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8527 · 2021年07月20日

计算 ‘unrecorded liscense’ 的方法

* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Based on Byron’s forecast, if NinMount deems it has acquired control of Boswell, NinMount’s consolidated 2019 depreciation and amortization expense (in £ millions) will be closest to:









C is correct.

The projected depreciation and amortization expense will include NinMount’s reported depreciation and amortization (£102), Boswell’s reported depreciation and amortization (£92), and amortization of Boswell’s licenses (£10 million). The licenses have a fair value of £60 million. £320 purchase price indicates a fair value of £640 for the net assets of Boswell. The net book (fair) value of the recorded assets is £580. The previously unrecorded licenses have a fair value of £60 million. The licenses have a remaining life of six years; the amortization adjustment for 2018 will be £10 million. Therefore, Projected depreciation and amortization = £102 + £92 + £10 = £204 million.

考点 :合并报表(损益表)

解析 : 根据题干信息“acquired control”,应使用acquisition method,百分之百合并子公司资产、负债、损益表各项。

题干中说了 , 超出net fair value的部分是用于购买子公司的一个unrecorded licenses , 其他资产及负债fair value=book value。这句话可以得到两个结论:

1. 子公司有一个未记账的资产,而在合并报表中,这项资产应该计入。它的价值是超过子公司净资产 fair value的部分,即=320/0.5 -580=60

2. 该项合并不产生goodwill,因为超过子公司净资产FV的部分都是由于未记账的资产产生。(具体解释可以看第一问的解析)


unrecorded licenses 价值=606年折旧(题目条件),每年的折旧费用=10

所以合并报表之后 , 总的折旧和摊销=母公司折旧摊销+子公司折旧摊销+unrecorded licenses带来的调整项= £102 + £92 + £10 = £204 million.

我看答案中计算unrecorded liscense的方法是把Consideration (320mil)乘二 得到全部收购下的支付价再减去 100%的boswell FV of net identifiable assets,最终得到unrecorded liscense 的fv 60mil。 为什么如果我直接用支付的consideration (320 mil) 减去 50%的 Boswell FV of net identifiable assets (0.5*580 =290), 得到unrecorded liscense 的fv竟然是30mil。 我的理解是扩大50%或是缩小50%,只要前后相减的时候对应的单位对等的出来的结果应该是一样的呀?为什么会不一样呢。 请老师指点。
1 个答案

纠纠_品职答疑助手 · 2021年07月22日


因为如果你用直接支付的320m- 290m。这个公式算出来的是你自己占有的unrecorded license的价值,但是我们只占有50%的股份,所有对应的差值也只有一半的unrecorded license的价值,如果要全部价值还要再乘以2


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NO.PZ201602060100001003 问题如下 Baseon Byron’s forecast, if NinMount ems it hacquirecontrol of Boswell, NinMount’s consolite2019 preciation anamortization expense (in £ millions) will closest to: A.102. B.148. C.204. C is correct.The projectepreciation anamortization expense will inclu NinMount’s reportepreciation anamortization (£102), Boswell’s reportepreciation anamortization (£92), anamortization of Boswell’s licenses (£10 million). The licenses have a fair value of £60 million. £320 purchase priincates a fair value of £640 for the net assets of Boswell. The net book (fair) value of the recorassets is £580. The previously unrecorlicenses have a fair value of £60 million. The licenses have a remaining life of six years; the amortization austment for 2018 will £10 million. Therefore, Projectepreciation anamortization = £102 + £92 + £10 = £204 million. 考点 合并报表(损益表)解析 根据题干信息“acquirecontrol”,应使用acquisition metho百分之百合并子公司资产、负债、损益表各项。题干中说了 , 超出net fair value的部分是用于购买子公司的一个unrecorlicenses , 其他资产及负债的fair value=book value。这句话可以得到两个结论1. 子公司有一个未记账的资产,而在合并报表中,这项资产应该计入。它的价值是超过子公司净资产 fair value的部分,即=320/0.5 -580=60。2. 该项合并不产生gooill,因为超过子公司净资产FV的部分都是由于未记账的资产产生。(具体可以看第一问的解析)该资产应该计入合并B/S中,那么加入资产之后也应该计提对应的折旧费用。目前因为没有入账,所以子公司现在的I/S中是没有包含这一项折旧的,所以在利润表中我们也需要做相应的调整。unrecorlicenses 价值=60,6年折旧(题目条件),每年的折旧费用=10所以合并报表之后 , 总的折旧和摊销=母公司折旧摊销+子公司折旧摊销+unrecorlicenses带来的调整项= £102 + £92 + £10 = £204 million. 题目中的unrecorlicenses可以算goowill么,按照equity metho应该算GW了吧

2024-07-02 20:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201602060100001003 问题如下 Baseon Byron’s forecast, if NinMount ems it hacquirecontrol of Boswell, NinMount’s consolite2019 preciation anamortization expense (in £ millions) will closest to: A.102. B.148. C.204. C is correct.The projectepreciation anamortization expense will inclu NinMount’s reportepreciation anamortization (£102), Boswell’s reportepreciation anamortization (£92), anamortization of Boswell’s licenses (£10 million). The licenses have a fair value of £60 million. £320 purchase priincates a fair value of £640 for the net assets of Boswell. The net book (fair) value of the recorassets is £580. The previously unrecorlicenses have a fair value of £60 million. The licenses have a remaining life of six years; the amortization austment for 2018 will £10 million. Therefore, Projectepreciation anamortization = £102 + £92 + £10 = £204 million. 考点 合并报表(损益表)解析 根据题干信息“acquirecontrol”,应使用acquisition metho百分之百合并子公司资产、负债、损益表各项。题干中说了 , 超出net fair value的部分是用于购买子公司的一个unrecorlicenses , 其他资产及负债的fair value=book value。这句话可以得到两个结论1. 子公司有一个未记账的资产,而在合并报表中,这项资产应该计入。它的价值是超过子公司净资产 fair value的部分,即=320/0.5 -580=60。2. 该项合并不产生gooill,因为超过子公司净资产FV的部分都是由于未记账的资产产生。(具体可以看第一问的解析)该资产应该计入合并B/S中,那么加入资产之后也应该计提对应的折旧费用。目前因为没有入账,所以子公司现在的I/S中是没有包含这一项折旧的,所以在利润表中我们也需要做相应的调整。unrecorlicenses 价值=60,6年折旧(题目条件),每年的折旧费用=10所以合并报表之后 , 总的折旧和摊销=母公司折旧摊销+子公司折旧摊销+unrecorlicenses带来的调整项= £102 + £92 + £10 = £204 million. 老师,这里没有写用Full GW,为什么求exceces purchase price不是用320的购买价直接-FV of net itnifiable assets,而是用320/0.5-(1070-490)?excess purchase price=320mil-FV of net assets (totasset -Totliability=1070-490)The licenses have a fair value of £60 million. £320 purchase priincates a fair value of £640 for the net assets of Boswell.

2024-04-07 14:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201602060100001003 问题如下 Baseon Byron’s forecast, if NinMount ems it hacquirecontrol of Boswell, NinMount’s consolite2019 preciation anamortization expense (in £ millions) will closest to: A.102. B.148. C.204. C is correct.The projectepreciation anamortization expense will inclu NinMount’s reportepreciation anamortization (£102), Boswell’s reportepreciation anamortization (£92), anamortization of Boswell’s licenses (£10 million). The licenses have a fair value of £60 million. £320 purchase priincates a fair value of £640 for the net assets of Boswell. The net book (fair) value of the recorassets is £580. The previously unrecorlicenses have a fair value of £60 million. The licenses have a remaining life of six years; the amortization austment for 2018 will £10 million. Therefore, Projectepreciation anamortization = £102 + £92 + £10 = £204 million. 考点 合并报表(损益表)解析 根据题干信息“acquirecontrol”,应使用acquisition metho百分之百合并子公司资产、负债、损益表各项。题干中说了 , 超出net fair value的部分是用于购买子公司的一个unrecorlicenses , 其他资产及负债的fair value=book value。这句话可以得到两个结论1. 子公司有一个未记账的资产,而在合并报表中,这项资产应该计入。它的价值是超过子公司净资产 fair value的部分,即=320/0.5 -580=60。2. 该项合并不产生gooill,因为超过子公司净资产FV的部分都是由于未记账的资产产生。(具体可以看第一问的解析)该资产应该计入合并B/S中,那么加入资产之后也应该计提对应的折旧费用。目前因为没有入账,所以子公司现在的I/S中是没有包含这一项折旧的,所以在利润表中我们也需要做相应的调整。unrecorlicenses 价值=60,6年折旧(题目条件),每年的折旧费用=10所以合并报表之后 , 总的折旧和摊销=母公司折旧摊销+子公司折旧摊销+unrecorlicenses带来的调整项= £102 + £92 + £10 = £204 million. rt

2024-03-13 21:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201602060100001003 问题如下 Baseon Byron’s forecast, if NinMount ems it hacquirecontrol of Boswell, NinMount’s consolite2019 preciation anamortization expense (in £ millions) will closest to: A.102. B.148. C.204. C is correct.The projectepreciation anamortization expense will inclu NinMount’s reportepreciation anamortization (£102), Boswell’s reportepreciation anamortization (£92), anamortization of Boswell’s licenses (£10 million). The licenses have a fair value of £60 million. £320 purchase priincates a fair value of £640 for the net assets of Boswell. The net book (fair) value of the recorassets is £580. The previously unrecorlicenses have a fair value of £60 million. The licenses have a remaining life of six years; the amortization austment for 2018 will £10 million. Therefore, Projectepreciation anamortization = £102 + £92 + £10 = £204 million. 考点 合并报表(损益表)解析 根据题干信息“acquirecontrol”,应使用acquisition metho百分之百合并子公司资产、负债、损益表各项。题干中说了 , 超出net fair value的部分是用于购买子公司的一个unrecorlicenses , 其他资产及负债的fair value=book value。这句话可以得到两个结论1. 子公司有一个未记账的资产,而在合并报表中,这项资产应该计入。它的价值是超过子公司净资产 fair value的部分,即=320/0.5 -580=60。2. 该项合并不产生gooill,因为超过子公司净资产FV的部分都是由于未记账的资产产生。(具体可以看第一问的解析)该资产应该计入合并B/S中,那么加入资产之后也应该计提对应的折旧费用。目前因为没有入账,所以子公司现在的I/S中是没有包含这一项折旧的,所以在利润表中我们也需要做相应的调整。unrecorlicenses 价值=60,6年折旧(题目条件),每年的折旧费用=10所以合并报表之后 , 总的折旧和摊销=母公司折旧摊销+子公司折旧摊销+unrecorlicenses带来的调整项= £102 + £92 + £10 = £204 million. 这个580是怎么来的?是totasset - totliabilities = 1070 - 490 = 580吗?还是说FV of net intifiable asset就代表子公司的equity?

2022-12-04 01:01 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201602060100001003 作价320购买了50%BC的资产,那么,根据表格中cost- FV of net intifiable asset=320-1070/2=一个负数,代表bargain purchase么?

2022-01-29 14:12 1 · 回答