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我叫仙人涨 · 2021年05月21日




Caper 说Aiklin不再管理family trust这个信托,这个信托也没有给Ellipse Manufacturing做trust业务,但是Karen Leighton remains an important client at Aiklin with significant personal holdings in Ellipse.是什么意思?

信托这个不就是帮忙托管一下基金对吧,没有投资决定,就像客户把基金存在银行一样,信托就是帮忙看管一下对吧? 但是trust里面有什么,谁管理trust,这些信息不都是要公开透明,也不是什么秘密信息吧?

3 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2021年05月23日

多谢老师!! 还有个小问题 这里他说' i doubt it has holding in Elipse.' 就是想告诉客户,他没有你家股票,不能帮你投票了。 但是后面写,he didn't mention that the family trust Still has holding in Elipse. 我有个问题,不考虑他告诉了family trust换基金经理了这个真实机密, 如果故意告诉别人错误的机密信息, 这属于什么? (如果题目不会这么出,就无视我的问题好了)

1.这里他说的“I doubt it that it would have holdings in Ellipse Manufacturing”,意思是这个家族基金由于激进的管理方法,很可能还持有Ellipse的股票。言外之意:我们公司现在不管这个家族信托了,别家公司在管。且有可能还有你们公司的股票,你要不问问这个人去,别来问我了。”

2.Telline does not mention that although the Family Trust has changed investment managers, Karen Leighton remains an important client at Aiklin with significant personal holdings in Ellipse.这句话同学是理解错了,这里T同学没有metion的是Leightong本人的账户还在他们公司管理。



我叫仙人涨 · 2021年05月22日

多谢老师!! 还有个小问题 这里他说' i doubt it has holding in Elipse.' 就是想告诉客户,他没有你家股票,不能帮你投票了。 但是后面写,he didn't mention that the family trust Still has holding in Elipse. 我有个问题,不考虑他告诉了family trust换基金经理了这个真实机密, 如果故意告诉别人错误的机密信息, 这属于什么? (如果题目不会这么出,就无视我的问题好了)

王暄_品职助教 · 2021年05月21日

At the restaurant, the CEO reveals the reason for the lunch. "As you know Reinhold Partners has made an unsolicited cash offer for all outstanding shares of Ellipse Manufacturing. Reinhold has made it clear that I will not be CEO if they are successful. I can assure you that our shareholders will be better off in the long term if I’m in charge." Caper then shows Telline his projections for a new plan designed to boost both sales and operating margins.


"I know that your firm is the trustee for our firm’s Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). I hope that the trustee will vote in the best interest of our shareholders—and that would be a vote against the takeover offer."

After looking through Caper’s business plans, Telline says, "This plan looks good. I will recommend that the trustee vote against the offer."

接着Caper又说:我知道你们公司在管理我公司员工的ESOP账户(所以Telline这家公司有投票代理权),希望你能帮我们投票去against 而已收购。

Caper responds, "I remember my friend Karen Leighton telling me that the Leighton Family’s Trust is managed by your firm. Perhaps the trustee could vote those shares against the acquisition as well. Karen Leighton is a close friend. I am sure that she would agree."


Telline responds, "The Family Trust is no longer managed by Aiklin." He adds, "I understand that the Trust is very conservatively managed. I doubt it that it would have holdings in Ellipse Manufacturing." Telline does not mention that although the Family Trust has changed investment managers, Karen Leighton remains an important client at Aiklin with significant personal holdings in Ellipse.


Caper 说Aiklin不再管理family trust这个信托,这个信托也没有给Ellipse Manufacturing做trust业务,但是Karen Leighton remains an important client at Aiklin with significant personal holdings in Ellipse.是什么意思?


信托这个不就是帮忙托管一下基金对吧,没有投资决定,就像客户把基金存在银行一样,信托就是帮忙看管一下对吧? 但是trust里面有什么,谁管理trust,这些信息不都是要公开透明,也不是什么秘密信息吧?



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