the plis below average or above average. Justify your response with two reasons. the plis below average 关于这道题可以答的点很多,都能证明是below averagethe risk toleranof the plis below average. because the earning of company hnot grown with less strong finance.the pension plis unrfune to investment losses, whibrings lower risk tolerance.the average employee age is 50 years, the pension asset neeenough liquity to meet future benefit payment, whimakes a lower risk tolerance.the other, a high correlation between the operating results of Antiliaro anpension asset returns makes risk toleranbelow average. 这样答可以不?

2023-05-15 22:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000014 问题如下 anna Mark is the chief financiofficer of Antiliaro, a relatively mature textile proction company heauarterein Italy. All of its revenues come from Europe, but the company is losing sales to its Asicompetitors. Earnings have been stea but not growing, anthe balansheet htaken on more in the past few years in orr to maintain liquity. Mark reviews the following facts concerning the company’s finebenefit () pension plan:●The plcurrently h€1 billion in assets anis unrfun€100 million in relation to the projectebenefit obligation (PBO) because of investment losses.●The company to te hma regulcontributions.●The average employee age is 50 years, anthe company hmany retirees owing to its longevity.●The ration of the plan’s liabilities (whiare all Europe base is 10 years.●The scount rate applieto these liabilities is 6%.●There is a high correlation between the operating results of Antiliaro anpension asset returns.termine whether the risk toleranof the plis below average or above average. Justify your response with two reasons. the plis below average It is below average. The average employee age is 50 years ol whimeans there are a lot of employees are going to retire soon, anthe liquity nee is high.The is unrfun 是不是得太少了?

2022-05-28 09:02 1 · 回答