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ciaoyy · 2018年01月30日

问一道题:NO.PZ2017102901000018 [ CFA I ]









1 个答案

竹子 · 2018年02月01日


所谓稀释的EPS就是因为有潜在的会转化为普通股的证券所导致的,如果公司只是简单的资本结构,即没有潜在的可转换证券,那么 基本EPS就等于稀释的EPS。我觉得你在学习的过程中如果有遗忘应该多听一下视频,你对知识点的掌握只停留在表面,没有深入理解,多思考一下对学习会更有帮助,加油

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NO.PZ2017102901000018 问题如下 A company with no or convertible securities issuepublicly tracommon stothree times ring the current fiscyear. Unr both IFRS anUS GAAP, the company’s: A.basic EPS equals its luteEPS. B.capitstructure is consirecomplex year-en C.basic EPS is calculateusing a simple average number of shares outstanng. A is correct.Basic anluteEPS are equfor a company with a simple capitstructure. A company thissues only common stock, with no financiinstruments thare potentially convertible into common stoha simple capitstructure. Basic EPS is calculateusing the weighteaverage number of shares outstanng. 1

2023-03-10 16:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000018问题如下A company with no or convertible securities issuepublicly tracommon stothree times ring the current fiscyear. Unr both IFRS anUS GAAP, the company’s:A.basic EPS equals its luteEPS.B.capitstructure is consirecomplex year-enC.basic EPS is calculateusing a simple average number of shares outstanng.A is correct.Basic anluteEPS are equfor a company with a simple capitstructure. A company thissues only common stock, with no financiinstruments thare potentially convertible into common stoha simple capitstructure. Basic EPS is calculateusing the weighteaverage number of shares outstanng.分母就是加权平均‘C为何不对呀?

2022-10-01 17:07 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000018 问题如下 A company with no or convertible securities issuepublicly tracommon stothree times ring the current fiscyear. Unr both IFRS anUS GAAP, the company’s: A.basic EPS equals its luteEPS. B.capitstructure is consirecomplex year-en C.basic EPS is calculateusing a simple average number of shares outstanng. A is correct.Basic anluteEPS are equfor a company with a simple capitstructure. A company thissues only common stock, with no financiinstruments thare potentially convertible into common stoha simple capitstructure. Basic EPS is calculateusing the weighteaverage number of shares outstanng. 老师这道题C是错在simple这个字上面吗?

2022-08-17 11:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000018问题如下A company with no or convertible securities issuepublicly tracommon stothree times ring the current fiscyear. Unr both IFRS anUS GAAP, the company’s: A.basic EPS equals its luteEPS. B.capitstructure is consirecomplex year-en C.basic EPS is calculateusing a simple average number of shares outstanng. A is correct.Basic anluteEPS are equfor a company with a simple capitstructure. A company thissues only common stock, with no financiinstruments thare potentially convertible into common stoha simple capitstructure. Basic EPS is calculateusing the weighteaverage number of shares outstanng.如题

2022-03-16 21:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000018 capitstructure is consirecomplex year-en basic EPS is calculateusing a simple average number of shares outstanng. A is correct. Basic anluteEPS are equfor a company with a simple capitstructure. A company thissues only common stock, with no financiinstruments thare potentially convertible into common stoha simple capitstructure. Basic EPS is calculateusing the weighteaverage number of shares outstanng.只涉及买卖,不涉及lute对吗

2021-07-29 20:40 1 · 回答