开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


Ruby Ye · 2021年05月06日


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John Ladan is an analyst in the research department of an international securities firm. Ladan is currently analyzing Yeta Products, a publicly traded global consumer goods company located in the United States. Selected data for Yeta are presented in Exhibit 1.

Exhibit 1.₤Selected Financial Data for Yeta Products

Yeta currently does not pay a dividend, and the company operates with a target capital structure of 40% debt and 60% equity. However, on a recent conference call, Yeta’s management indicated that they are considering four payout proposals:

Proposal #1: Issue a 10% stock dividend.

Proposal #2: Repurchase $40 million in shares using idle cash.

Proposal #3: Repurchase $40 million in shares by borrowing $40 million at an after-tax cost of borrowing of 8.50%.

Proposal #4: Initiate a regular cash dividend based on a residual dividend policy.

Based on Yeta’s target capital structure, Proposal #4 will most likely:



increase the default risk of Yeta’s debt.


increase the agency conflict between Yeta’s shareholders and managers.


decrease the agency conflict between Yeta’s shareholders and bondholders.


A is correct. Yeta is financed by both debt and equity; therefore, paying dividends can increase the agency conflict between shareholders and bondholders. The payment of dividends reduces the cash cushion available for the disbursement of fixed required payments to bondholders. All else equal, dividends increase the default risk of debt.

B is incorrect because the agency conflict between shareholders and managers would decrease (not increase) with the payment of dividends. Paying out free cash flow to equity in dividends would constrain managers in their ability to overinvest by taking on negative net present value (NPV) projects.

C is incorrect because paying dividends can increase (not decrease) the agency conflict between shareholders and bondholders. The payment of dividends would reduce the cash cushion available to Yeta for the disbursement of fixed required payments to bondholders. The payment of dividends transfers wealth from bondholders to shareholders and increases the default risk of debt.


1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2021年05月08日



对于债权人来说,他们不参与公司经营,公司做好做坏他们都分不了一杯羹,他们只担心自己本金和利息的安全。这道题的答案也说了,公司赚得的净利润可以看作是 cash cushion,如果此时有债券到期,那么就可以有充足的钱来还债,而开始发股利势必从净利润中切掉一块,那么 cash cushion 小了,债券到期就会有还不上而违约的风险。
