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佳妮 · 2021年06月14日




Which of the following would not lead to a potential conflict between shareholders and managers?



Multiple class structure.


Risk tolerance.


Information asymmetry.


A is correct. An equity structure with multiple share classes in which one class in non-voting or has limited voting rights creates a divergence between the ownership and control rights of different classes of shareholders. Therefore, conflicts of interest may arise among the controlling and minority shareholders.

老师,多层次的股权结构‘比如dual class 同股不同权,管理层和股东之间的矛盾不是会更大么?190页的例题李老师不就是这么解释的么。
1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2021年06月15日


基础班讲义 190 页的例题,是原版书 P36 的例题 10

选项 C,涉及的两方是 management and stakeholder groups,管理层和利益相关方,并未特指股东 shareholders

而本题是特指 shareholders,考查的是代理人冲突 Principal-agent conflict 中的 Managers and shareholders

原版书在这里明确提到的是选项 B 和 选择 C,所以这道题用排除法,选 A


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NO.PZ2018062019000003问题如下 Whiof the following woulleast likely leto a potenticonflibetween shareholrs anmanagers? A.Multiple class structure.B.Risk tolerance.C.Information asymmetry.A is correct. equity structure with multiple share classes in whione class in non-voting or hlimitevoting rights creates a vergenbetween the ownership ancontrol rights of fferent classes of shareholrs. Therefore, conflicts of interest marise among the controlling anminority shareholrs.可以一下A吗?不太懂

2023-10-11 10:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062019000003问题如下 Whiof the following woulleast likely leto a potenticonflibetween shareholrs anmanagers? A.Multiple class structure.B.Risk tolerance.C.Information asymmetry.A is correct. equity structure with multiple share classes in whione class in non-voting or hlimitevoting rights creates a vergenbetween the ownership ancontrol rights of fferent classes of shareholrs. Therefore, conflicts of interest marise among the controlling anminority shareholrs.新版的ppt里面没看见有关risk tolerance,只说了equity stake anrisk tolerance。所以是需要按您之前回答的这个补充一下嘛? Risk toleran会导致股东和管理层之间的潜在利益冲突,因为股东和管理层对风险的容忍度不同 某些情况下,拥有分散投资组合的股东,会有相对较高的风险容忍度,因为某个具体公司所承担的风险,会在股东的投资组合中被分散掉 而管理层在具体公司决策上,则相对风险厌恶,因为他们要考虑自己的受雇地位

2023-04-26 23:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062019000003 问题如下 Whiof the following woulleast likely leto a potenticonflibetween shareholrs anmanagers? A.Multiple class structure. B.Risk tolerance. C.Information asymmetry. A is correct. equity structure with multiple share classes in whione class in non-voting or hlimitevoting rights creates a vergenbetween the ownership ancontrol rights of fferent classes of shareholrs. Therefore, conflicts of interest marise among the controlling anminority shareholrs. 可以一下c吗

2022-05-09 16:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062019000003问题如下 Whiof the following woulleast likely leto a potenticonflibetween shareholrs anmanagers? A.Multiple class structure. B.Risk tolerance. C.Information asymmetry. A is correct. equity structure with multiple share classes in whione class in non-voting or hlimitevoting rights creates a vergenbetween the ownership ancontrol rights of fferent classes of shareholrs. Therefore, conflicts of interest marise among the controlling anminority shareholrs.shareholr都希望take risk,但管理层可能过分的激进(take risk)也可能过分保守(如果没激励的话)对吗?

2022-03-25 20:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062019000003问题如下 Whiof the following woulleast likely leto a potenticonflibetween shareholrs anmanagers? A.Multiple class structure.B.Risk tolerance.C.Information asymmetry.A is correct. equity structure with multiple share classes in whione class in non-voting or hlimitevoting rights creates a vergenbetween the ownership ancontrol rights of fferent classes of shareholrs. Therefore, conflicts of interest marise among the controlling anminority shareholrs.看,是同股不同权的意思吗?

2022-03-23 16:13 1 · 回答