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杨舒芃 · 2021年04月28日

我想问一下 这个知识点视频里根本没有讲 为啥出这么多题?



Which of the following is least appropriate about Country A, if Country A pegs their currency exchange rate with the dollar?



Country A should keep their inflation rate equal to USA


Country A should sell dollar reserve if their currency is less valuable.


Pegging exchange rate will decrease the volatility of money supply in Country A.


C is correct. Pegging exchange rate will increase the volatility of money supply in Country A, as it will has more volatile interest rate to keep inflation rate similar to USA.

考点:Pegging exchange rate

解析:Pegging exchange rate 会增加A国货币供给的波动性,从而使通货膨胀率与美国的通胀率保持一致。A选项不入选。



我想问一下 这个知识点视频里根本没有讲 为啥出这么多题?我想问一下 这个知识点视频里根本没有讲 为啥出这么多题?我想问一下 这个知识点视频里根本没有讲 为啥出这么多题?

Pavel Korchagin · 2023年03月25日


1 个答案

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2021年04月29日


同学你好,所有的题目就是同一个知识点,pegging 的意思就是盯住汇率。一个国家的货币局决定将汇率稳定在一个数值。当成知识点记一下吧


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NO.PZ2016010801000081 问题如下 Whiof the following is least appropriate about Country if Country A pegs their currenexchange rate with the llar? A.Country A shoulkeep their inflation rate equto US B.Country A shoulsell llreserve if their currenis less valuable. C.Pegging exchange rate will crease the volatility of money supply in Country C is correct. Pegging exchange rate will increase the volatility of money supply in Country it will hmore volatile interest rate to keep inflation rate similto USA.考点Pegging exchange rate解析Pegging exchange rate 会增加A国货币供给的波动性,从而使通货膨胀率与美国的通胀率保持一致。A不入选。A国本币贬值的时候,A国政府就应该在外汇市场上买入本币,卖出外汇储备,所以B不入选。但是这种情况下,A国的利率受到货币供给变化的冲击会更加明显,表现也更不稳定。所以C入选。 为什么在本国货币贬值的时候要卖美元啊?

2023-04-29 15:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000081 问题如下 Whiof the following is least appropriate about Country if Country A pegs their currenexchange rate with the llar? A.Country A shoulkeep their inflation rate equto US B.Country A shoulsell llreserve if their currenis less valuable. C.Pegging exchange rate will crease the volatility of money supply in Country C is correct. Pegging exchange rate will increase the volatility of money supply in Country it will hmore volatile interest rate to keep inflation rate similto USA.考点Pegging exchange rate解析Pegging exchange rate 会增加A国货币供给的波动性,从而使通货膨胀率与美国的通胀率保持一致。A不入选。A国本币贬值的时候,A国政府就应该在外汇市场上买入本币,卖出外汇储备,所以B不入选。但是这种情况下,A国的利率受到货币供给变化的冲击会更加明显,表现也更不稳定。所以C入选。 不是,买本币,卖外币么?sell llreserve

2022-11-29 18:24 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000081 问题如下 Whiof the following is least appropriate about Country if Country A pegs their currenexchange rate with the llar? A.Country A shoulkeep their inflation rate equto US B.Country A shoulsell llreserve if their currenis less valuable. C.Pegging exchange rate will crease the volatility of money supply in Country C is correct. Pegging exchange rate will increase the volatility of money supply in Country it will hmore volatile interest rate to keep inflation rate similto USA.考点Pegging exchange rate解析Pegging exchange rate 会增加A国货币供给的波动性,从而使通货膨胀率与美国的通胀率保持一致。A不入选。A国本币贬值的时候,A国政府就应该在外汇市场上买入本币,卖出外汇储备,所以B不入选。但是这种情况下,A国的利率受到货币供给变化的冲击会更加明显,表现也更不稳定。所以C入选。 老师,能不能一下这道题,尤其这个peging rate是什么概念?有点不太理解谢谢

2022-08-31 01:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000081 为什么A不选。 另外pegging 一国的汇率属于哪种?a currenboararrangement 吗?还是crawling peg?

2022-03-09 12:44 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010801000081 请问本题中,exchange rate与money supply之间有什么关系?为什么pegging exchange rate就会影响一国的货币供给呢?看了之前的解答没有理解

2021-10-28 14:20 1 · 回答