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Kathy苏苏 · 2021年07月26日

using unit venues when possible是什么意思?谢谢



Which fund in Exhibit 1 most likely has the greatest implicit costs to implement its strategy?



Fund 1


Fund 2


Fund 3


Because Fund 1 has a large AUM but focuses on small-cap stocks, holds a relatively small number of securities in its portfolio, and prefers to make large trades, Fund 1 likely has the highest implicit costs. Each of these characteristics serves to increase the market impact of its trades. Market impact is a function of the security’s liquidity and trade size. The larger a trade size relative to a stock’s average daily volume, the more likely it is that the trade will affect prices. The relatively low level of trading volume of small-cap stocks can be a significant implementation hurdle for a manager running a strategy with significant assets under management and significant positive active weights on smaller companies.

Fund1的description中的using unit venues when possible是什么意思?谢谢

1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2021年07月26日


同学你好,首先要明白unit venues。Large institutional investors today will often try to camouflage the potential size of their trade by breaking a trade into many smaller trades or by trading in “unlit” venues. Unlit venues allow buyers and sellers to trade anonymously with one another. Dark pools and crossing networks are examples of unlit venues。今天的大型机构投资者通常会试图通过将交易分成许多较小的交易或在“未照明”的场所进行交易来掩盖其潜在交易规模。 “没有灯光”的场所允许买卖双方匿名交易。 暗池和交叉网络是未照明场所的示例。

using unlit venues when possible所以这个意思是说尽可能的用unlit venues交易,这样不会被其它交易者察觉,影响交易价格


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NO.PZ2019012201000064 问题如下 Whifunin Exhibit 1most likely hthe greatest implicit costs to implement its strategy? A.Fun1 B.Fun2 Fun3 Because Fun1 hasa large AUM but focuses on small-cstocks, hol a relatively small number ofsecurities in its portfolio, anprefers to make large tras, Fun1 likelyhthe highest implicit costs. Eaof these characteristiserves toincrease the market impaof its tras. Market impais a function of thesecurity’s liquity antra size. The larger a tra size relative to astock’s average ily volume, the more likely it is ththe tra will affectprices. The relatively low level of trang volume of small-cstocks casignificant implementation hure for a manager running a strategy withsignificant assets unr management ansignificant positive active weights onsmaller companies. 老师,请问流动性方面,small cvs large c和 growth vs value一般有区别吗?这里有没有需要掌握的结论?

2024-07-03 07:28 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000064问题如下Whifunin Exhibit 1most likely hthe greatest implicit costs to implement its strategy?A.Fun1 B.Fun2 Fun3 Because Fun1 hasa large AUM but focuses on small-cstocks, hol a relatively small number ofsecurities in its portfolio, anprefers to make large tras, Fun1 likelyhthe highest implicit costs. Eaof these characteristiserves toincrease the market impaof its tras. Market impais a function of thesecurity’s liquity antra size. The larger a tra size relative to astock’s average ily volume, the more likely it is ththe tra will affectprices. The relatively low level of trang volume of small-cstocks casignificant implementation hure for a manager running a strategy withsignificant assets unr management ansignificant positive active weights onsmaller companies. 请老师解答一下,为什么基金中的股票数量少,隐形成本就高呢?

2023-11-13 11:07 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000064 问题如下 Whifunin Exhibit 1most likely hthe greatest implicit costs to implement its strategy? A.Fun1 B.Fun2 Fun3 Because Fun1 hasa large AUM but focuses on small-cstocks, hol a relatively small number ofsecurities in its portfolio, anprefers to make large tras, Fun1 likelyhthe highest implicit costs. Eaof these characteristiserves toincrease the market impaof its tras. Market impais a function of thesecurity’s liquity antra size. The larger a tra size relative to astock’s average ily volume, the more likely it is ththe tra will affectprices. The relatively low level of trang volume of small-cstocks casignificant implementation hure for a manager running a strategy withsignificant assets unr management ansignificant positive active weights onsmaller companies. 隐性成本都包括哪些呢

2023-01-31 03:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000064 Fun2 Fun3 Because Fun1 hasa large AUM but focuses on small-cstocks, hol a relatively small number ofsecurities in its portfolio, anprefers to make large tras, Fun1 likelyhthe highest implicit costs. Eaof these characteristiserves toincrease the market impaof its tras. Market impais a function of thesecurity’s liquity antra size. The larger a tra size relative to astock’s average ily volume, the more likely it is ththe tra will affectprices. The relatively low level of trang volume of small-cstocks casignificant implementation hure for a manager running a strategy withsignificant assets unr management ansignificant positive active weights onsmaller companies. 老师1和3对比为什么1的ic更大呢

2021-10-27 13:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000064 1和3相比AUM大,不是很理解。为什么资产多了COST 大啊?是market impa大么?

2021-10-04 23:04 2 · 回答