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梦梦0708 · 2021年07月20日




Maglav outsources the management of the pension plan entirely to Westcome Investments. The fee structure requires Maglav to compensate Westcome with a high base fee regardless of performance. Boulder tells Azarov that outsourcing offers small institutional investors, such as Maglav’s pension plan, the following three benefits:

Benefit 1: Regulatory requirements are reduced.

Benefit 2: Conflicts of interest are eliminated from principal–agent issues.

Benefit 3: Investors have access to a wider range of investment strategies through scale benefits.

Which of the benefits of outsourcing the management of the pension plan suggested by Boulder is correct?



Benefit 1


Benefit 2


Benefit 3


C is correct.

Scale (asset size) is a defining characteristic for institutional investors since it affects key aspects of the investment process. Maglav’s pension plan is small, with $25 million in assets under management. Smaller institutions may be unable to access certain investments that have a high minimum investment, such as private equity and real estate assets. These smaller institutions may also have difficulty in hiring skilled investment professionals. As a result, small institutional investors, such as Maglav’s pension plan, are more likely to outsource all or most of the investment operations to external asset managers or investment consultants.


1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2021年07月20日




A选项:Regulatory requirements are reduced,他说通过外包投资,(对Maglav这家公司的)监管要求会降低。



或者反过来想也OK,如果外包投资,可以降低对公司主体的监管要求,那市场上的公司就会倾向于外包出去自己的养老金,因为这样可以降低监管对他们的限制。那这样的话,就会出现监管套利。显然这种情况没有发生,所以就说明了,就算外包出去,公司Regulatory requirements也不会降低。


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NO.PZ2019100901000002 问题如下 Magloutsources the management of the pension plentirely to Westcome Investments. The fee structure requires Maglto compensate Westcome with a high base fee regaress of performance. Boulr tells Azarov thoutsourcing offers small institutioninvestors, suMaglav’s pension plan, the following three benefits:Benefit 1: Regulatory requirements are receBenefit 2: Conflicts of interest are eliminatefrom principal–agent issues.Benefit 3: Investors have access to a wir range of investment strategies through scale benefits.Whiof the benefits of outsourcing the management of the pension plsuggesteBoulr is correct? A.Benefit 1 B.Benefit 2 C.Benefit 3 C is correct. Scale (asset size) is a fining characteristic for institutioninvestors sinit affects key aspects of the investment process. Maglav’s pension plis small, with $25 million in assets unr management. Smaller institutions munable to access certain investments thhave a high minimum investment, suprivate equity anreestate assets. These smaller institutions malso have fficulty in hiring skilleinvestment professionals. a result, small institutioninvestors, suMaglav’s pension plan, are more likely to outsourall or most of the investment operations to externasset managers or investment consultants. 请问答案中说pension pl25million是small size准确吗?课程视频中讲得对机构投资者是500 million?

2024-06-29 09:47 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019100901000002问题如下 Magloutsources the management of the pension plentirely to Westcome Investments. The fee structure requires Maglto compensate Westcome with a high base fee regaress of performance. Boulr tells Azarov thoutsourcing offers small institutioninvestors, suMaglav’s pension plan, the following three benefits:Benefit 1: Regulatory requirements are receBenefit 2: Conflicts of interest are eliminatefrom principal–agent issues.Benefit 3: Investors have access to a wir range of investment strategies through scale benefits.Whiof the benefits of outsourcing the management of the pension plsuggesteBoulr is correct?A.Benefit 1B.Benefit 2C.Benefit 3C is correct. Scale (asset size) is a fining characteristic for institutioninvestors sinit affects key aspects of the investment process. Maglav’s pension plis small, with $25 million in assets unr management. Smaller institutions munable to access certain investments thhave a high minimum investment, suprivate equity anreestate assets. These smaller institutions malso have fficulty in hiring skilleinvestment professionals. a result, small institutioninvestors, suMaglav’s pension plan, are more likely to outsourall or most of the investment operations to externasset managers or investment consultants.这个题目里提到了说不管表现怎么样,都收很高的管理费,所以肯定是仍存在委托代理冲突的。但是我想请问一下,如果没有这条,仅仅比较外包或者不外包,委托,冲突有啥差别吗?

2024-03-01 09:15 1 · 回答

不是很明白为什么答案是我理解C的意思是: 通过外包,小基金的规模小的劣势可以通过外包,基金经理将多个养老金汇集成大的基金来投资一些投资门槛高的产品,这才是outsourcing的scale benefits。 但是养老金是需要分开管理的,应该不能将多个PENSION汇集一起去投资门槛高的产品吧。

2020-06-05 14:05 1 · 回答

而且它既然规模小,为啥还有scale benefit呢?不是规模大才有规模效应吗?

2020-02-03 19:56 1 · 回答