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July77 · 2021年04月23日

问一道题:NO.PZ201812020100001101 [ CFA III ]

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Megan Easton is a portfolio manager with Dynamo Investment Partners (Dynamo) and manages a bond portfolio that invests primarily in investment-grade corporate bonds with a limited amount of US government bonds. Easton meets with John Avelyn, a newly hired analyst, to discuss the structure and management of this investment portfolio, as well as some possible changes to the portfolio composition.

Easton begins the meeting by stating her belief that the credit spread is the single most important measure that investors use when selecting bonds. Among the various credit spread measures, including the G-spread, I-spread, and Z-spread, Easton prefers the G-spread.

Easton and Avelyn next discuss credit strategy approaches. Dynamo uses a bottom-up approach that selects bonds with the best relative value from the universe of bonds with similar characteristics. Avelyn comments on the following considerations in a bottom-up approach.

Comment 1: Callable debt has a smaller z-spread than comparable non-callable debt

Comment 2: Benchmark corporate bond issues normally have wider spreads than older bonds of the same issuer.

Comment 3: The announcement of a new corporate bond issue often leads to an increase in the credit spread on the existing bonds.

Dynamo is changing the bond portfolio’s investment constraints so that it can invest up to 20% of the assets in high-yield corporate bonds and 20% in structured financial instruments. Easton makes the following statement about these changes:

Liquidity and trading issues for high-yield bonds, such as investment-grade bonds, will be a key consideration in our security selection. Although both high-yield and investment-grade bonds are quoted as spreads over benchmark government bonds, we must be aware that dealers are likely to hold smaller inventories of high-yield bonds and their bid–offer spreads will be larger.

Avelyn makes the following statements about the differences between investment-grade and high-yield bonds.

Statement 1: When default losses are low and credit spreads are relatively tight, high-yield bonds tend to perform more like investment-grade bonds.

Statement 2: Investment-grade bonds have greater exposure to credit risk than high-yield bonds.

Statement 3: High-yield bonds have more exposure to interest rate risk than investment-grade bonds.

Two of the structured financial instruments that Easton and Avelyn are considering for Dynamo’s portfolio are collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and covered bonds. Easton and Avelyn make the following comments about the securities.

Easton: If the correlation of the expected defaults on the CDO collateral of the senior and

subordinated tranches is positive, the relative value of the equity tranche compared with
the senior and
mezzanine tranches will increase

Avelyn: Replacing a portion of the corporate bonds with CDOs will provide meaningful diversification to the investment portfolio.

Avelyn: Investing in covered bonds will give us the yield increase we are seeking compared with investing in corporate bonds or asset-backed securities.

A benefit of Easton’s preferred credit spread measure is that it:



provides a good measure of credit spread for bonds with optionality.


uses swap rates denominated in the same currency as the credit security.


reduces the potential for maturity mismatch.


C is correct.

The G-spread is the spread over an actual or interpolated benchmark (usually government) bond. A benefit of the G-spread is that when the maturity of the credit security differs from that of the benchmark bond, the yields of two government bonds can be weighted so that their weighted average maturity matches the credit security’s maturity.

Z-spread为什么不能消除maturity mismatch?
1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2021年04月27日


Z-spread为什么不能消除maturity mismatch?



例如,G-spread = 公司债YTM - Maturity相同的国债YTM

I-Spread = 公司债YTM - maturity相同的Swap rate

如果Benchmark rate的Maturity与公司债的Maturity不一样,可以使用线性插值法,拼出来一个Maturity相同的Benchmark rate。

例如,公司债是8年期的,要算G-spread需要找到8年期国债的收益率(Maturity-match)。但是我们市面上只能找到5年期与10年期的国债,用这两个债券通过合适的配比可以拼出来一个8年期的国债组合,这个8年期国债组合的收益率来充当8年期国债的收益,这样可以消除Maturity mismatch。

注意,G-spread与I-spread都有这个优势,可以使用线性插值法消除Maturity mismatch。


Z-spread本身就不存在Maturity mismatch的问题,所以无需消除。

因为Z-spread在计算时,算出来的就直接是对应期限的Z-spread;例如,8年期的公司债,根据Spot rate写出折现公式,求出来的Z-spread就直接是8年期公司债的Z-spread,10年期公司债券按照Spot rate写出折现公式,求出来的Z-spread就直接是10年期的Z-spread,不存在寻找Maturity match的Benchmark yield的问题。因此就无需消除Matuirty mismatch。

