Lorraine Newman is evaluating whether to save for retirement using a TDA or a taxexempt account. The TDA permits tax-deductible contributions but withdrawals will be taxed at 30 percent. The tax-exempt account permits tax-free accumulation and withdrawals but contributions are taxable at a 40 percent tax rate. Assuming contribution limits do not affect Newman’s choice of accounts, which account should she choose?
B. Tax-exempt.
C. The choices are the same.
A is correct.
The future accumulation of the TDA is (1 + r)n(1 − 0.30), whereas the future accumulation of the tax-exempt account is (1 + r)n(1−0.40). Therefore, the TDA will accumulate more wealth.
关于tea还是有点问题。这个题目也没说是已经在portfolio里面的钱,我怎么都觉得tea不该是1+r,因为这个1应该是1x(1-0。4),毕竟这个钱是要交ordinary income tax的。或者是第二个公式是化简后的,我没有看出来?还是希望老师给说说。谢谢老师!