In 2018, if Cinnamon is deemed to have control over Cambridge, it will most likely account for its investment in Cambridge using:
A.the equity method.
B.the acquisition method.
C.proportionate consolidation.
B is correct.
If Cinnamon is deemed to have control over Cambridge, it would use the acquisition method to account for Cambridge and prepare consolidated financial statements. Proportionate consolidation is used for joint ventures; the equity method is used for some joint ventures and when there is significant influence but not control.
解析:如果是大公司控股了小公司,那么该投资可以分类为 business combination, 会计方法是 acquisition method,而合并报表的这个动作叫 consolidation.
equity method: 适用于 significant influence,反映在 I/S(投资收益),B/S(投资项目)的一行。
acquisition method: 适用于 control,百分百合并;
Proportionate consolidation: 适用于 joint ventures,按比例合并;
老师,这里我想问一下,significant influence是什么意思?和control对比