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ciaoyy · 2018年01月15日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016010802000109 [ CFA I ]








不大理解题目的考点是什么?input price上升,SRAS左移,Y下降,P上升(这点明白)。然后该P上升的趋势会怎么变动?  解释中说长期P不会变化,可是LRAS线是垂直的,意味着无论价格怎么变动,Y都不变。。。

5 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2018年01月15日


ciaoyy · 2018年01月16日

也就是说扩大MS,可以降低物价P(MS=nominal MS/P)

源_品职助教 · 2018年01月18日



源_品职助教 · 2018年01月17日


ciaoyy · 2018年01月17日

1.如果央行没有扩张性政策的话,生产减小,就业下降,GDP下降,然后怎么推出P会下降呢? 2.央行增加的货币供给是名义MS还是real MS呢?3,为什么说货币供给增加,是名义ms增加,实际ms不变? 4.不知道这样推理错在哪里:央行增加MS,r下降,投资上升,output上升,AS右移,P回到均衡,长期不变。那么答案B刚好说反了。

源_品职助教 · 2018年01月16日

你所得到的结论是是假定NOMINAL MS不变。

但是本题情况是NOMINAL MS上涨,MS不变,所以P上升。



ciaoyy · 2018年01月17日


源_品职助教 · 2018年01月16日


ciaoyy · 2018年01月16日

根据公式MS= nominal MS/P来看,MS越高,P应该越小才对啊?

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NO.PZ2016010802000109 问题如下 Following a sharp increase in the priof energy, the overall prilevel is most likely to rise in the short run: A.anremain elevateinfinitely unless the centrbank tightens. B.but unchangein the long run unless the money supply is increase C.ancontinue to rise until all prices have increasethe same proportion. is correct.increase in energy prices will shift the short-run aggregate supply curve (SRAS) to the left, recing output anincreasing prices.If there is no change in the aggregate mancurve, in particulif the centrbank es not expanthe money supply, slain the economy will put wnwarpressure on in input prices, shifting the SRbato its originposition. In the long run, the prilevel will unchange考点AS曲线解析能源价格的攀升会造成总供给的衰退,总供给的衰退在长期会引起原材料价格的下降,从而使得总供给回到初始水平。这期间,如果该国央行不实施干预,那么总需求就不会发生改变。总供给和总需求在长期都未改变的结果就是物价水平保持不变。 这个解析还是不懂,为什么A保持不变呢?能源价格的上升肯定是要影响A,为什么A变呢?还是不太懂为什么能源价格上升就会使总供给下降,按道理价格的上升应该是move along啊,怎么出现shift呢?

2023-06-11 21:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010802000109 问题如下 Following a sharp increase in the priof energy, the overall prilevel is most likely to rise in the short run: A.anremain elevateinfinitely unless the centrbank tightens. B.but unchangein the long run unless the money supply is increase C.ancontinue to rise until all prices have increasethe same proportion. is correct.increase in energy prices will shift the short-run aggregate supply curve (SRAS) to the left, recing output anincreasing prices.If there is no change in the aggregate mancurve, in particulif the centrbank es not expanthe money supply, slain the economy will put wnwarpressure on in input prices, shifting the SRbato its originposition. In the long run, the prilevel will unchange考点AS曲线解析能源价格的攀升会造成总供给的衰退,总供给的衰退在长期会引起原材料价格的下降,从而使得总供给回到初始水平。这期间,如果该国央行不实施干预,那么总需求就不会发生改变。总供给和总需求在长期都未改变的结果就是物价水平保持不变。 RT

2022-12-23 01:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010802000109 问题如下 Following a sharp increase in the priof energy, the overall prilevel is most likely to rise in the short run: A.anremain elevateinfinitely unless the centrbank tightens. B.but unchangein the long run unless the money supply is increase C.ancontinue to rise until all prices have increasethe same proportion. is correct.increase in energy prices will shift the short-run aggregate supply curve (SRAS) to the left, recing output anincreasing prices.If there is no change in the aggregate mancurve, in particulif the centrbank es not expanthe money supply, slain the economy will put wnwarpressure on in input prices, shifting the SRbato its originposition. In the long run, the prilevel will unchange考点AS曲线解析能源价格的攀升会造成总供给的衰退,总供给的衰退在长期会引起原材料价格的下降,从而使得总供给回到初始水平。这期间,如果该国央行不实施干预,那么总需求就不会发生改变。总供给和总需求在长期都未改变的结果就是物价水平保持不变。 短期的能源价格上涨,对长期物价水平没有影响~~为啥啊~

2022-10-13 11:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010802000109问题如下 Following a sharp increase in the priof energy, the overall prilevel is most likely to rise in the short run:A.anremain elevateinfinitely unless the centrbank tightens.B.but unchangein the long run unless the money supply is increaseC.ancontinue to rise until all prices have increasethe same proportion.is correct.increase in energy prices will shift the short-run aggregate supply curve (SRAS) to the left, recing output anincreasing prices.If there is no change in the aggregate mancurve, in particulif the centrbank es not expanthe money supply, slain the economy will put wnwarpressure on in input prices, shifting the SRbato its originposition. In the long run, the prilevel will unchange考点AS曲线解析能源价格的攀升会造成总供给的衰退,总供给的衰退在长期会引起原材料价格的下降,从而使得总供给回到初始水平。这期间,如果该国央行不实施干预,那么总需求就不会发生改变。总供给和总需求在长期都未改变的结果就是物价水平保持不变。​能源价格的攀升会造成总供给的衰退,这部分理解。总供给的衰退在长期会引起原材料价格的下降,从而使得总供给回到初始水平,这部分在曲线图上的表现是原路返回吗?如果要达到均衡,不会在一个价格更高的位置吗?

2022-09-25 10:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010802000109问题如下Following a sharp increase in the priof energy, the overall prilevel is most likely to rise in the short run:A.anremain elevateinfinitely unless the centrbank tightens.B.but unchangein the long run unless the money supply is increaseC.ancontinue to rise until all prices have increasethe same proportion.is correct.increase in energy prices will shift the short-run aggregate supply curve (SRAS) to the left, recing output anincreasing prices.If there is no change in the aggregate mancurve, in particulif the centrbank es not expanthe money supply, slain the economy will put wnwarpressure on in input prices, shifting the SRbato its originposition. In the long run, the prilevel will unchange考点AS曲线解析能源价格的攀升会造成总供给的衰退,总供给的衰退在长期会引起原材料价格的下降,从而使得总供给回到初始水平。这期间,如果该国央行不实施干预,那么总需求就不会发生改变。总供给和总需求在长期都未改变的结果就是物价水平保持不变。老师,我想问一下,为什么energy price上升会使得总供给下降。谢谢

2022-09-16 02:05 1 · 回答