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little_back · 2021年04月29日

请问老师:为什么 stock index futures的beta 是0.95?题目中stock index的beta是0.95。



A $100 million pension fund with 80% stock and 20% bond. The beta of equity portion is 1.2 and the duration of bond portion is 5.0. In order to adjust the allocation to 60% stock and 40% bond, the number of stock index futures needed to sell is? Based on the following information:

  • ŸThe stock index value is at 1,200, multiplier is $250, the beta is 0.95
  • ŸThe price of bond futures contract is $105,300 with an implied modified duration of 6.5.









B is correct.

考点:用futures contract 调整组合的头寸



需要的stock index futures contract数量为:

Nf=(βTβSβf)(Sf)=($20,000,0001,200×$250)=84.21(84rounded)N_f=(\frac{\beta_T-\beta_S}{\beta_f})(\frac Sf)=(\frac{0.00-1.20}{0.95})(\frac{\$20,000,000}{1,200\times\$250})=-84.21(-84rounded)


为什么 stock index futures的beta 是0.95?题目中stock index的beta是0.95。

1 个答案

Hertz_品职助教 · 2021年05月01日



股指stock index 的beta是指数中各个成分股的beta的加权平均。而beta反应的是大盘变动1%,我们手里的组合变动多少的概念。

因为Futures是线性的衍生品,即它的payoff是随着其标的stock index线性变化的,所以它的beta也就等于其标的stock index的beta.

另外,我们一般看到stock index的beta=1,但是像本题中不等于1的情况也是正常的。 因为beta只是反应系统性风险,除此之外还有很多风险,所以当考虑了系统性风险和其他风险的时候,就会出现大盘变动1%,stock index futures变动不是1%的情况了,即beta≠1了。

(如有疑问 欢迎追问)


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NO.PZ2018113001000003 问题如下 A $100 million pension funwith 80% stoan20% bon The beta of equity portion is 1.2 anthe ration of bonportion is 5.0. In orr to aust the allocation to 60% stoan40% bon Calculate the number of stoinx futures neeto buy. Baseon the following information: The stoinx value is 1,200, multiplier is $250, the beta is 0.95 The priof bonfutures contrais $105,300 with impliemofieration of 6.5. A.-88 B.-84 C.-95 B is correct.考点用futures contra调整组合的头寸解析现需要将股票头寸从80%降至60%,即需要将20%*100,000,000=$20,000,000的股票的beta调整为0(转成cash)需要的stoinx futures contract数量为Nf=(βT−βSβf)(Sf)=(0.00−1.200.95)($20,000,0001,200×$250)=−84.21(−84rounN_f=(\frac{\beta_T-\beta_S}{\beta_f})(\frSf)=(\frac{0.00-1.20}{0.95})(\frac{\$20,000,000}{1,200\times\$250})=-84.21(-84rounNf​=(βf​βT​−βS​​)(fS​)=(0.950.00−1.20​)(1,200×$250$20,000,000​)=−84.21(−84roun负号代表卖出,即需要卖出84份股票期货合约, 对应的也就是买入(-84)份合约,选(注意,本题中问的是需要的股指期货合约的份数,因此关于债券的信息是用不到的) The priof bonfutures contrais $105,300 with impliemofieration of 6.5.这个条件用不上对吗?为什么这里用beta算不用ration算呢/?

2023-08-27 15:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018113001000003问题如下 A $100 million pension funwith 80% stoan20% bon The beta of equity portion is 1.2 anthe ration of bonportion is 5.0. In orr to aust the allocation to 60% stoan40% bon Calculate the number of stoinx futures neeto buy. Baseon the following information: The stoinx value is 1,200, multiplier is $250, the beta is 0.95 The priof bonfutures contrais $105,300 with impliemofieration of 6.5. A.-88B.-84C.-95 B is correct.考点用futures contra调整组合的头寸解析现需要将股票头寸从80%降至60%,即需要将20%*100,000,000=$20,000,000的股票的beta调整为0(转成cash)需要的stoinx futures contract数量为Nf=(βT−βSβf)(Sf)=(0.00−1.200.95)($20,000,0001,200×$250)=−84.21(−84rounN_f=(\frac{\beta_T-\beta_S}{\beta_f})(\frSf)=(\frac{0.00-1.20}{0.95})(\frac{\$20,000,000}{1,200\times\$250})=-84.21(-84rounNf​=(βf​βT​−βS​​)(fS​)=(0.950.00−1.20​)(1,200×$250$20,000,000​)=−84.21(−84roun负号代表卖出,即需要卖出84份股票期货合约, 对应的也就是买入(-84)份合约,选(注意,本题中问的是需要的股指期货合约的份数,因此关于债券的信息是用不到的) 在一些具体数据上不知道哪个ration用在谁的BPV上,可以展示一下具体的过程吗?谢谢

2023-02-12 22:29 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018113001000003 问题如下 A $100 million pension funwith 80% stoan20% bon The beta of equity portion is 1.2 anthe ration of bonportion is 5.0. In orr to aust the allocation to 60% stoan40% bon the number of stoinx futures neeto sell is? Baseon the following information: ŸThe stoinx value is 1,200, multiplier is $250, the beta is 0.95 ŸThe priof bonfutures contrais $105,300 with impliemofieration of 6.5. A.-88 B.-84 C.-95 B is correct.考点用futures contra调整组合的头寸解析现需要将股票头寸从80%降至60%,即需要将20%*100,000,000=$20,000,000的股票的beta调整为0(转成cash)需要的stoinx futures contract数量为Nf=(βT−βSβf)(Sf)=(0.00−1.200.95)($20,000,0001,200×$250)=−84.21(−84rounN_f=(\frac{\beta_T-\beta_S}{\beta_f})(\frSf)=(\frac{0.00-1.20}{0.95})(\frac{\$20,000,000}{1,200\times\$250})=-84.21(-84rounNf​=(βf​βT​−βS​​)(fS​)=(0.950.00−1.20​)(1,200×$250$20,000,000​)=−84.21(−84roun因此,需要卖出84份股票期货合约。 老师好 怎么问法是 用40MM (=20M +20M)来做?像课上例题 3.1(截图)中把 50M +50M = 100M 来转?

2022-05-16 09:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018113001000003 可以详细一下吗?看了其他没看懂

2022-02-25 05:38 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018113001000003 做出来答案没问题,想确认一下

2021-10-28 23:08 1 · 回答