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Zunniyaki · 2021年04月09日




In Fund 3’s latest quarterly report, Ap reads that Fund 3 implemented a new formal risk control for its forecasting model that constrains the predicted return distribution so that no more than 60% of the deviations from the mean are negative.

Which risk measure does Fund 3’s new risk control explicitly constrain?









Skewness measures the degree to which return expectations are non-normally distributed. If a distribution is positively skewed, the mean of the distribution is greater than its median—more than half of the deviations from the mean are negative and less than half are positive—and the average magnitude of positive deviations is larger than the average magnitude of negative deviations. Negative skew indicates that that the mean of the distribution lies below its median, and the average magnitude of negative deviations is larger than the average magnitude of positive deviations. Fund 3’s new risk control constrains its model’s predicted return distribution so that no more than 60% of the deviations from the mean are negative. This is an explicit constraint on skewness.

  1. 题目中no more than 60% of the deviations from the mean are negative为什么能判断出来是positive skewness正偏?我理解题干这句话相当于more than 60% of the deviations from the mean are positive,通过图形难道不应该是负偏么?

  1. 答案中说如果是正偏,the average magnitude of positive deviations is larger than the average magnitude of negative deviations这句话怎么理解?谢谢!
2 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2021年04月10日





more than half of the deviations from the mean are negative and less than half are positive和the average magnitude of positive deviations is larger than the average magnitude of negative deviations,这两句话咋一看怎么说的是反的,其实是从两个角度阐述表明的是同一个意思,一个角度是个数,一个角度是距离。

这两句话都说的是正偏,因为正偏指的是右边有一条长长的尾巴,即极端数据在右边,而大部分的数据都落在左边(众数在左边)。这里解释的是第一句话more than half of the deviations from the mean are negative and less than half are positive。均值左侧的个数大于50%,右侧的个数小于50%。极端数据虽然把均值拉向右边,但是极端数据的个数少。

而第二句话是从数据距离均值远近的角度来说的,the average magnitude of positive deviations is larger than the average magnitude of negative deviations,虽然左边的个数多,但距离均值近,而右边极端数据少,但在右侧拖了一条长长的尾巴,即距离均值远。



maggie_品职助教 · 2021年04月11日


不一定哈,而且这道题也并没有让你选正偏还是负偏,从这句话“no more than 60% of the deviations from the mean are negative” 我们能get到的就是它在陈述“Skewness”。但如果一定要从这半句里判断是正偏还是负偏,我更倾向于正偏,因为我理解它的目的在于限制正偏的幅度不要过大,因为只要存在左侧大于50%,他就是正偏。但这里考察的不是我们是否能分辨正偏还是负偏,所以完全不需要纠结啦。


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NO.PZ2019012201000073 问题如下 In Fun3’s latestquarterly report, rea thFun3 implementea new formrisk controlfor its forecasting mol thconstrains the prectereturn stribution sothno more th60% of the viations from the meare negative.Whirisk measurees Fun3’s new risk control explicitly constrain? Volatility B.Skewness C.awwn Skewness measuresthe gree to whireturn expectations are non-normally stribute If astribution is positively skewe the meof the stribution is greater thanits mean—more thhalf of the viations from the meare negative anlessthhalf are positive—anthe average magnitu of positive viations islarger ththe average magnitu of negative viations. Negative skewincates thththe meof the stribution lies below its mean, antheaverage magnitu of negative viations is larger ththe average magnituof positive viations. Fun3’s new risk control constrains its mol’sprectereturn stribution so thno more th60% of the viations fromthe meare negative. This is explicit constraint on skewness. If a stribution is positively skewe the meof the stribution is greater thits mean—more thhalf of the viations from the meare negative anless thhalf are positive—anthe average magnitu of positive viations is larger ththe average magnitu of negative viations. 如果是positively skewe不是右边正的部分面积大吗?那为什么说more thhalf of the viations from the meare negative anless thhalf are positive?不应该是大部分偏离均值的都是positive吗?

2024-07-26 10:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000073 问题如下 In Fun3’s latestquarterly report, rea thFun3 implementea new formrisk controlfor its forecasting mol thconstrains the prectereturn stribution sothno more th60% of the viations from the meare negative.Whirisk measurees Fun3’s new risk control explicitly constrain? Volatility B.Skewness C.awwn Skewness measuresthe gree to whireturn expectations are non-normally stribute If astribution is positively skewe the meof the stribution is greater thanits mean—more thhalf of the viations from the meare negative anlessthhalf are positive—anthe average magnitu of positive viations islarger ththe average magnitu of negative viations. Negative skewincates thththe meof the stribution lies below its mean, antheaverage magnitu of negative viations is larger ththe average magnituof positive viations. Fun3’s new risk control constrains its mol’sprectereturn stribution so thno more th60% of the viations fromthe meare negative. This is explicit constraint on skewness. 完全没看懂题目跟的关系, 可以一下分析逻辑吗

2022-05-12 23:30 4 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000073 Skewness awwn Skewness measuresthe gree to whireturn expectations are non-normally stribute If astribution is positively skewe the meof the stribution is greater thanits mean—more thhalf of the viations from the meare negative anlessthhalf are positive—anthe average magnitu of positive viations islarger ththe average magnitu of negative viations. Negative skewincates thththe meof the stribution lies below its mean, antheaverage magnitu of negative viations is larger ththe average magnituof positive viations. Fun3’s new risk control constrains its mol’sprectereturn stribution so thno more th60% of the viations fromthe meare negative. This is explicit constraint on skewness. 如果是volatility一般会是什么key wor/怎么描述?谢谢老师~我看到mean就想成了上下围绕mean波动就选了volatility...key wor原来是return. stribution,分布最多是40%在negative si etc。。。

2022-03-13 10:48 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000073 老师麻烦下c

2021-10-27 09:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000073 题目表述是不是更像VaR?VaR和skewness在表述上如何区分?

2021-09-18 22:48 1 · 回答