Analysts use a variety of models to estimate the value of equities. If the intrinsic value of common stock is estimated as market value of asset minus market value of liabilities, which model is probably being used?
A.Present value models.
B.Market multiple models.
C.Asset-based models.
C is correct.
In asset-based models, the intrinsic value of common stock is estimated as market value of asset minus market value of liabilities .
考点:Asset-based Valuation
Asset-based models的估值逻辑:通过资产-负债计算企业价值即the intrinsic value of common stock is estimated as market value of asset minus market value of liabilities
请问:这个公司发行普通股票可以认为是上市公司,ASSET BASED method不是应该value一些非上市的私人企业公司吗?那么这样的话,貌似只有B符合要求。