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Elyse Guo · 2021年07月31日




Suppose the return on an asset has the following distribution:

a. Compute the mean, variance, and standard deviation.

b. Verify your result in (a) by computing E[X2]E[X^2] directly and using the alternative expression for the variance.

c. Is this distribution skewed?

d. Does this distribution have excess kurtosis? e. What is the median of this distribution?



a. The mean is E[X] = Σx Pr(X = x) = 0.25%.

The variance is Var[X]=Σ(xE[X])2Pr(X=x)=0.000555Var[X] = Σ(x - E[X])^2 Pr(X = x) = 0.000555.

The standard deviation is Var[X]=2.355\sqrt {Var[X]} = 2.355%.

b. E[X2]=Σx2Pr(X=x)=.000561E[X^2] = Σx^2 Pr(X = x) = .000561 and so E[X2](E[X])2=0.000561(.0025)2=.000555E[X^2] - (E[X])^2 = 0.000561 - (.0025)^2 = .000555, which is the same.

c. The skewness requires computing


Thus the skewness is 0.021, and the distribution has a mild positive skew.

d. The kurtosis requires computing


Thus the kurtosis is 2.24. The excess kurtosis is then 2.24 - 3 = -0.76. This distribution does not have excess kurtosis.

e. The median is the value where at least 50% probability lies to the left, and at least 50% probability lies to the right. Cumulating the probabilities into a CDF, this occurs at the return value of 0%.

讲义40页中Var(aX)=a^2Var(X),遇见constant number a求Var是要平方的,可是为什么好几道题里面给prob(X)=a

E(X)=b,之后算Var的时候引入weights Prob(X)都没有平方而是直接乘以了weights呢?

4 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2021年08月07日




Tina · 2022年03月13日


品职答疑小助手雍 · 2021年08月02日




Elyse Guo · 2021年08月02日

Likewise - Don't judge too quickly is also my one and only suggestion to you. 您的解答,比如,“依照公式就好了”并没有解答到我的问题。我的问题,归根结底,是prob可否当作weights。学生付费来上课,是希望每一个问题,有专业的解答 - 而不是不负责任的推断和judge一些无关信息。如果每个人按照你说的回去看公式就好了不需要提问和解答,那么大家也没必要过来报班,这个有问必答也可以取消了。建议是,回答问题再专业一点,计算过程多解释,其他的推断别人如何学习,学到什么程度,真的大可不必多加评论了。 G'nite.

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2021年08月02日






Elyse Guo · 2021年08月02日

Well, it is really unnecessary to make a generalized statement and prediction through the past questions. A rough and one-sided statement shows the immatureness of thinking: I only studied 16 hours until now. I did exercises while learning. Anyways, thanks for your feedback.

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2021年07月31日






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NO.PZ2020010302000010问题如下Suppose the return on asset hthe following stribution:Compute the mean, variance, anstanrviation.Verify your result in (computing E[X2]E[X^2]E[X2] rectly anusing the alternative expression for the variance.Is this stribution skewe es this stribution have excess kurtosis? e. Whis the meof this stribution?The meis E[X] = Σx Pr(X = x) = 0.25%.The varianis Var[X]=Σ(x−E[X])2Pr(X=x)=0.000555Var[X] = Σ(x - E[X])^2 Pr(X = x) = 0.000555Var[X]=Σ(x−E[X])2Pr(X=x)=0.000555.The stanrviation is Var[X]=2.355\sqrt {Var[X]} = 2.355%Var[X]​=2.355.E[X2]=Σx2Pr(X=x)=.000561E[X^2] = Σx^2 Pr(X = x) = .000561E[X2]=Σx2Pr(X=x)=.000561 anso E[X2]−(E[X])2=0.000561−(.0025)2=.000555E[X^2] - (E[X])^2 = 0.000561 - (.0025)^2 = .000555E[X2]−(E[X])2=0.000561−(.0025)2=.000555, whiis the same.The skewness requires computingskew(X)=E[X−E[X]]3/σ3=E[(X−μσ)3]=Σ(x−μσ)3Pr(X−x)skew(X)=E[X-E[X]]^3/{\sigma^3}=E[(\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma})^3]=Σ(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})^3Pr(X-x)skew(X)=E[X−E[X]]3/σ3=E[(σX−μ​)3]=Σ(σx−μ​)3Pr(X−x)Thus the skewness is 0.021, anthe stribution ha milpositive skew. The kurtosis requires computingkurtosis(X)=E[(X−E[X])4]σ4=E[(X−μσ)4]=Σ(x−μσ)4Pr(X−x)kurtosis(X)=\frac{E[(X-E[X])^4]}{\sigma^4}=E[(\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma})^4]=Σ(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})^4Pr(X-x)kurtosis(X)=σ4E[(X−E[X])4]​=E[(σX−μ​)4]=Σ(σx−μ​)4Pr(X−x)Thus the kurtosis is 2.24. The excess kurtosis is then 2.24 - 3 = -0.76. This stribution es not have excess kurtosis.e. The meis the value where least 50% probability lies to the left, anleast 50% probability lies to the right. Cumulating the probabilities into a C, this occurs the return value of 0%.1、老师,第一个和第二个红框是啥意思啊?2、为啥当X=0时,累积概率是52%,中位数不用线性插值法或者求X=0和X=-1的平均数呢?考试如果也是离散分布,累计概率超过50%,中位数也是取能概率一直累积超过50%的那个数?

2024-08-05 20:36 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2020010302000010 问题如下 Suppose the return on asset hthe following stribution:Compute the mean, variance, anstanrviation.Verify your result in (computing E[X2]E[X^2]E[X2] rectly anusing the alternative expression for the variance.Is this stribution skewe es this stribution have excess kurtosis? e. Whis the meof this stribution? The meis E[X] = Σx Pr(X = x) = 0.25%.The varianis Var[X]=Σ(x−E[X])2Pr(X=x)=0.000555Var[X] = Σ(x - E[X])^2 Pr(X = x) = 0.000555Var[X]=Σ(x−E[X])2Pr(X=x)=0.000555.The stanrviation is Var[X]=2.355\sqrt {Var[X]} = 2.355%Var[X]​=2.355.E[X2]=Σx2Pr(X=x)=.000561E[X^2] = Σx^2 Pr(X = x) = .000561E[X2]=Σx2Pr(X=x)=.000561 anso E[X2]−(E[X])2=0.000561−(.0025)2=.000555E[X^2] - (E[X])^2 = 0.000561 - (.0025)^2 = .000555E[X2]−(E[X])2=0.000561−(.0025)2=.000555, whiis the same.The skewness requires computingskew(X)=E[X−E[X]]3/σ3=E[(X−μσ)3]=Σ(x−μσ)3Pr(X−x)skew(X)=E[X-E[X]]^3/{\sigma^3}=E[(\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma})^3]=Σ(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})^3Pr(X-x)skew(X)=E[X−E[X]]3/σ3=E[(σX−μ​)3]=Σ(σx−μ​)3Pr(X−x)Thus the skewness is 0.021, anthe stribution ha milpositive skew. The kurtosis requires computingkurtosis(X)=E[(X−E[X])4]σ4=E[(X−μσ)4]=Σ(x−μσ)4Pr(X−x)kurtosis(X)=\frac{E[(X-E[X])^4]}{\sigma^4}=E[(\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma})^4]=Σ(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})^4Pr(X-x)kurtosis(X)=σ4E[(X−E[X])4]​=E[(σX−μ​)4]=Σ(σx−μ​)4Pr(X−x)Thus the kurtosis is 2.24. The excess kurtosis is then 2.24 - 3 = -0.76. This stribution es not have excess kurtosis.e. The meis the value where least 50% probability lies to the left, anleast 50% probability lies to the right. Cumulating the probabilities into a C, this occurs the return value of 0%. stanrviation 是不是算错了?var(x)开完根号不应该等于0.02吗?

2024-04-29 20:07 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020010302000010 问题如下 Suppose the return on asset hthe following stribution:Compute the mean, variance, anstanrviation.Verify your result in (computing E[X2]E[X^2]E[X2] rectly anusing the alternative expression for the variance.Is this stribution skewe es this stribution have excess kurtosis? e. Whis the meof this stribution? The meis E[X] = Σx Pr(X = x) = 0.25%.The varianis Var[X]=Σ(x−E[X])2Pr(X=x)=0.000555Var[X] = Σ(x - E[X])^2 Pr(X = x) = 0.000555Var[X]=Σ(x−E[X])2Pr(X=x)=0.000555.The stanrviation is Var[X]=2.355\sqrt {Var[X]} = 2.355%Var[X]​=2.355.E[X2]=Σx2Pr(X=x)=.000561E[X^2] = Σx^2 Pr(X = x) = .000561E[X2]=Σx2Pr(X=x)=.000561 anso E[X2]−(E[X])2=0.000561−(.0025)2=.000555E[X^2] - (E[X])^2 = 0.000561 - (.0025)^2 = .000555E[X2]−(E[X])2=0.000561−(.0025)2=.000555, whiis the same.The skewness requires computingskew(X)=E[X−E[X]]3/σ3=E[(X−μσ)3]=Σ(x−μσ)3Pr(X−x)skew(X)=E[X-E[X]]^3/{\sigma^3}=E[(\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma})^3]=Σ(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})^3Pr(X-x)skew(X)=E[X−E[X]]3/σ3=E[(σX−μ​)3]=Σ(σx−μ​)3Pr(X−x)Thus the skewness is 0.021, anthe stribution ha milpositive skew. The kurtosis requires computingkurtosis(X)=E[(X−E[X])4]σ4=E[(X−μσ)4]=Σ(x−μσ)4Pr(X−x)kurtosis(X)=\frac{E[(X-E[X])^4]}{\sigma^4}=E[(\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma})^4]=Σ(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})^4Pr(X-x)kurtosis(X)=σ4E[(X−E[X])4]​=E[(σX−μ​)4]=Σ(σx−μ​)4Pr(X−x)Thus the kurtosis is 2.24. The excess kurtosis is then 2.24 - 3 = -0.76. This stribution es not have excess kurtosis.e. The meis the value where least 50% probability lies to the left, anleast 50% probability lies to the right. Cumulating the probabilities into a C, this occurs the return value of 0%. 请问带概率也可以计算机计算吗?如何计算?计算器能否计算kurtosis、skewness

2024-02-07 13:52 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020010302000010问题如下 Suppose the return on asset hthe following stribution:Compute the mean, variance, anstanrviation.Verify your result in (computing E[X2]E[X^2]E[X2] rectly anusing the alternative expression for the variance.Is this stribution skewe es this stribution have excess kurtosis? e. Whis the meof this stribution?The meis E[X] = Σx Pr(X = x) = 0.25%.The varianis Var[X]=Σ(x−E[X])2Pr(X=x)=0.000555Var[X] = Σ(x - E[X])^2 Pr(X = x) = 0.000555Var[X]=Σ(x−E[X])2Pr(X=x)=0.000555.The stanrviation is Var[X]=2.355\sqrt {Var[X]} = 2.355%Var[X]​=2.355.E[X2]=Σx2Pr(X=x)=.000561E[X^2] = Σx^2 Pr(X = x) = .000561E[X2]=Σx2Pr(X=x)=.000561 anso E[X2]−(E[X])2=0.000561−(.0025)2=.000555E[X^2] - (E[X])^2 = 0.000561 - (.0025)^2 = .000555E[X2]−(E[X])2=0.000561−(.0025)2=.000555, whiis the same.The skewness requires computingskew(X)=E[X−E[X]]3/σ3=E[(X−μσ)3]=Σ(x−μσ)3Pr(X−x)skew(X)=E[X-E[X]]^3/{\sigma^3}=E[(\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma})^3]=Σ(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})^3Pr(X-x)skew(X)=E[X−E[X]]3/σ3=E[(σX−μ​)3]=Σ(σx−μ​)3Pr(X−x)Thus the skewness is 0.021, anthe stribution ha milpositive skew. The kurtosis requires computingkurtosis(X)=E[(X−E[X])4]σ4=E[(X−μσ)4]=Σ(x−μσ)4Pr(X−x)kurtosis(X)=\frac{E[(X-E[X])^4]}{\sigma^4}=E[(\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma})^4]=Σ(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})^4Pr(X-x)kurtosis(X)=σ4E[(X−E[X])4]​=E[(σX−μ​)4]=Σ(σx−μ​)4Pr(X−x)Thus the kurtosis is 2.24. The excess kurtosis is then 2.24 - 3 = -0.76. This stribution es not have excess kurtosis.e. The meis the value where least 50% probability lies to the left, anleast 50% probability lies to the right. Cumulating the probabilities into a C, this occurs the return value of 0%.根据老师的讲解, 中位数应该是第5个数和第6个数中间啊,不是0.5%吗,为什么是0?

2024-01-31 22:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020010302000010 问题如下 Suppose the return on asset hthe following stribution:Compute the mean, variance, anstanrviation.Verify your result in (computing E[X2]E[X^2]E[X2] rectly anusing the alternative expression for the variance.Is this stribution skewe es this stribution have excess kurtosis? e. Whis the meof this stribution? The meis E[X] = Σx Pr(X = x) = 0.25%.The varianis Var[X]=Σ(x−E[X])2Pr(X=x)=0.000555Var[X] = Σ(x - E[X])^2 Pr(X = x) = 0.000555Var[X]=Σ(x−E[X])2Pr(X=x)=0.000555.The stanrviation is Var[X]=2.355\sqrt {Var[X]} = 2.355%Var[X]​=2.355.E[X2]=Σx2Pr(X=x)=.000561E[X^2] = Σx^2 Pr(X = x) = .000561E[X2]=Σx2Pr(X=x)=.000561 anso E[X2]−(E[X])2=0.000561−(.0025)2=.000555E[X^2] - (E[X])^2 = 0.000561 - (.0025)^2 = .000555E[X2]−(E[X])2=0.000561−(.0025)2=.000555, whiis the same.The skewness requires computingskew(X)=E[X−E[X]]3/σ3=E[(X−μσ)3]=Σ(x−μσ)3Pr(X−x)skew(X)=E[X-E[X]]^3/{\sigma^3}=E[(\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma})^3]=Σ(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})^3Pr(X-x)skew(X)=E[X−E[X]]3/σ3=E[(σX−μ​)3]=Σ(σx−μ​)3Pr(X−x)Thus the skewness is 0.021, anthe stribution ha milpositive skew. The kurtosis requires computingkurtosis(X)=E[(X−E[X])4]σ4=E[(X−μσ)4]=Σ(x−μσ)4Pr(X−x)kurtosis(X)=\frac{E[(X-E[X])^4]}{\sigma^4}=E[(\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma})^4]=Σ(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})^4Pr(X-x)kurtosis(X)=σ4E[(X−E[X])4]​=E[(σX−μ​)4]=Σ(σx−μ​)4Pr(X−x)Thus the kurtosis is 2.24. The excess kurtosis is then 2.24 - 3 = -0.76. This stribution es not have excess kurtosis.e. The meis the value where least 50% probability lies to the left, anleast 50% probability lies to the right. Cumulating the probabilities into a C, this occurs the return value of 0%. 请问一下这类型的题目是应该使用计算器么?如果是的话应该怎么输入呢?谢谢。

2024-01-30 12:48 2 · 回答