答案选C,前面我都能理解,题干中说央行公开市场操作出售债券,目的是为了回收货币,施行紧缩的政策,但C又加了一句by reducing bank reserves,但by reducing bank reserves这个操作不是相当于扩张呢么,减少了商业银行的存款准备金,让商业银行能更多地放贷。
丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2021年05月17日
同学你好,关于你的问题,原版书是有相关表述的:Open market operations involve the purchase and sale of government bonds from and to commercial banks and/or designated market makers. For example, when the central bank buys government bonds from commercial banks, this increases the reserves of private sector banks on the asset side of their balance sheets. If banks then use these surplus reserves by increasing lending to corporations and households, then via the money multiplier process explained 公开市场业务包括向商业银行和/或指定做市商买卖政府债券。例如,当中央银行从商业银行购买政府债券时,这就增加了私人银行资产负债表资产方面的储备。银行就不能通过增加对企业和家庭的贷款来使用这些盈余准备金,扩大市场上的货币供给量