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小叶子11 · 2021年05月05日

关于active risk

  • The level of active risk will rise with an increase in idiosyncratic volatility.
  • The active risk attributed to Active Share will be smaller in more diversified portfolios.
  • If the factor exposure is fully neutralized, the Active Share will be entirely attributed to the active risk.

这三句话判断对错,我有点晕了,老师可以帮每句解释一下吗?第一句idiosyncratic volatility是什么意思呀?

The comment concerning neutralizing factor exposure is incorrect: In a single-factor model, if the factor exposure is neutralized, the active risk will be entirely attributable to the Active Share—a consequence of the manager deviating from benchmark weights. The active risk attributed to Active Share will be smaller for more diversified portfolios with lower idiosyncratic risk. Active risk does rise with an increase in factor and idiosyncratic volatility.

1 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2021年05月06日



If the factor exposure is fully neutralized, the active risk will be entirely attributed to Active Share:是因子的full neutralized,在承担因子这个层面组合已经是充分分散化了,但此时依然还有active Risk说明组合的return依然和benchmark不一样,但风险因子的attribution几乎一样的情况下,那就只有一种可能,就是你买的股票 和benchmark不同但行业选的和benchmark是类似的,那这种情况下产生AR只可能源于active share。打个比方,组合和benchmark都看好房地产,但组合投金地,而benchmark投万科。


注意因子的full neutralized的分散化程度低于个股的full neutralized。


The active risk attributed to Active Share will be smaller if the number of securities is large and/or average idiosyncratic risk is small; 是个股的full neutralized(即我们传统意义上的组合分散化),包含大量的股票、非系统性风险低。但是即便是分散化非常好的组合,它也与benchmark还是有差别的,但差别很小很小。但只要有差别就有active risk, 但此时组合已经包含了大量的股票,因此由于AS带来的active risk就非常小了。


The level of active risk will rise with an increase in factor and idiosyncratic volatility。

先解释一下:idiosyncratic risk就是非系统性风险(个股风险),随着投资股票数量上升,分散化越好的组合,非系统性风险越小。而idiosyncratic volatility就是非系统性风险的波动率。所以整句话的意思是当因子和非系统性风险的波动越剧烈,active risk越高。


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